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Empire of the Battle Faeries Guild Website (c)





Welcome to the Empire of the Battle Faeries Guild Website
***New Members***

Hi and welcome to Empire of the Battle Faeries
We thank you for joining our guild and hope you enjoy it as much as we have!!




  • Zurroball
    Try and get a grounder and bounce the ball as many times as you can before dropping it.
  • Evil Fuzzles
    Your going to need a little game playing muscle for this game. For the first two games hit as many land mines and evil fuzzles as you can. Then by the third round make sure you get the side radar, and shoot 10 fuzzles at a time for more points. After the sixth round make sure you are fully stocked with equipment. Start collecting points because you will need them to buy sheilds in the upper levels.

    Guild History


    Guild mascot "Princesspuddins"
    Hi, my name is daisy_chick73 but once was princesspuddins the leader of the original Empire of the Battle Faeries. A while back my whole family was frozen from Neopets for having too many accounts, I'm guessing because they never responded with a reason as of why. Just short of quiting Neopets for good, we started a new guild, but identical to the old one. One of our council members fireruby02 created our guild mascot princesspuddins in memory of our old leader whom we all miss terribly. We are always in need of stories for our newsletter so if you have a sketch or drawing or poem we would love to put it in the newsletter
    Reported by: daisy_chick73

    Snowager and Shrine times

    Snowager Times~1-2 AM NST~6-7 AM NST~ 2-3 PM NST~ 10-11 PM NST
    Shrine Secrets There's a shrine called Coltzan's shrine! I figured out what times to go a day to get the prizes! You can only do this once a day! so choose wisely:
    To raise speed its every five minutes after an hour but remember you can only use the shrine once a day! to get up ten you must click exactly on the fifth second none above or below if it is one above or one below you'll only get stat raised by 1. That goes with the following times


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