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Dragonball X-treme Mayhem

Welcome to the final fronteir..welcome to mayhem!

.:: Earth ::.

-Link Us
-About Us
-About XM

.:: Namek ::.

-Power Levels
-Saga Info
-Interesting Facts
-Saiya-jin Stages
-Name Puns
-Movie Guides
-Attack List
-Family Tree
-Death List
-Character Bios
-Character Guide
-Character Types

.:: Old Vejita ::.

-Animated Pics
-Movie Clips
-Unedited Pics

.:: New Vejita::.

-Dragon Balls
-Past Wishes
-Hall of Past Warriors

.:: Freezer ::.

-Awards Won
-Win Award
-Xm Quiz
-E-mail Angelless

-Get Alot of Hits

.:: Top News ::.


Earth-Main Index


Old Vejita-Multimedia

New Vejita-XM Rpg

Freezer-Site Contact

7/1- The site has starten over and I am determined to make it come back!
Toonami has started airing new episodes of Dragonball.But old DBZ episodes are still running.
Just so you all know us here at DBXM have an excellent charecter bio page.
The card game has winded down.

Rpg News:

.:: Vote For Us ::.


.:: Affiliates ::. -Dragonball Mayhem


.:: Stats ::.
Site Created: 7-22-2k1
Site Opened: 6-7-02
Site Finished: ???

Copyright © 2001 Mike Burkey. All Rights Reserved!