Cracked no longer exists, I haven't the time, energy, nor patience to deal with this fandom anymore. Emailing me will do no good, I no longer answer fandom emails, nor will I keep the same AOL Instant Messenger screenname for long, so if you have something to say, I'd appreciate if you could contact me within the next 3 days.

A thing to be considered while reading this is that Weiss Kreuz along with many other animes is just fantasy. It isn't real and it never will be. I've seen people who become so totally obsessed with it, that it becomes their lives. Most waking moments are spent entranced infront of their computer screens and soon the simplicity and aura of happiness surrounding the internet becomes their true world. Fighting, Flames wars and the like, become the substitute for confrontations in reality. I used to be this way and believe me, it did more harm than good.

Get out there and do something dude. Ride your bike, hang out with your friends, read or write a book, do something. Before you realize it, you may have missed some of the best years of your life infront of the computer screen.

I know some of you will think that I am bullshitting, after all...what do I know. I myself used to do exactly what I am preaching against. Well, my birthday was August 23rd and I am now 18. An adult. And the sad thing is that I wasted 4 years of my life chasing a drawn dream.

Fuck it. Do what you do and have a nice a day.

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