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Gogeta V.S Sailor mecury
Spar 1.

Gogeta was flying around looking for a good fight. Then all of the sudden a ki blast came toward him. He barley dodged it. Looking around he saw a chick panting. "Why did you aim a ki blast at me fool?" Gogeta yelled. " The name is sailor mercury. You have enter my land! No one is welcome here. Are you ready to fight and die?!" The sailor lady yelled back. "Well I think its fair I should warn you. You dont stand a chance!" Gogeta yelled, "Kaaaaaameeeehhhhaaaaammeeeeeehaaaa" "MOON BEAM CANON" sailor mercury yelled back. The two blast's hit each other and made a explosion big enough to blow both of them back. Gogeta went through two mountains. And Sailor Mercury went through a mountain and landed in the water. Gogeta got really mad and went into the and started beating the crap outa Sailor mercury. He soon blasted her out of the water and did a mesenko. The masenko blast hit sailor mercury and knocked her out.
Gogeta win: PL 60
Sailor mercury lose: PL 45