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Wang_Tang's Anime
Mishima's Anime

Friday, September 19th, 2003, 12:26 PM
I hate you all. seriously. if you would've just come to our god damned site everything would've been fine, but no. you had to be assholes. just go and die.



Thursday, September 18th, 2003, 4:06 PM
Yarr, I got Frontpage today, finally, and soon Meesh will have it to. This will introduce a much easier way for us to update our website, so what are we doing? Why, we're abandoning B&A Anime, that's what! Mua ha ha... Yeah, we're gonna make a new website, so to hell with this.


Friday, August 8th, 2003, 8:14 PM
PANTS!!! Zing, Hoyo, and the whole bit. I'm not wearing pants right now, as you've probably all guessed, and I'm also not going to be doing any kind of updates to the site. I'm only on here because I'm bored off my ass, and Meesh has gone "up north" and is presumably being sodomized by something resembling our beloved O-Wang-u-Tang, which I haven't actually shown any of you yet... but pants.
Well I hope you all enjoyed being graced with the presence of The Mighty Wang, but I must depart. I've scheduled to do nothing, and I must begin soon.

--Wang_Tang, aka Wang, aka Brad

Wednesday, October 16th, 2002, 8:44 PM
Okay then. Big changes... or at least news of possible big changes. I'm gonna try and upload some pics tonight, but more importantly, I will finally add meta tags (I cant believe we dont have any). Hopefully if I'm not too busy over the next few days I'm gonna cook up some B&A Anime style "surprises" using Flash MX, and I'm gonna try and revamp the tables again and actually make them not stupid looking. I've been a little preoccupied with certain things lately, so I haven't been able to work on the site, but Meesh and I are going to focus more and more on the site lately and try to make it sponsor worthy. We desperately need money and a domain of our own, so we've gotta put more effort into this site. I personally need money to go to college for video game design, so I should have a few sources of income - this site being one of them. Anyways, I'm out for now. You'll probably hear from me again later.


Friday, October 11th, 2002, 9:59 PM
*Yawn* Well I think I achieved doing nothing that I promised to do, although I've solved my sound card troubles: I'm gonna get a new card. I also drew a better version of our mascot today at school, so I'll make the picture l337 in photoshop and then upload it. In the meantime, the name of the character shall be revealed....
The O-Wang-u-Tang!!! Tada!
Yeah, because I'm Wang_Tang, get it? Get it? blah! Anyway, that's almost enough out of me for now.
Tonight I'm gonna tinker away at some stuff here. I realized we have no meta tags so I might wanna do something about that O_o. Also I'm gonna put more of our news into the archive and off the main page. Pants.


The News Archive
The Bitching Corner
Submit your pics, or drop us a line!

Aaron's Uncle's Site
PSO World
Wang's Site
Mishima's Site