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JennaVAtion: Celly! Celenachan: JENNA! Celenachan: ::GLOMP:: JennaVAtion: :glomp: Celenachan: How ah ya? JennaVAtion: Okay thanks! you? Celenachan: I'm oki Celenachan: ::grin:: Celenachan: sorry if I'm a bit slow ^^; I've been copying and pasting a bit of a boring story from my life to people *lol* JennaVAtion: lol Celenachan: I'll send it to you after I get done sending it to troppy ^^; JennaVAtion: lol, okay Celenachan: Ok all done! time for try three Celenachan: ::grin:: Celenachan: (paste limits be darned!) JennaVAtion: lol Celenachan: ::cough:: I now present to you... a snatch of my conversations with Jon yesterday ^^;; Celenachan: Celenachan: Well.. Earlier... before church Celenachan: I sat down Celenachan: Celenachan: where me and Jon and Ashley and Matt and Lauren and Logan and ::breath:: Staci normally sit Celenachan: Celenachan: and there was this other girl Celenachan: there that I didn't know Celenachan: talking to ashley Celenachan: Celenachan: so I sat down Celenachan: and then Jon and David (jon's friend) walk in... Celenachan: Celenachan: I scooch over... Celenachan: Celenachan: >.< but david sits in the pew across the aisle even though Jon was already acting like he was going to sit by me Celenachan: so I gave him the crossed arms poutyface look ^^; Celenachan: Celenachan: and he kinda smiled and shrugged Celenachan: well later... Celenachan: Celenachan: at out church there's always a time in the service where you shake hands and say hi to people around you Celenachan: Celenachan: so... Celenachan: I said Hi to my youth pastor and Ashley Celenachan: and Jon walks across the aisle Celenachan: Celenachan: and I reach over and grab his hand... Celenachan: and pull him a lil closer ^.^;;; and I was like, "how are you?" JennaVAtion: Go Celly" JennaVAtion: ! Celenachan: *lol* Celenachan: Celenachan: him: "Ok" ::smile:: Celenachan: Me: "Way to leave me over here all by myself!" ::grin:: Celenachan: Celenachan: Jon: well... there's natalie... ::grin:: Ask her about me. I'm sure she can tell you plenty of interesting stories. She went to my old church Celenachan: Celenachan: Me: ::grin:: Ok Celenachan: Then service resumed. ^^; Celenachan: so after service... Celenachan: Celenachan: Jon walks over Celenachan: and asks me how I am Celenachan: Celenachan: I was like : I'm ok ^.^ but I'm apologizing in advance for being boring. not that much happened to me this week Celenachan: Celenachan: Then I told him that I kicked off harry potter Celenachan: and asked him how his week was Celenachan: Celenachan: and when we ran out of stuff to say Celenachan: Celenachan: we just stood there... and were like.. Celenachan: Celenachan: um... Celenachan: so... Celenachan: yeah Celenachan: ^^; for about five minutes ^^;;;;; JennaVAtion: oh no! Celenachan: lol it was pretty funny though Celenachan: He looked and me and I looked at him... and it was just I dunno *lol* Celenachan: so then... ::returns to pasting:: Celenachan: Celenachan: so he asked if Ashley and Natalie talked the whole time ^.^ and I said, not really. and Ashley was like, "What did you say about me Jon" Celenachan: Celenachan: and jon was like "Was I talking to you? Was I even trying to get your attention?" Celenachan: in a joking way though ^^; Celenachan: Celenachan: so Ashley walks over Celenachan: Celenachan: and we start talking to her... Celenachan: Celenachan: >.< Celenachan: Celenachan: and Ashley keeps talking to me... Celenachan: Celenachan: >.< Celenachan: Celenachan: and Jon just says, "I'll see you later, Ashley (me ^^;; my name's ashley too)" and I said bye and then he left ^^;;; JennaVAtion: ahhhhhhh Celenachan: yah ^.^ Celenachan: there yas have it JennaVAtion: Well I think you were very brave! Celenachan: ::bow:: thank you! Celenachan: ^.^ Celenachan: I was trying to work up the nerve to tell him how I felt ^^; I think that contributed to the awkwardness of it Celenachan: because once he left... Celenachan: there were 30,000 things I wanted to tell him and I forgot! Celenachan: (like telling him his hair looked good >.< he got it cut and I didn't say anything baka me) JennaVAtion: Well you can always think of things you could have said Celenachan: yah ^^;