From: (Scorpinac) Konnichi wa, Minna! I don't know about you, but Dzillman's 'Destiny's Child' is a fantastic fic! Only two little problems: A.) SuperS is only briefly glossed over. B.) Sailor Stars is not mentioned whatsoever. That leaves room for a ... sequel! And I, the ever humble(and ego giant) Scorpinac, am here to deliver! Okay, this is a cross between Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon (but you knew that already, didn't you?), and some dates and such in both realities have been shuffled around, and they will be again before I'm done! And as before, there shall be guest appearances by The Slayers and 3x3 Eyes, as well as Doctor Who and Dragonball Z! (Patience, I know what I'm doing! I think...) So, let's go to the Circus! Dead Moon Circus, that is! Oh, and I don't own any of these people, that prestige mainly goes to Rumiko Takahashi and Naoko Takeuchi. I bow in humble piety! Actually I _am_ bringing in two characters of my own creation, and permission must garnered for any to use them. E-mail your thoughts to: ____________________ / \ | Destiny's Child II | \____________________/ What has gone before: Okay, long story short - In 1598(that's right, FIFTEEN ninety-eight!) Ranma and Genma go to Jusenkyo, go splash. Ranma falls in the Nyanniichuan, or Spring of Drowned _Young_ Girl, therefore turning him into a twelve year old raven haired, purple eyed cutie who _never_ ages! And since to reverse the effect he needs near scalding water to change back, switching back and forth repeatedly is not his cup of tea! Even worse, his male side only ages while he's _in_ it, therefore giving him a form of near immortality! A month or so later he is married to Akane Tendo, and fifty years later she dies of old age while he still looks young. Soun is gone to plague, Genma to a heart attack from old age, and Nabiki and Kasumi are dead with their spouses, Tatewaki Kuno and Tofu Ono respectively, each leaving six children behind, now obviously reared and grown. Deciding to find a cure, or at least a way to make his girl side age, Ranma leaves Japan to find the Nyanniichuan dried up 49 years prior. Joining the Joketsuzoku Amazons, he becomes a teacher, a midwife, and takes the name Soap Onna Rope, is proposed to by a boy named Brush, and delivers Brush's daughter, Cologne. After another fifty years, he leaves to travel again, not wanting to watch his friends grow old and die. He travels through Tibet and India, meats the aged sorceress from time immemorial, Lina Inverse, and from her learns many magic spells, acquires a spirit pet in the form of Takuhi, and is a rebel in war torn Poland in the 1940's. Finally, in 1996, he returns home to Japan. Here's where things get complicated! The war between the Sailor Soldiers and the Death Busters is in full swing, the Inners are trying to protect the innocent, the Outers and the Busters are after the three talismans, and Mistress Nine has offered Ranma a cure for his curse, secretly intending to steal his female body and leave him to die. But as the war continues and Kaolinite, Eudial, and Mimete make their respective moves, things go from bad to Ugly! Prior to the war Ranma spent time at a school elsewhere in Japan, and now a friend from that time, Kikyo, is slain by the evil Daimons. Ranma himself begins to gain memories of the Silver Millenium when he was the husband of Sailor Saturn, Saturn Knight, a borderline psychotic who once threatened the life of Sailor Pluto. By the time Tellu, Vilyu, and Cyprine are in action, Ranma has become friends with the Inner Sailors in both his forms, his curse being partly alleviated to allow more frequent switches back and forth, and has begun to fall in love with Rei and Sailor Mars separately when Cologne returns to the scene with her great-granddaughter, Shampoo, who decides to make Ranma her bride. Even after revealing his true identity to Cologne, the Amazon matriarch wants to see the marriage go through anyway, because she herself loves him. Then disaster strikes when a well meaning Shampoo makes a catastrophic mistake that allows Mistress Nine to take control of Ranma's female form, known as Hotaru, and sheds Ranma. In the battle that followed, Professor Tomoe is slain by the Outers, and Ranma, as Saturn Knight, remerges with Nine and destroys her in their mindscape, but not before Pharaoh 90 is summoned! A minor disagreement with the Outers is diverted when 90 arrives, and Ranma, who as Hotaru has now become Sailor Saturn, the scout's original attempt to bring them both forward in time accidentally landing them both four centuries early and in the same body, must turn and destroy the approaching monster, at the cost of his curse resetting completely, and his transformation into an infant. Four months later Ranma is restored to normal, resets the curse to pre- Pharaoh 90 battle setting, sorts out his problems with the Outers (though Pluto is still tenable), reveals his identity and curse to all the Scouts while learning their true identities, and returns to the Joketsuzoku tribe one last time with Haruka, Michiru, and Rei for a holiday, arriving just in time to bid Cologne goodbye as the ancient Matriarch passed on... ----------------------- A Demon King Menagerie! ----------------------- Cologne was gone. The woman she had once delivered, watched grow into a healthy child and then into a beautiful young woman, and then re-met in Japan only a few months prior as an aged Matriarch, had died. Again, Ranma felt intense pain. Stepping out in his female form, known as Hotaru, he was confronted by Rei, Haruka, Michiru, and Shampoo, the last being Cologne's great- granddaughter. Hmm, that would make her Brush's great-great- granddaughter. For a moment he thought of the irony of the fact that not one, not two, but three separate generations of the same family had proposed to him over the years. The four girls came forward and offered comfort, and reassurance. As the conversation drove on, it occurred to Rei that Shampoo still didn't know about Ranma's curse, that he and Hotaru were the same person. She quickly whispered the question of this into Ranma's ear. "She wouldn't," Ranma answered. "Cologne would never have told her." Looking up, she addressed Shampoo. "I'm sorry about what happened. But...I forgive you. And I know Ranma forgives you too." Shampoo smiled and got a wistful look in her eyes. They could tell that she understood she would never see Ranma again. She did not know whether he was dead or alive, but her chances of marrying the man now were the same either way. Once again Rei whispered to her. "You aren't going to tell her?" "No. It's be easier for her like this. She still has some of her honor. If she thought I was alive, she would be bound to chase me forever." Shampoo turned and bid her goodbyes. Then she stated, "Shampoo intend to travel now, find new husband maybe. Maybe just find own self. Bie Liao." She then turned and walked away. Standing up, Ranma took Rei's hand and looked at the other two she had traveled with. "Come on. Let's go back to Japan." "Let's go home. Together, as a family." * * * A week and a half later they were back at the sea shore and checking their bags at the airport. As they got their tickets, a man sidled up behind them, checked his bag with the others, and got his own ticket, then turned to them. "Hey, Rei. What kept you? I've been waiting in this two bit town for almost a week!" he said in greeting. The four girls snapped around to look at the man who had addressed them. He was about six feet tall, fair haired, thin, yet muscular, wore a simple red T-shirt and blue jeans, and had a short trimmed beard and lightly bushy mustache below intense blue eyes. He looked to be about twenty-five, but if it was one thing Hotaru knew, it was that appearances could be amazingly deceptive! She could detect a massive amount of aura coming off of him, and it didn't feel exactly human. She could also read a fair sum of magical power hidden within as well. He seemed to be suppressing them, but she couldn't tell how much. Most of all, she could swear she could sense a _second_ presence sealed within his chest somewhere, somehow. Rei's eyes lit in surprise and glee. This was one person who _hadn't_ been able to make the 'introductions' party two weeks back, though he had never explained why. "Oh, hi Johnathan! What are you doing in China?" she asked as they moved aside to allow the next customers to check their bags. John scooped up his carry-on luggage and indicated the others to do likewise. They then started off toward their gate. "To put it mildly, we have problems," John said simply. "Nothing serious has happened yet, but I thought making sure you girls got back to Japan in one piece was of vital importance." "Uh, excuse me, but who is this?" Hotaru asked. "Oh, I'm sorry, Hotaru, I forgot. This is Johnathan Lundar. John, this is Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru," Rei replied and introduced everyone to each other. Hello's went all around. Rei then continued, "He helped us with the Dead Moon war." "Well, Carol and I are sorta stranded at the moment. And as we had nothing better to do at the time..." he shrugged it off. "Dead Moon?" Hotaru asked. "Oh yeah, you were 'youthened' at the time. You still don't know," Rei realized her second minor error. "In other words, the Dead Moon Circus we had to duke it out with these past three months. You are aware of what happened, aren't you?" John stated. "Uh, well, no." "Don't look at us, we were busy taking care of you," Haruka and Michiru said. John glanced at Rei skeptically. "We meant to fill them in, really! We just forgot in all the sudden happenings! Hotaru's return, Ranma's comeback, learning their joint secret, it all sort of blanked the Circus fight out!" Rei said in apology. "I see," John replied. "John-san. You said we had problems. Care to elucidate?" Hotaru cut in, wanting to return to John's original reason for meeting them here. "Yeah. I finally found out what 'killed' my TARDIS so suddenly and left me amd my wife stuck here! And I think it might be coming toward Earth sometime soon!" John answered. "Wait a minute, hold on! What are you talking about?" Michiru asked. "Okay, maybe we should start at the beginning. It began the same time the Dead Moon Circus arrived..." * * * It was two days after Ryoga Hibiki had been destroyed. Rei still hadn't gotten to do that fire reading for Chibiusa. The six Inner Senshi, and Mamoru, were at the park to see an eclipse. As the Moon shadowed the Earth in a momentary blanket of darkness, two landings occurred. The first was a large Circus tent in the center park of Tokyo. Within a dozen denizens of darkness cackled at their successful landing and how the humans had completely overlooked them. Then the Ringmaster came forward. To say Master Zirconia was slightly unpleasant to look at would be putting it mildly. She was definitely no prize, that was for sure! She was obviously very old, and if she was human you couldn't tell to look at her. Save for her hands and head, she was covered in a large, gray cloak. She banged her staff against the floor a couple of times to bring the menagerie to order. "All right, that's enough! Let's get down to business! The Great One has commanded we find Helios, currently locked in the form of 'Pegasus', and force him to reveal the whereabouts of the Golden Crystal. Zircon, where are you?!" Zirconia bellowed. Just then her spirit pet came flapping in, looking like a bat-winged eyeball with a mane of solid flame. It perched upon her staff and rested. "Have you scouted out the mortal's city, my precious pet?" Zirconia crooned in her aged voice. Zircon shook in a nodding gesture. "Excellent! Rulers of the Ani-no-kojo, Amazon Trio, present yourselves!" she crooned even louder. A moment later three circles shot up from the floor, one made of flame revealing a handsome blonde guy in a white shirt and striped pants, one made of water revealing a blue haired, effeminate guy in a blue jumpsuit, and one made of brown feathers revealing a red headed guy in light purple tights and a light purple sash across his otherwise naked chest. "Lord Tiger's Eye, present Master Zirconia!" the first guy introduced himself. "Lord Fish's Eye, present Master!" the second intoned. "Lord Hawk's Eye, present ma'am," the third said. "Good, we must begin immediately," Zirconia said. "As you are aware through your local legends, the Golden Crystal is an immensely powerful item. Only the guardian priest of Elysion, Helios, has the knowledge of it's location. Currently he is transformed into the 'Pegasus' by the power of our master, the Great One, but he still managed to escape from us, and came to this wretched little planet. "In order to survive here, he must link with someone, and conceal himself inside their dreams until his true power restores itself. If that is even possible outside Elysion. Your current mission is to locate the host and rip Pegasus from him, or her, and if failing that, bring the host here and we shall throw the human to the mercy of the Great One!" "Any particular type of dream he's hiding in, or just any old dream?" Fish Eye inquired. "He is in a beautiful dream, and therefor it shall be beautiful dreamers that you shall concentrate on!" Zirconia answered. "Then Zircon has selected a range of targets already?" Tiger Eye asked. "That is correct," Zirconia said. "Good. Have him deliver the pic's to the bar, we'll sort through them there," Tiger Eye stated. "And once we have the Golden Crystal in our grasp..." Hawk Eye started. "We shall elevate ourselves beyond the level of the Daimou!" Fish Eye completed. They started to teleport away when Zircon started squawking madly. "Yes, what is it, my precious pet?" Zirconia asked. The bird thing continued to squawk, and Zirconia's eyes widened noticeably. "What?! Someone here has gained access to the power of the Silver Crystal?! This could be trouble indeed! On the other hand, if we capture that as well, our powers would increase to the infinite! We must consider this carefully." At this point the Trio finished their transfer. * * * The second landing was more subtle, but equally spectacular. A small ray like a shooting star snapped through the sky and landed with a slight roar of engine noise next to an apartment building, which coincidentally stood on a plot of land where once a dojo stood four centuries prior. Of course, this was not common knowledge. When the landing finished, a two and a half meter tall red box about four feet wide and long stood against the building. It appeared as little more than a cabinet of sorts, a small light bulb like a porch light just above the door. Within, however, was another matter. Within the box was an enormous space ship, controlled by an eight sided console. At this time only two passengers rode in the machine, Johnathan and his wife, Carol. Carol was a smidgen taller, like a quarter of an inch, than John, wore a white blouse and black denim pants, had blonde hair styled somewhat like Michiru's, but about three inches longer, with bangs landing half way between her forehead and her own dark blue eyes. She also appeared to be about twenty five to thirty five. John was at the control console, running through several sequences trying to figure out what was going on. Nine minutes ago everything was running fine and they were on their way to Feranna Six to investigate some time dilations and distortions of moderate to large proportions. Seven minutes ago every system suddenly and simultaneously began shutting down. Only by a miracle, and a quick switch over to emergency batteries, had kept them from a loud and resounding crash. But they were still forced to land on the nearest planet. "Any idea where we are?" Carol asked. "Or when?" "When would be the late twentieth century by the Earth scale, and unfortunately the location system's already dead," John replied. A dozen lights went out across the console at once, and John banged his fist against the panel. The lights flickered, and continued to die. "And it's not alone." "Can you at least get the scanner on?" "Just a sec, let me try." He threw a switch, and nothing happened. He threw the switch again, and then again, and then hit the console twice as hard as before. The scanner screen on the opposite wall slid open and showed a view of the building it was against. "Oh, we would land like that! Hold on," John sighed, and pulled another control. The scanner view shifted away from the building and onto the street, where a few people were gathering around to look at the new item next to the building. In the street cars and trucks and others whizzed by, a public bus momentarily breaking the flow. "I'd say we're on Earth, and by the writing on the sign on that bus that went by, I'd say we were in Japan." "That's nice, Honey. But what's happening?" John returned his attention to the console in time to see the scanner power drop dead, along with next to everything else. "Good question. Wish I had a good answer. Well, only one thing to do," he said, and moved to a monitor screen and typed in a quick series of commands. He then typed in something else, then followed it by a few last minute commands. And then it plus five more items lost power. "What was that?" "Emergency message back to Gallifrey. All we can do is wait and pray for a reply. In the meantime, let's do lunch!" John explained, then gestured to door as he threw one final lever. The doors did not respond. "Would you like the Astral-Hammer, Dear?" Carol asked. John looked at her with an annoyed look on his face and banged the console again, the hardest time yet. The doors then immediately popped open and the two stepped out. Once on the sidewalk, John turned and pulled the doors closed, locking them as he did so. The small crowd seemed amazed that two people had been in the suddenly appeared box. The two looked at the crowd, then glanced down the street. "I think there's a good Tai restaurant down that way," John suggested. "I'd prefer Teriyaki, if you don't mind," Carol replied. "No problem." * * * The next seven days were a whirlwind. The night of the eclipse, Tiger's Eye attacked Motoki's sister, Unazuki, but her dream held no flying horsies. During the fight Tuxedo Mask was trapped by one of Tiger Eye's tricks, Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon were at the mercy of the new monster, which Tiger Eye had referred to as a 'Lemures'. John and Carol happened to walk by and noticed the situation immediately. A guy in a cape was being held to a tree by some sort of magic spell, a guy in an odd leotard outfit was attacking a young girl somehow, a pink haired kid was being held down by the bottom half of a living wind-up doll, the arms were floating in the air holding up a blonde girl in a similar suit to the kid, and the rest of the doll was floating before the girl snapping a blade at her, obviously meaning to kill her! Picking their opponents, Carol rushed over to the kid and grabbed the bottom half of the doll, swung it around in an arc, and tossed it into the upper half, sending both flying away! She then zipped over to figure out a way to save the other girl. Unfortunately, the rest of the doll returned. Carol glanced at it disdainfully. "What? You want some more?" she asked it. "Interfering fool!" it snapped, and sent a signal to it's arms. By the time Carol realized what it had done, it was too late. Sailor Moon proceeded to unceremoniously plop down on top of her, and the landing rendered her senseless! The arms then came down and pinned them both while the bottom half of the doll again jumped at Chibi-Moon. Meanwhile, John had taken on Tiger Eye, but was getting no where fast. Finally he tried an attack at point blank range! "DIGGER BOLT!" he roared, and a ball of white energy slammed into Tiger's side, burning a nice hole through him. A moment later Tiger regained his composure and looked at John mildly. "Not bad, for a human," he mocked as his wound healed in only a few moments. This guy was strong! Worse, with that level of healing, he was clearly from Demon stock! At this point John glanced to the others and saw their current state of affairs. With Cape Boy, Pinky, and Blondie being no help and Carol cold cocked, he was the only one left fighting! There was only one choice. The split form wouldn't work, each copy would only have half his full strength, and he needed everything he had for Demon Boy. And he needed to stop the doll-thing before Carol was killed! Time for the trump card! "By the powers of Hell, I call upon..." he started, but then help came from a most unexpected source. The little girls screamed, and a flash of light filled the sky, a beautiful white horse with wings and a gold horn appearing in the sky as it subsided. Even John was dumbfounded! In a moment it let off a burst of energy that knocked the Lemures aside, freed Cape Boy, and even awoke Carol. "For your bravery, these gifts," a voice said. Pegasus focused it's power again, and Sailor Moon and Chibi-Moon were upgraded to Super Sailor form, and John felt something plop into his shirt pocket. Carol felt something appear in her pocket as well. They both made a mental note to look at them later! Sailor Moon was then presented with a new scepter, and used it on the Lemures quickly! "SUPER...MOON...TARGET!" she called with Chibi-Moon and Carol standing by her, and the burst of energy reduced the Lemures to it's constituent elements, the creature only able to scream 'Stage Out!' as it died. John immediately turned back to Demon Boy, in time to see him jump into a portal and vanish! A moment later the demon's victim fell to the ground, unconscious but unharmed. The two other girls reverted to their previous states, and John and Carol chose that moment to leave. Two days later Motoki's life was interfered with again when Tiger's Eye attacked his girlfriend, Reika. This time the complete Inner Senshi team came in and stopped him. John and Carol meanwhile were moving into an apartment they bought in the building they landed next to. It had taken five movers and half an hour to shift the TARDIS into the room they chose to keep it in. Then they plucked some provisions, some spare furniture, extra cash, and the mobile transmitter/receiver array from it and set up the place for their stay. They could no longer live in the TARDIS itself as now pretty much everything was dead! Including the environmental system! More importantly, they were examining the two elliptical items Pegasus had given them. Each bore three buttons, and a small crystal orb in the center of the devices, each bearing an image of the Seal of Rassilon within them. For Carol's, the symbol had an image of a spherical crystal over it, with three spires through it, one vertically, and the other's diagonally on either side of the first. For John's, the image of an ornate sword lay over the symbol. It had only taken them moments to realize what the overlaying symbols were supposed to represent: the Jewel of Gallifrey and the Sword of Rassilon, respectively. The items were considered legendary objects of intense power once held by the sole defenders of their homeworld. But said defenders had ceased to exist long ago, their family lines gone dead. Or so it was believed. Certainly, no evidence had ever come to light to indicate that the lines still lived, even if in secret. As to the current locations of the Jewel and the Sword, the Jewel was said to have vanished with the last Sailor Gallifrey, and there had been no record of it appearing anywhere since. As for the Sword, it was said to have been sealed away somewhere, though where was unknown. Some legends said it was in a case inside the Dark Tower at the center of the Death Zone. Others said it was hidden in the heart of Gallifrey's tallest mountain. And there were even a few that said it had been encased within the DNA coding of it's last owner. Whichever it was, it was no where to be found. The two looked them over, and considered. They didn't seem to be anything special, per se. "What do you think they're for?" "Don't know, Carol. Could be anything." John looked at them some more, and a thought occurred to him. He picked his device up, and looked at the three buttons, one red, one blue, one yellow. He raised a finger and held it above the buttons slowly, then pressed in the red one. The device lit up, and a small voice resonated through the room. "Activation code is: Mega-Battlesuit Power, Transform. To activate, hold down blue switch and voice code." it said. John blinked, and then pressed the blue button. "Mega-Battlesuit Power, Transform," he said. A flash of light followed, and when it was done he was dressed in a skin tight black jumpsuit with metallic armor over his entire torso,(Picture the suits from the VR game in Sailor Moon R and you have a close mirror to what this is supposed to look like.) and a pair of gauntlets on his wrists, gloves on his hands, and silver boots on his feet. His eyes were covered by a red visor that was hooked to a band that looped around the back of his head. The activator took up residence in the armor over his left breast. He looked himself over, considering. "Well, that's unexpected. Feels comfortable, though, and I do feel strong in it," he mused as he tried a few simple movements, arm rotations, leg rotations, a few punches and kicks, and some stretches in the new suit. Carol picked up hers and glanced at it's blue button. "Hmm, well then," she said and pressed the switch. "Mega-Battlesuit Power, Transform." But unlike, John, nothing happened. A moment later a voice echoed from her Activator. "Incorrect password. Activation denied." Carol blinked, then pushed the red button on the Activator. The female voice intoned, "Activation Code is: Battlesuit Crystal Power, Transform. To activate, hold down blue switch and voice code." "Oh. Battlesuit Crystal Power, Transform," Carol said and repushed the blue button. A flash of light later, and she was dressed the same as John, though the proportions were sized to her personal frame, and figure. Also, her visor was purple instead of red. Otherwise, you couldn't really tell the difference between them. Carol ran herself through some stretches as well, and had to agree there was a definite feeling of strength in them. But how to use them? John tapped the red button on his activator, hoping for an answer. The voice intoned again. "To deactivate, press yellow switch." "Well, at least we know how to take them off," John said, and pressed the red switch once more. "First weapon is: Energy Net. Location: Left Gauntlet. Depress orange button to activate," the voice intoned. "Well, I think we can learn the in's and out's of 'em later. Right now, I think we should have some diner," Carol said, pushing the yellow button on her activator, the suit flashing back into energy and the activator being grabbed by Carol's hand before it could fall. "Agreed," John said, and deactivated his own in the same way. The placed the activators in a drawer and ordered a pizza. Another two days later, Hawk's Eye decided to take a turn, and chose Ikuko Tsukino, Usagi's mother. * * * Ikuko and Chibiusa were out getting lemons to make Lemon Pie with when Hawk's Eye attacked. He laid on that he was looking for his mother, who was both identical and had the same name as Ikuko. He then convinced them he was ill and got Chibiusa to leave, then sprang the attack! When Chibiusa and Usagi got back, Hawk's Eye was about to check the dream mirror. The two quickly transformed and ran to the rescue, only for a cannon ball Lemures to be released. Even though Tuxedo Mask and the other Senshi arrived just then, in short order it was keeping them all at bay. At about the same time, John and Carol were headed by on their way 'home' from an evening stroll. Seeing the fight developing ahead, they ducked to the side, and pulled their activators. "Shall we give them a real test run?" John asked. "Let's," Carol answered. "Battlesuit Crystal Power, Transform!" "Mega-Battlesuit Power, Transform!" A few moments and a flashy suiting up later, and two new fighters joined the arena. Chibi-Moon had just managed to slow Hawk Eye again with her Pink Sugar Heart Attack, but it had left him annoyed more than anything else. Just as he was about to launch a powerful blast to annihilate the pink haired girl, another blast interrupted him. "MOKO TAKABISHA!" John's voice roared, and his blast of energy sent Hawk's Eye across the pavement! A moment later he rose again and his wounds healed immediately up. "First pumpkins, now asparagus! You humans don't know when to quit!" he snapped.