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Subject: Again...More Eps!
DBZ-HQ Admin
Date: Sunday, November 25, 2001  @  4:19 PM
Hey, I've uploaded 5 more eps. We now have 206-207, and 212-215, also, I'm currently downloading _more_ DBZ eps, and the first 3 DB eps. Also, the DBZ info should be back up within 2-3 weeks. And now if you need to talk to me about something like Eps, Affiliation, Linkage, or whatever, I have AIM. My Screen Name is 'dbzhq911', (w/o the ' '). Hope to talk to some of ya'll later, and don't forget to vote for my site. Bye.

Subject: More Eps YES!
DBZ-HQ Admin
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2001  @  3:40 PM
Hey, I've found/downloaded/and are uploading more eps. They should be ready by tonight, or tomorrow. Also, I joined an exchange. Here is the button. TTYL, Bye.

Subject: Umm...More Eps Maybe.
DBZ-HQ Admin
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2001  @  1:20 PM
Hey, all those 10 eps that I was downloading for 2
days. THEY DON'T HAVE SOUND!!! Aghh. Man, now I'm
looking over Kazaa to get some eps, so hopefully they
will turn out good. Well, I'm doin' good on the
topsites. TTYL, Bye. Keep voting so I can keep getting
more eps.
~DBZ-HQ Admin

Subject: More Eps Soon!
DBZ-HQ Admin
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2001  @  10:42 AM
Hey, I'm not gonna be able to update till Saturday, Sooo. I'm currently downloading about 10 more eps and will have them uploaded on saturday. So, TTYL, Bye, and keep voting for me. Bye!

Subject: New layout! _and_ Full Episodes!
DBZ-HQ Admin
Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001  @  10:42 AM
Hey, we GOT EPS! I've found my old account with one of my friends
and he doesn't care how much space I use! Soooo, I'm uploading 
episodes for our Multi-Media! They are downloadable NOW!
Also, we are using the new layout that I have created. So, if your browsing
site, and one of the links has a *, beside it. That means it has yet to
be changed to the new layout. So, most of the links should work, just not
all of them are the _new_ layout. I also added some new sections. We have
a new S.O.T.M. section, and we have a DBZ news section. The DBZ News
section is solely for news for and about DBZ, not the site. Also, I hope to be
adding the Gundam Wing section in the next week or so. I've almost got all the
information finished, all I have to do is get is uploaded and put on the 
layout. We also got a new affiliate, DBZ Centre. Check it. Also, all the info
should be back up sometime next week. That section is _really_ giving me trouble.
Well, TTYL, Bye.