DadyTengu's Otakuspace


Well, here they are...essays, articles, rants, whatever you want to call them. Warning--All anime rants can and do contain major spoilers.

Anime Rants

On the Subject of Shy Guys Just why is Tenchi...well, Tenchi?

What in the World is Sylia, Stingray? New thoughts on an old debate; guaranteed to irritate both sides.

A Little Lower Than the Angels Just what is the relation between Evangelion's Angels, humans, Adam, and Lilith?

Fan-Disservice Warning-A true rant. May be unreasonable. Increasingly, I wonder if commercial anime distributors give a damn. (terribly outdated now, but representative of my opinions at one time)

We Need Some New Cliches A new ongoing feature--I take on various mistaken assumptions in fandom that I am, frankly, sick of.

You Might Be a Fanboy If... If anime fandom is a disease, these are some amusing symptoms. Taken from my own experience.

SMB's First Rant-Anime Cole Slaw This is not mine. It is by Swordian Master Bryann, and concerns bad TV dubs and various types of annoying fans.

DT Explains It All: Shoujo Kakumei Utena Bryann and I give one valid interpretation of many.

Considering Utena, Again --and Chris Kern and I discuss some other points.

Other Thoughts

In Defense of Harry Potter, or William Safire Is a Twit. What connection does Harry Potter have to the decline of Western civilisation? None, unless you're a certain columnist.

The Glowstick Posse vs. The Children of the Night, or The WDP Invasion.What's dumber than a doped-up raver? A doped-up pseudoraver at a goth event, that's what.

More to come! Submissions are welcome, but they must be intelligent and well-written.

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