Title: Slash Generator Ficlets 2/?
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Animated Teen Titans
Rating: PG to NC-17
Pairing: Numerous

Warnings: Some out right slash, but mostly implied.
Disclaimers: The characters are owned by whatever animation studio does the Animated Teen Titans show.
Notes: I used FF.Net's Greysnyper's Animated Teen Titans Slash Generator for the drabble ideas. Every chapter should have three different situations.


"Larry, what did you do to them?!" Wide rounded mask slits stared over the blocking shoulder at Larry as Robin eeped and smacked the roaming hands away from his crotch.

Larry meeped himself as he watched his hero fend off the advances of his two worst enemies. "I don't *know*! I was trying to make vampires appear for Beast Boy but that weird worm thing fell on me and-"

Larry's eyes widened as Slade tilted Robin's head back to kiss the boy. Taking advantage of the distracted boy, Red X kneeled down to slip the Boy Wonder's tights around his knees and started to play with the boy in his own way.

Blushing, Larry made a hasty exit from the room, closing the door as Robin's squeaks turned to moans. Whipping out a book entitled 3,001 Most Common Magical Screw-Ups he checked the index before flipping to the subsequent pages.

"'Note to specify the type of vampire you wish to summon as the default is a vampire whom feeds upon the sexual drives of those around them, escalating the hormone production produced by dark affiliated sentient creatures in the area.'"

Realizing his huge mistake, Larry quickly used his magic to hide in a pocket dimension.

He did *not* want to be there when the magic dissipated and the vampire returned home.

Robin and Larry the Titan


Cyborg leaned more heavily against the armored shoulder of the man assisting him back to the tower as his balance shifted and he almost tripped before his mechanical parts could correct the weight imbalance. For some odd reason this seemed funny to him and he giggled in a way that many would cast him a weird look for.

"Perhaps you would deem to enlighten me as to the humor of this situation?" The deadpan statement from a voice that normally purred when directed at Cyborg's leader seemed only to make the teen giggle more.

Sighing, Slade ignored the impulse to shove the Titan away and leave. He needed to remember that the intoxicated boy was his excuse to see his little bird in a non-antagonizing way.

Though he wondered at how Cyborg could think wearing a pink dress was funny. Personally, Slade would have been mortified.

Cyborg and Slade
Things got a little crazy by the third bet... (Grey)


"What the *fuck* just happened?" Usually narrowed eye slits were wide open as Red X stared around the new steel and bright green surroundings instead of the opened glass case of a museum display. Catching movement out of the corner of his eye, he whirled back around and lashed out with a punch.

A much darker-shaded green gloved hand cupped his fist and gave slightly while stopping the punch. "Red X?" the surprised voice of the Teen Titan's leader wondered. The dark headed boy glanced around, "Where... oh shit."

Considering some of the sharp, long, and weirdly shaped instruments laying on some of the tables and the two dentist chairs with leather restraints built in, Red X could sympathize with that statement. "You have any idea as to what's going on, kid?"

Robin tilted his head to the side as he looked questioningly at some of the instruments. "I don't know, the bright green reminds me of something..." He picked up an item reminiscent to a metal pen and played around with it.

When the pen-thing was uncapped to reveal a needle, Red X winced and backed away. He *hated* needles. "Yeah? Well, could you figure it out quick? I'd like to get back to happily pillaging and looting tonight."

Robin snorted and placed the needle back onto the table. "I never thought of you as a pirate be-" he stopped suddenly with a sharp inhale.

Off balance at the lack of a finish, Red X tensed. "What is it?"

"Oh, this is- this is really, really bad..."

Annoyed at the non-informative answer, he moved to shove the boy around to look him in the eye. "What?"

"Well, the thing is, we've been abducted by aliens that, um, want to use us as lab rats," Robin began.

Considering he was standing in front of a boy who was the leader of a group of kids that fought monsters, he'd believe that. "And?"

"The good thing is, I know how to get out of it."

Hurray for heroes. "So what's got you so freaked out?"

"See, this type of alien considers, um, homosexuality to be a disease, so..." Robin trailed off, blushing.

Red X blinked. "So we have to have sex? And then they'd let us go?"

Robin, if possible, blushed even more while nodding.

Blinking some more, Red X could feel a smile creep it's way onto his masked face. Lifting a hand to stroke through Robin's ebony hair, he couldn't help but say, "Fucking *yay* for alien scientists."

Robin and Red X
Abducted by aliens with scary probes!!! (Kleptomaniac Can Opener)

--To be Continued.

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