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News Archive

Power Levels
Game Help
Episode Summaries
Movie Summaries
Back Story
SSJ Levels
Character Bios

Animated Gifs
Music Videos
Desk Tops


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Welcome to my site it is just starting out even though I learned my lesson the first time, finish the layout before you start this stuff up so I did the lay out but the links are dead because I shot them to death..erm I mean I have'nt finished them yet so just hold on a while!

Monday January, 1

Happy New Year

Heres my resolution to update more and to play Final Fantasy X less! yea!!.. I WILL update the site soon but sometimes I dont write what I do in the news so just look I guess..

Wednesday November, 14

Just about everything

I added a poll section, linked the images pages together, still didnt upload the pictures though so there just thumbnails. Lets see I finished the layout and put some animated pics up... I think that about covers it.

Saturday, November 10

Yea did that

Well I started on the images section and got pretty close to done, on a better note I have been working on the character bios and will upload them as soon as I get at least half of them done!

Thursday November, 1

Who Needs Game Help

I Basically finished the game help section but I think I will change its layout a bit later tonight or tomorrow.

Any comments, suggestions, complaints? Contact me at

This Web Site was created on October 3, 2001 the updates will come to this site I hope...

Disclaimer: Thank you for visiting my page.Please note that I in no way mean any harm to Akira Toriyama, TOEI, Bird Studios, and FUNimation, and all others that deserve credit, by making this site. Nor do I intend to break any copyright laws by the images and other files on my site. This site was just created to encourage others to watch dbz.