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Welcome to DBZ Highway Version 3.0!
Happy Holidays from DBZ Highway !

Well its the time of year again when everyone is getting off from school and going on winter vacation and everything. If anyone likes they can put a list of what they got for the holidays in the guestbook. Have fun!

Not much new just wanted to thank the people that have been voting for me I got 6 votes which is the most ever in one week lets hope we go up from there. Some new games for Game Boy Advance have been coming out including Metroid Fusion and Zelda: A Link to the Past. DBZ GT Nation is down at the moment for reconstruction of their site so they will be down until they get that up. Since I am actually getting more votes I will try to get this music video out by the new year since there is no school all next week i'll have some time on my hands (well, besides work lol got to make the greens too.) I was also thinking about a new section I might put up so be sure to check back for anything new i'll try to update more often thanks for voting everyone later.

Okay its now December and a bunch of new games are coming out this week alone. First off which is probably on everyones minds is DBZ: Budokai which comes out on Wednesday, December 4. Also, I fixed the Vegeta's Galaxy button. I see that some people (well, 2 or 3 actually) vote for me in the anime 100 so I'll jusk request that I get some more votes I am not really encouraged to do anything here unless people are going to see it and thats the only way really. Also I am working on my music video still but am having some trouble with the program so it may take some time. Also the reason why the music videos on DBZ Sayian Chronicles are not working is because they are upgrading their server so be sure to check back there when it gets back up. Thats about it for now i'll try to update more often but I do ask that more people vote for me on the anime100 just click on the button at the right and click yes thats it. Ok later everyone.

I have found and been informed of 3 new music videos recently. First off, B.O.V. has made his second music video, "Apocalypse". Second, GT Nation has made a new music video so check that out. And finally, 007 Vegita at dbzsc has made a new music video as well entitled "Free Stylers". To get that music video, click here . Also if anyone plays the PS2 game SOCOM online and would like to play me e-mail me at My name on it is Vegetto523. Also, I am still in the process of making my music video so check back for updates on that. Later.

Okay new month new section in the news archives! (Not like anybody cares lol.) Already beaten GTA: Vice city maybe i'll put a review up for it later for now the new release date of DBZ: Budokai for PS2 is now December 4 for everyone who is interested. Brother of Vegeta has a new music video on his site be sure to check that one out. And GT Nation changed their layout (again j/k) so go see that too. Also I had to drop Gohans Palace as an affiliate because he hasn't updated in over a month so there is an affiliate position open so if anyone is interested just e-mail me at with the subject "Affiliation". Also make sure you check out my "Become an Affilate" page if before you do. Umm... I guess thats it for now i'll be back later I have started work on the music video for those who are interested to sit tight for that. Later!


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