Title: Hackers 3/?
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Series: Digimon Zero Two
Rating: PG-13 (Rating is subject to change.)
Pairing(s): It will have Ken and Daisuke paired together in some form, and Kaiken!
Disclaimer: *Holds up a sign in katakana that reads 'I don't own Digimon' in English.

Summary: A Cyberpunk AU. A government agency is trying to track down and neutralize a new threat to the world's supposed democracy. A small group of elite hackers have popped up in the last year, and now the best trained is out to take this agency down for the murder of his brother, a fellow elite hacker... But is all as it seems?

Warnings: Shounen-ai, possible yaoi (if I ever get that far...).

Translation Notes: The User Names are all Japanese, except the Kaizer's.
User Name--------->User Name's Meaning---->Real Name
Kaji------------------>Destructive Fire----------->Daisuke
KageNoHikai------>Shadow's Destruction----->Hikari
Tsunami------------->Tidal Wave---------------->Iori
KibouNoTenshi---->Angel of Hope------------>Takeru
Kaizer (German)--->Emperor------------------->Ken


The Kaizer weaved his way through the crowd absently pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He was nearing the burgundy haired boy and the more he saw, the more he liked. Brown eyes that reminded him of light chocolate seemed to catch the poor lighting and reflect it in a brighter way. Although the Kaizer wasn't really into that style of clothes, the tan khaki pants, cream colored shirt and flame stylized jacket with the furry collar just seemed to fit the dark red head. Plus the way he was pouting and waving his arms around well talking to thin air (an indication of a regular IM in progress) made the smaller young adult quite... cute.

[Ken would probably like this guy.]

A spark of jealousy and possessiveness kindled at that point and without another thought, the Kaizer slipped into the other sight and twisted the code, slipping from the New Web into the Old briefly before sliding back into the New Web behind the red head, making it appear as if he had disappeared to the dark skinned boy.

"Damn it, how the hell-? That wasn't a jump point!"

A dark chuckle escaped the Kaizer, and he watched in amusement from behind purple glass as the teen eeped and whirled around. "Very astute observation, idiot. Care to play a game?"

"Kaji? Kaji, what's going on?" A worried sugary female voice said out of the blue. The Instant Messaging system was still activated.

"We seem to have a problem," said a calm obviously male voice.

"Holy shit!" A panicky, slightly whiny female voice butted in. "The Kaizer's right next to Kaji!"

"Then shut up! If he's next to Kaji he can hear us!" This was said by a different male voice in a commanding tone.

Raising a slender eyebrow the Kaizer looked to the code, finding a data stream connecting from the boy drifting out into the sea of sprites. Grabbing it, he twisted the code again, splitting the data stream in two and connecting with the new stream.

*User Kaizer has entered chat Chosen.*

"How pathetic. Were you people really trying to trail me? If the attempt hadn't been executed so poorly, I do believe I would be flattered." Tilting his head he allowed himself to smirk at the stunned expression on the other's teen's face. "Now, Kaji is it? I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist that you play now. Say goodbye to your friends."

"What do you mean 'say goodbye'?!" Kaji called out, backing up a bit, looking slightly panicked. The Kaizer noted the reaction, mentally filing away that the boy had an over active imagination.

Still smirking, the Kaizer simply shrugged. "Don't say I never offered you a chance at a proper parting." Reaching out again, the Kaizer severed the two data streams.

*User Kaji has exited chat Chosen.*

"Ta ta, insects."

*User Kaizer has exited chat Chosen.*

"What the- I never exited!"

Clamping a gloved hand over Kaji's arm, the Kaizer yanked him forward, causing the dark skinned boy to tumble against the Kaizer's chest. Another chuckle rose in his throat as he felt Kaji shudder against him. "In this realm, pretty boy, I rule all," with that last reminder in the air, the Kaizer forced a hole into the digital code below them and the two dropped into the darkness below. One screaming for all he was worth well the other laughed in anticipation.


It took Ken ten minutes to find the hidden access terminal once he had entered the program. It would have taken less time if it hadn't been for the clingy hologram he was supposed to try and enamour. He shuddered as another piercing wail of sorrow filled the air.

"True, I could have handled it a bit better, but did it have to try and kiss me?!" Shuddering again, Ken dragged his arm across his mouth. That had been... disturbing, to say the least.

"Kai's so going to be pissed when he finds out..." Not ‘if’, ‘when’. It was never ‘if’ when it came to things like that. One of the draw backs of having the Kaizer around was no privacy what so ever once the two were back in one mind.

Wincing at that spoken unwelcome thought, Ken crouched down at the base of the north side of one of the tree's, wrenching open the cover that had been cleverly hidden by the program's scenic projection. Picking up the connection cable that had been stored in a small pouch on the underside of the cover, he shivered as he pushed up the sleeve of his left arm, revealing one of his projected connection ports on the inside of his forearm.

"Now, remember, boy," Ken said in a deeper then normal voice, obviously mocking someone. "You have to make this look like a partially wired job. I don't want to lose you like I did your brother..." Twitching slightly, Ken dropped the imitation voice.

"Bastard just had to bring Osamu up." Growling, Ken slid one of the jacks into the slot, not bothering to go gently. The pain helped to keep him focused, even if his arm would smart latter when he got out of the Net.

Sitting back, he looked over the equipment in the small compartment. A folded keyboard and a small flat monitor had collected digital dust from disuse. Taking out the keyboard he snapped it into its proper alignment and settled it on his knees, plugging the other jack into a slot on the side of the hardware. It was with practiced ease that the pale boy cracked the limited security of the programs.

*Shinsetsu is now connected to the main server of Fantasy Online.*

"Annoying commentary... Gods, wish Kai hadn't gone and played a game on the Old Web. Can't talk to him very easily when he's there."


The two were still falling through the darkness, but they had been doing it long enough for Daisuke’s uneasiness of the situation to revert to boredom, especially since nothing seemed to be going on.

Shifting in his captor’s grasp, he couldn’t help breaking the silence. “For a game this is pretty dull.”

A small snicker came from above. “Oh, so eager to get burned, are we?”

“’Tch, yeah right! I bet the only reason you win all the time is because you pick the games!”

“Well, if there’s a game you think you can beat me at, little agent, name it.”

Daisuke jerked slightly in surprise. “How the-”

“How did I figure out you worked for the Department of Illegal Tampering? It’s a simple enough deduction. What other organization runs around trailing people on the New Web?” The glasses totting boy tsked, causing Daisuke to look up with a small glare. “Now, back on topic. What game do you think you could possibly win against me?”

Racing through his thought’s, Daisuke narrowed down his choices of possibilities to a single game. Hell, it was old, hadn’t really been played by the general public in decades since there really wasn’t anymore room in the overcrowded cities. But it was worth a shot.

“Ever heard of Soccer?”


Yagami Taichi was pacing his office, muttering under his breath as he was watched by the slightly amused Ishida Yamato. Yamato was pretty much used to his partner’s impatience.

There was a knock on the door before it was pushed open and a tall man with short blue hair and glasses peeked in. Spotting the tall brunet and blonde, the man slipped in and closed the door behind him.

Yamato grinned up at the new comer, glancing over at his still stalking partner. “Hey Jyou, what can I do for you well goggle head’s out counting chickens before they hatch?”

Taichi stopped and glared at the blonde. “Hey! I resent that, Yama!”

Kido Jyou smiled slightly at the small joke before holding up some papers. “You two better go get hooked-up. Boss just signed the search warrant so you guys could get into Fantasy Online. He wants you two to get Shinsetsu into Lock Down A.S.A.P. for questioning.”

Tossing each other small grins, the two partners took the papers and left the office, heading for the VR room. Jyou just sighed, watching as the two left the room. “I’m almost sorry for that hacker…”


[Oh my…] Ken’s eyes widened slightly, looking over the small screen. “Damn… No wonder that bastard wanted to hit this place. They’re loaded! Plenty of money to finance the projects he’s heard rumors about.”

Before him was the figures for the bank accounts that Fantasy Online held. Although this place had been smarter then other hits that Ken had done. They had actually split the money up into a round dozen different banks, the total being much more then even he had been expecting.

A small grin started to creep across the teen’s features. “Well, as Robin Hood would say, it’s time to steal from the rich and give to the poor. Right after I get the passwords to this places local facilities.”

The next afternoon the President and Vice President of Fantasy Online would be wondering which one of them had signed papers for giving money to many a well known charity. Shinsetsu would guarantee that.

--To be Continued.

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