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The Future - Crystal Tokyo The Future - Crystal Tokyo

Quickly after Sailor Moon had defeated Galaxia, Darien and Serena were married and she had a baby girl, whom she named Serena, or Rini for short.

Six years after the final battle with Galaxia, when Serena was twenty-two-years old, a huge disaster froze the entire Earth. The people of Earth were in a state of dormancy and they slept for nine-hundred years!

When the 30th Century rolled around, the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal finally awoke Serena. She used the crystal's immense powers to unfreeze the Earth and its people. Serena created a peaceful city to match that of the Moon Kingdom from long ago. This city was called "Crystal Tokyo" and Serena became its ruler as Neo-Queen Serenity. Darien was King Endymion and Rini became (duh!) its princess as Small Lady. The Sailor Scouts became the guardians of the new city. Neo-Queen Serenity tried to purify everyone from Earth with the Silver Imperium Crystal. Those who refused were banished to a rogue moon called "Nemesis".

Between 70 to 85 years later, Small Lady entered the chamber where the Neo-Queen Serenity kept the Silver Imperium Crystal. She admired it greatly and thought that if she borrowed it, she would become a real woman like her mother. When she touched it, it began to glow and then disappeared.

At the same exact moment, the evil people of the Nemesis,( known as the Dark Moon Family), attacked Crystal Tokyo. Without the Silver Imperium Crystal's power, Crystal Tokyo's defenses were down. The Sailor Scouts tried to fight them but they were so very strong. Neo-Queen Serenity, realizing the crystal was gone, panicked and went outside where the fighting was taking place to find her daughter.

As soon as she stepped out of the palace, the Dark Moon people attacked her. The Sailor Scouts, in order to protect her, encased her in a tomb of quartz and she fell into another state of dormancy.

She was taken into the palace and the Scouts found Rini in the palace. The King and the Scouts continued to fight but they needed the Silver Imperium Crystal. The crystal was no where to be found and Rini was afraid to tell them what had happened.

The Sailor Scouts were defeated by the Dark Moon and the King was badly injured. With the help of Sailor Pluto, as Luna-P, Rini traveled to the past (present day Tokyo) to get help from the Sailor Moon of the bedtime stories her father told her. When Rini realized that Sailor Moon also had a Silver Crystal, she was hoping that, since the Silver Imperium Crystal of the 30th Century was lost, perhaps Sailor Moon's crystal would work.

Though the Dark Moon family followed her to Tokyo and tried to capture her, Rini returned to Crystal Tokyo with the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Moon. They won a significant battle against the Dark Moon but, during it, Rini was tricked into joining the Dark Moon people. Her growth was accelerated into a young adult, calling herself "Wicked Lady" and her powers, (which were naturally strong), became dark from the Dark Moon Crystal. The Scouts returned to the past, where the final battle against the Dark Moon was to be fought.

The Sailor Scouts, knowing that Wicked Lady was Rini, did not fight her with all their strength and Wicked Lady defeated them easily. She tried to kill Tuxedo Mask but Sailor Moon used the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal to stop her. The Dark Moon's power of Wicked Lady was far too strong and the crystal had little effect, but the using the Silver Crystal was enough to give Neo-Queen Serenity the power to channel herself through Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon became Neo-Queen Serenity and reminded Wicked Lady of the good childhood she had. Wicked Lady realized the lies that the Dark Moon had tolg her, breaking the spell they had cast, and she turned back into Rini. Neo-Queen Serenity also turned back into Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon became Neo-Queen Serenity again and fought the Wiseman of the Dark Moon but his powers were too strong. It began to appear that she was going to be defeated. Rini was very sad, saying that it was all her fault . She began to cry and the first tear that rolled down her cheek turned into the Silver Imperium Crystal. She realized then that when she had touched it, the crystal had gone into her body. She turned into Small Lady and she joined her mother. Using both the Silver Imperium Crystal of Tokyo and of Crystal Tokyo, they defeated Wiseman and the Dark Moon Crystal was destroyed. Neo-Queen Serenity and Small Lady transformed back into Sailor Moon and Rini. As soon as the Dark Moon Crystal shattered, the tomb encasing Neo-Queen Serenity also shattered and she awoke from her sleep.

Rini was yet again returned to Crystal Tokyo, where she was greeted by her parents and the Scouts. Crystal Tokyo was peaceful once again.

Not long after, Neo-Queen Serenity realized it was time for Small Lady to be more mature. Neo-Queen Serenity gave Small Lady the first brooch Sailor Moon used and a small rod (Pink Sugar Heart Attack!) and then sent Small Lady to the past again, this time to train as Sailor Scout in Training, Sailor Chibi Moon. When Small Lady returned to Crystal Tokyo, she was finally a true Sailor Scout, name Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

Crystal Tokyo remained beautiful forever after. The Queen, King, Small Lady, and the Sailor Scouts lived happily ever after.

The End.

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are copyrighted by their respective rights holders
© Takeuchi Naoko, Koudansha, TV Asahi, Toei Douga


The End.
