.:*An Impossible Love*:.

Welcome to my fanfiction homepage! ^.~
WARNING : This story is rated PG-13 and may be unsuitable for young children. Thank you.

Updates: Ok all you fanfiction lovers i have just updated my page and if you will chek the menu there is a new fic by Lillian up and the first episode of Lady Tigras' fanfiction is on there as well. They are great!! Enjoy!

Alright yall. I AM NOW ACCEPTING FANFICTION!!!!! Please start sending in YOUR stories. I want to start my own library and i need all you guys to help by sending in your work. I hope to have a couple up and running by the beginning of the next school year. So please help me out! You can also help by signing the guestbook or voting for me below!! Luv ya! ~Mandy~

Hey ya'll, sorry i haven't responded to some of your guestbook postings, but as you can see I've been busy. This page is still under construction, but I tried my hardest to put up what I could in the time I had. I finally decided to get off that crappy expage site and try a better angelfire format. Hope you like it! cya

Hey again. This page will always be under construction, but I have good news. First off I'm starting on a new fanfiction for Meredith . And second I have put up part three of The End Of Love! cya later! And thanx to all of you who e-mailed me I love to have you input! cya later! ~mandy~

Ok, I'm gonna be going on a vacation out of town, so I won't be able to update my site for a week or so. When I get back I'll be sure to update the page as so as I can and get back to writing! Have a great summer everyone! ~Mandy~

Hey guys I am also a participating member at neopets.com. I am a guild member and i think you should all take a visit to neopets.com. Just chek it out! there's a link farther down on my page! cya!.

Magic Knight Rayearth Homepage!!

Serial Experiments Lain Homepage!!

My SM Images

My SM Info

An Impossible Love: Chapter1

AIL: Chapter 2

AIL: Chapter 3

AIL: Chapter 4

AIL: Chapter 5

AIL: Chapter 6

AIL: Epilogue!!!

The End of Love: Chapter 1

TeoL: Chapter 2

The Real Beryl: by Lillian

Shadows of The Darkness: episode1

Hey, thanx for reading!

Thankies for this Kawaii Layout!!!

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Sailor Moon and the other characters are not mine, nor do i claim any part of the television show or any movies. So don't sue me!

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