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Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu of Sagara Souzou

These moves are used by Himura Kenshin in the series but in Aol Role play I have souzou use these moves and have kenshin as his master

Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki (Heaven's Soaring Dragon Flash):
Starts in the same stance as the battou-jutsu. The
user steps in with his left foot before he draws
to get more power and speed. The Ama Kakeru Ryu No
Kirameki is just a more powerful version of the
battou-jutsu, and it surpasses god-speed. This is
the succesion technique of the Hiten Mitsurugi
Ryu. When this technique is passed down from
master to pupil, the pupil will kill the master
with this attack. Luckily for Hiko, Kenshin's
blade is on the
wrong side.
Used By: Kenshin, Hiko
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Battou-jutsu (Sword Draw):
This technique is used to finish off someone
quickly. The user starts with the sword in the
sheath, the right hand hovers over the handle to
prepare for the draw. The attack is initiated by
the left thumb, which pushes the sword out from
the sheath. Then with god-speed, a quick stroke of
the sword finishes off the opponent.
Used By: Kenshin, Soujiro
Style: N/A

Do Ryu Sen (Ground Dragon Flash):
Used by raising the sword, then bringing it down
towards the earth, striking the blade with immense
force against the ground, the force of the strike
will cause the ground to explode at the opponent,
sending a shower of rocks towards them.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Hiten mitsurugi Ryo,Hi Ryu Sen (Flying Dragon Flash):
A sprung sword technique, where the user draws the
sword out of the sheath quickly with the left
hand, sending the sword flying like an arrow,
aiming the hilt at a vital point.
Used By: Kenshin, Hiko
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Kaiten Battou-jutsu:
Kenshin only used this technique in the
movie, "Requiem of the Ishin." This technique is a
battou-jutsu done in the air. The power behind it
comes from Kenshin's spiral spin.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Kuzu Ryu Sen (Nine Headed Dragon Flash):
This attack attacks all the nine vital points:
head, left and right shoulder, left and right arm,
left and right waist, between legs and finally the
chest all at once. With Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu's god-
speed and attack all nine vital points exactly at
the same moment it would be impossible to defend
against (except with the succession techniques).
This attack is Hiko's "smoothest and most lethal"
Used By: Kenshin, Hiko
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Nidan Battou-jutsu (Double Sword Draw):
See Sou Ryu Sen.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Mei Sen (Dragon Reverberation Flash):
This technique is the opposite of the god-speeded
battou-jutsu. Instead, it's the god-speeded
noutoujutsu (sheathing of the sword). When Kenshin
sheaths his sword, he generated a supersonic sound
due to the friction between the tsuba (sword
guard) and the scabbard, a sound like the a roar
of the dragon. Knocking such sound into the
opponent's ear will render the opponent's hearin
nerves numb for a moment. Kenshin used this
technique in his fight against Enishi. In that
fight, every perception of Enishi has been greatly
increased by the "Nerves of Insanity", such high
sensitivity allowed Kenshin's Mei Ryu Sen to numb
not only the hearing nerves of Enishi, but also
the semicircular cannals that regulate the
of his body.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Sou Sen (Double Dragon Flash):
The Ryu Sou Sen consists of extremely fast
repeated blows toward an opponent. It's mainly
used for those who won't be taken out with simply
one hit.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Sou Sen Garami:
A different version of the Ryu Sou Sen, in which
the blows are directed at the neck. 'Garami' means
to attack at the head.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Kan Sen (Dragon Wind Up Flash):
Used when Kenshin is beside the opponent, he then
turns, delivering a backhanded swing at the
opponent, usually towards their neck. The Ryu Kan
Sen is a move best used as a counter-attack,
rather than an initial move.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Kan Sen Arashi (Dragon Wind Up Flash Storm):
For this technique, Kenshin curls himself into a
ball, spinning in a complete circle with his sword
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Kan Sen Kogarashi (Dragon Wind Up Flash Tree Blast):
A more powerful version of the Ryu Kan Sen.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu
Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji (Dragon windup Flash Hair Spin):
Another enhanced version of the Ryu Kan Sen. This
one begins with an extremely fast lunge towards an
opponent, avoiding his/her sword. Then the user
strikes the opponent in the mid section of the
body. God-speed is crucial for doing this
technique, and it could make landing difficult.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Shou Sen (Rising Dragon Flash):
A rising attack, where Kenshin places his right
hand against the bottom of his blade, holding it
horizontally above his head, then rises straight
up, hitting the sword towards the opponent's neck.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Tsui Sen (Dragon Mallet Flash):
It begins by leaping up, then descending towards
your opponent, using your weight and force of the
landing to hammer the oppnent towards the ground.
This is the most widely used Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Tsui Sen Zan (Dragon Mallet Flash Cut):
A more lethal version of the Ryu Tsui Sen, where
the blade is poised directly downward, so that
while descending, it cuts completely through an
adversaries head.
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Ryu Tsui Shou Sen (Dragon Mallot Rising Flash):
A combination of the Ryu Tsui Sen and the Ryu Shou
Sen, beginning with Kenshin descending downward
with the Ryu Tsui Sen, then immediately rising
back up with the Ryu Shou Sen for a double hit
Used By: Kenshin
Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Sou Ryu Sen (Paired Dragon Flash):
This attack is also known as Nidan Battou-jutsu.
Since the blade of Kenshin's sword is reversed,
his speed with any battou-jutsu is slower than if
he were using a normal katana. The Sou Ryu Sen is
Kenshin's way of improvising for the slower speed
of his sakaba. The technique begins like a normal
battou-jutsu; drawing the sword with immense speed
from the sheath. When the sword strike is blocked
or evaded, Kenshin moves using his sheath for a
second attack.
Used By: Kenshin