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Why the chicken crossed the road...according to the characters of Gundam Wing.

This was just a silly questiong I posted to my GW mailing list one day. Here's the replies I got for it. Thanks to everyone who helped out! ^.^

  • From Ghost

    Quatre: We shouldn't be crossing roads at all! To outter space, chickens! Every one of us!

    Wufei: Crossing roads? A chicken?! She is too weak! She is not worthy of Nataku!

    Trowa: All those who lay eyes on the chicken shall not live to tell about it.

    Duo: Tag along with me chicken, on my journy to hell!

    Heero: Target: Crossing the road. Mission: Accepted.

    Noin: Oh chicken, you're hiding far too many secrets. Please tell me why, why must you cross the road alone?

    Duo: Hey, that reminds me of a joke! Why did the chicken--oh, wait. Huh.

    Mariemea: I have been told there is a world of chickens I do not understand. So I cannot come to know why she crossed the road.

    Lady Une: Because his Excellency Master Trieze wishes it. Go forth and cross the road, chicken. Those are your orders.

    Anne: For the peace of the colonies.

    Relena: Chicken! Come cross the road and KILL me!

    Dorothy: Go chicken! Go and cross the beautiful road!

    Dr. J: I will cross the road, but I will NOT surrender the chicken.

    Heero: You have crossed the road. Say good-bye, chicken.

    Wufei: In this world of evil, the chickens must be strong in order to cross the road.

    Professor G: I only made one of the roads. A great masterpiece for the chicken to cross. I do not know who made the others.

    Queen Relena: I declare there to be one road, the World Road, and all of us shall cross it together and there will be peace.

    Cathrin: Chicken, how about a smile when you're crossing that road.

    Sally: With that chicken crossing the road, I'm sure we'll win.

    Zechs: Chicken, stop following me around.

  • From Joanie Doe

    Duke Drumale: I believe I talk for all of Romefellor in saying, chickens are experts at crossing roads and therefor, it is only fit that they cross roads. Much like Romefeller is destened to rule the earth, for we're the only once suitable for this grave task.

    Toberov: My Dolls are much better at crossing roads. Chickens are useless NOW!

    Trant (Trint): I will study the chiken system. After I master it, I will become the greatest road crosser!

    Real Trowa Barton: See this picture, this is my father's chicken, she'll rule the world some day, crossing the road is just the first part of the plan.

    Dekum Barton: I well use this chicken as my next pupet of ruling the world! She is already more popular then Relena Dorlen.

    Marimaia: She's full filling his father's wishes.

    Mariamaia: The this is much like the two steps to the Texas two step, first the chicken crosses the road than we ask why, but this will all end on my corination of head of KFC. (sorry I like KFC)

    Blonde Relena worshiper: The other side is more beautiful now with her over there.

    Brunette Relena worshiper: She tranceferred already? She hasn't been here but a week.

    Pegan: If she needed a ride across the road she should have asked me to take her.

    The manager : Why can't she just wait here like the rest of us?

    Field Marshle Noventa: Now wait son, don't do any thing irrational!

    Sylvia Noventa: COWaRD! Taking the easy way out instead of facing what's on this side of the road!

    Mrs Noventa: Your crossing the road startled me at first. But crossing roads often happens in war. You shouldn't live your life regreating it.

    Otto: No! I'll cross the road for prince chicken!


    Rashid: She shouldn't have gone alone. It's to dangerous.

    Iria: Kind chickens shouldn't have to cross the road just because others don't understand their kindness.

    Howard: There are 4 powers right now. The colonies, earth, the chickens and us. We'll go and join the chickens.

    Hilde: Wait up! Let me come with you, I can help!

    President of ESUN: How can this be happening? Your department is being funded to prevent Chickens from crossing the road!

    President's granddaughter: Grandpa, I thought there wouldn't be any more chickens crossing the roads.

    Little girl: Are you losi?

    Mrs.Dorlen: Relena, did he say any thing to you before crossing the road?

    Mrs.Dorlen: She'll always be my chicken, but he has to go bring peace to earth and space.

    Mr.Dorlen: You're not my real chicken.... You're the chicken of Farmer Peacecraft of the Vegetarian Kingdom... be ware of KFC.....

  • From zm06

    Heero: I don't know. ZERO will not tell me anything.

    Dorothy: It doesn't fear death crossing the road. For it knows that death is merely an end result given to it at its birth.

    Trowa: ...

    Quatre: Because it realizes how beautiful the other side is. Do they know how beautiful it is?

    Wufei: It realized that this side did not change. Although all enemies were defeated this side did not change one bit!

    Une: The very act of crossing is the demeanor of a true chicken.

    Duo: It can't. The best chickens in the world can't cross the road without the parts. Chickens need parts to cross the road not like you with your leg. You see what I'm saying?

  • From Mel

    Zechs: That's what makes the chicken a professional (in road crossing). Like me, Zechs Merquise.

    Noin: I asked it to come with me to outer space.

    Heero: It was acting on it's emotions. That's the only way to live a good life.

    Relena: The chicken crossed the road to achieve true pacifisim.

    Relena: I believe in the Chicken. Oh yes I do.

    Duo: It was the God of Death. Back from Hell.

    Hilde: I don't know, but I told it, if it joined "Red Wattle" it would at least be respected as a former Gundam pilot.

    Trowa: Catherine wouldn't let it self-detonate.

    Catherine: I asked it it knew how the people left behind would feel if it crossed the road.

    Quatre: It was hated it's own kindness.

    Dorthy: It wanted to be a leader in a beautiful war! Just like Mr. Millardo!

    Wufei: It felt dishonored and did not feel worthy of the side of the road it was on.

    Trieze: It was an honorable chicken doing it's duty for all poultry kind.

    Lady Une: The chicken crosses the road for all the world to see. So that the world will understand the tragedy and so that the world will never want to cross the road again.

    Col. Une: The Chicken does not understand his Excellency's plan. The chicken is only doing what it believes his Excellency wants.

    Relena-ites: It's a shame it's dress wasn't ready in time.

    Dr. J: It was a kind-hearted chicken, but it's training changed all that.

  • From Rune

    Crazy Quatre: "You chickens shouldn't be crossing the road at all!"

    Duo: "Any chicken who crosses my road has got a date with death!"

    Treize: "There is nothing more noble and beautiful than a chicken who is not afraid to cross the road."

    Trowa: "How sad. A chicken who can't cross the road."

    Lady Une: "There's something about a chicken crossing the road that excites people's emotions..." (Taken from the cut dub, but I couldn't resist)

    Heero: "I'll kill any chicken who crosses the road."

    Wufei: "Chickens who don't cross the road leave me feeling so empty inside!"

    Zechs: "I'll cross the road like a true chicken!"

    Noin: "It's been one year and thirty-seven days since the last chicken crossed the road..."