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Sailor Moon/Serena/Neo-Queen Serenity/Princess Serena Sailor Moon/Serena/Neo-Queen Serenity/Princess Serena

Japanese name: Tsukino Usagi

American name: Serena

Birthday: June 30th

Blood type: O

Favourite colours: White and pink

Hobbies: Eating and sleeping

Favourite foods: Ice cream and cake

Least favourite food: Carrots

Favourite class: Home economics

Least favourite classes: Math and english

Serena isn't quite what you'd expect from a superheroine!
In fact she's almost the exact oppisite of what a super hero
should be!! Uncordinated, (she can't hardly walk without falling down),
and clumsiness seems to be her trademark. And talk about a
pig!! She's a eating machine, stuffing her face with anything that
lies in her way!! When her mind's not on eating, she's talking! She's
also quite the cry-baby! BUT (and I do mean but here), she is by far
the strongest of the Sailor Scouts and just happens to be my favourite
outta the Sailor Senshi!
Her future daughter is Rini (Chibi-Usa) and her future husband is
Darien (Tuxedo Mask), who is currently her boyfriend.


Images, songs, character names, titles, etc.
are copyrighted by their respective rights holders
© Takeuchi Naoko, Koudansha, TV Asahi, Toei Douga
