Title: Slash Generator Ficlets 1/?
Authors: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Animated Teen Titans
Rating: PG to NC-17
Pairing: Numerous

Warnings: Some out right slash, but mostly implied.
Disclaimers: The characters are owned by whatever animation studio does the Animated Teen Titans show.
Notes: I used FF.Net's greysnyper's Animated Teen Titans Slash Generator for the drabble ideas. Every chapter should have three different situations.


"This is all your fault," Speedy said breathlessly as he pulled out another three arrows from his quiver and struck the swarming horde of enemies through the eye-sockets.

Squinting his eyes, Robin threw one of his cryo-disks at one of the numerous robots made by Slade. Dropping down to avoid the grabby hands of another robot, he sweeped backwards with one leg to haul it off balance and send the robot crashing down to the ground. "And this is my fault *how*?"

"It's *your* crazy obsessed stalker we're trying to stop from blowing up half the city while depressed!" Highly annoyed, the next volley of arrows impacted in areas where the sun normally wouldn't shine.

"And I told you to keep our relationship quite! You think I asked for something like that without a damn good reason?" A birdarang was snapped into configuration with a flick of the wrist and sent out to take down two more.

"You never told me about you and Slade! How was *I* supposed to know you two used to do the horizontal tango?" This time the arrows ended up hitting the 'S' symbol were hearts would normally be.

Twitching, Robin extended his bo-staff to vault over the huddle that tried to rush him and bring him down. "Look, we don't have time for this! We can yell at each other later, right now we have to stop Slade!"

"Hey! Don't think we're done discussing this!" Dodging a punch with a shoulder roll, he jumped to his feet and ran to follow, using his bow as a club on any of the robots in his way. "You are *so* sleeping on the couch tonight."

Robin and Speedy
They must stop an explosion. (Kinnikufan)


"Ow! Hey, old-timer, you don't have to be so rough!"

The police officer snorted and locked the cell door. "I seriously doubt it, you slippery little jerk." With that the police officer walked back down the hallway, ignoring jeers and rude hand gestures sent their way.

Red X scowled beneath his cowl, still watching the departing elder. "Prude."

"So, man, what did you steal this time?"

Surprised by the familiar voice, Red X turned around to find Cyborg reclining on one of the low bunks. "Damn, what's a goody-two-shoes-hero like you doing in a jail cell?!"

Cyborg shrugged. "I was testing the T-car on public roads. I'm here on multiple traffic violations until the mayor can be reached to verify I have city council permission to disregard those laws." An eyebrow raised and a glint of light flashed across the mechanical eye. "Now what'd you steal?"

Smirking, Red X moved to lean against the back wall with crossed arms. "Who said I stole anything?"

Cyborg was about to reply before the door to the cell block opened again and a dishelved and dazed Robin was escorted down the aisle to be placed in the cell across from them. Amazed, Cyborg blurted, "Rob! What happened?"

Robin just walked across the floor to lay down on his stomach on a bunk. Bewildered at the lack of response, Cyborg glanced over to the only other person he knew in the building as the police officer left again.

"*I'm* in for indecent exposure."

Cyborg and Red X
Explain how the two end up sharing a jail cell. (Kinnikufan)


His long tail flicking from side to side in agitation, Aqualad tried to remember that lightening and water was not a good mixture and would most likely hurt him a great deal and still would be counterproductive to his visit. He *needed* Lightening's help in this matter.


His new pointy ears flicked back and plastered to his black hair, both in preservation of his new acute hearing and to express his deep fury. "I *really* don't see how this can be that funny."

"You're a *cat-boy*! She turned you into a *cat-boy*!" And with that obvious statement, Lightening was once again off on another spat of laughing.

Filing the information that Lightening had knowledge of anime away subconsciously, Aqualad gritted his teeth and waited it out, fondly amusing himself by picturing himself scratching the elemental spirit-boy with the claws that the sea witch had prudently not graced upon him.

Lightening and Aqualad
In a fiction where they grow wings/tails/cat ears, etc. (Yami)

--To be Continued.

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