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I found this old file on my computer from a while ago. I thought it was still kind of fun it is......

Any of the Gundam boys: "We are the knights who say ?Nee!'"

Heero: Blowing up stuff is cool...huh, huh, huh

Heero and Trowa singing: Joy to the world, all the boys and girls, joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me! Da na na na na!
(Okay, so they would never sing anything to begin with)

Relena: Heero, I hate you! Wufei is the man for me!

Zechs: Man! Relena gets all the fun. _I_ wanted to be King of the World!!

Wufei: *dressed like a hippie with his Gundam painted with flowers and peace signs* Hey man, make love not war.

Heero: Omae wa korosu
Relena: *yawn* Yeah, yeah. Promises, promises.

Wufei: I want eyebrows like Dorothy's.

Rashid: So what are we going to do tonight Quatre?
Quatre: The same thing we do every night Rashid. Try to take over the world!

Duo: To save the colonies, I will become the God of all things fluffy and pink once again!

Trowa: Andthenyaknowwhat? Shewalkedrightuptomeandshewaslike"IsthatyourGundam?" AndIwuzlike"Totally!"Andshewuzlike"Cool!"Andohmygosh!Istillcan'tbelieveshetalkedtomeit wuzlikesoooocool!Icouldhavedied!!! Are you, like, listening to me?

Wufei: You know Nataku, you're just not cheerful enough. What you need are some nice happy daisies! ^,^

Quatre: I am the Evil Midnight Bomber Which Bombs at Midnight!!! *evil manic laugh*

Relena: I am Queen of the World! POWER! YES! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Drunken Trowa wobbles up to another character: Duuude! Lissshen to me. Do not *hic* drink da punch! *proceeds to the nearest table where he dances on it topless until he passes out*

Quatre: What? Fight to save the colonies? Forget that! I'm rolling in the money, I'm going to Vegas baby!

Noin: *girlish cry* Ah! I broke a nail!

Heero: Come on Duo, just one more game of Candy Land? Please?
Duo: Not now Heero. I have a mission to go on.
Heero: *sniff* I'm so lonely. Nobody likes me! Wahhhhh!

Relena to Zechs: *gasp* You blew up that mobile suit without saying your sorry! I'm telling! MOM!!!

Noin or Sally: Stupid Gundam pilots! I hate you all!!!!

*Heero at the circus when Trowa comes out in his costume*
Heero: *gasp* I HATE clowns!! Omae wa korosu!!!"
Trowa: *running for his life* WAHHHH!!! Cathrine! HEEEELP!!!
(Ever seen "Problem Child"? *laughs*)

Dorothy: *evil grin* Yes, now is the time to make my move. My strategy is perfect. No one can beat me now. I WILL be victorious!
Hilde: Dorothy! Hurry up and move already!
Dorothy: Alright, alright!! *puts left hand on the yellow circle*
*Cathrine spins the arrow*
Cathrine: Right hand red!
(I love Twister ^.^)

*Zechs and Relena on a car trip*
Zechs: Hey, you're getting too close. Scoot over.
Relena: I am not! The line is right here!
Zechs: Stay on you're side! I'm warning you....
Relena: Ouch! You pinched, I'm telling! MOM! Millardo pinched me!
Zechs: Relena started it! She won't stay on her side!
Relena: I did not! Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Zechs: MOM! Relena took my mask and she wont give it back!
Relena/Zechs: MOM!!!

*Heero once again has gun pointed at Relena*
Heero: Omae wa--- Oh keeewt! A widdle kitty cat!! *picks up the kitten (it's a little Heero kitty ^.^)* Oh, aren't you the sweetest little thing! So precious! Dadums is going to take you home and feed you and clean you and love you to pieces!