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This section is a petition for all you anti-Cardcaptors fans out there to sign. We're trying to convince Nelvana  to show a (much) better dubbed or possibly subbed version of CCS. All you Cardcaptors fans out there, this is what I have to say: GO OUT !!! BUY THE SUBTITLED VERSION!!!! WATCH THE SUBTITLED VERSION!!! Trust me, its well worth it.You're eyes will be opened to how lousy the dubbed version is. There. I said my piece. Now, back to that petition. If you want to add your name to the petition, send me an e-mail here, and tell me your name, country (optional), comments, and if you have a web page, send me the address and I will add a link to it here. Note: I will probably link back to your e-mail unless you tell me otherwise.

Name: Ruth Hatch
Web site: You're on it, silly!
Country: USA
Comments: The original version of CCS is so much better! The voices are better, the script is better, and it makes WAY more sense!

Name: Heidi Lukas
Web site:
Country: USA
Comments: Sorry to complain but, why!? Why do they have to change everything. They even change they way you say Sakura. I hate they way they say Sakura in USA! Also Tomoyo Daidjouji's voice. "Ohayo Sakura-chan" is sooooooooooooo much better than "Good Morning Sakura"!! The voices are annoying the way they talk is weird! and LEE IS NOT a Cardcaptor! I am sorry but what kind of name is Julian Star and Madison Taylor!?! Isn't Julian a girl's name and Madison a boys name!? And the story makes more sence!! One lil thing I always wanted to hear the english verson of Catch You Catch Me. *sings* "Hora, Catch You! Catch You! Catch Me! Catch Me! Matte!!". The one thing that makes me sad is that US can't pronounce Sakura right! ^_~! Please change it!!!!

Name: Anthony Reyes
Website: none
Country: USA
Comments: The original is THE best!!The names are better, the story is better because Nelvana has completely changed the story! I have both the Clow Card and Sakura Card series and I officially make CCS one of the best anime series ever!! Nelvana completely made the series lose its appeal and everything 'true' fans like about the series. The cuteness, the comedy, the romance, and so much more!! Subtitled version rulz!

Name: Gohan-chan

Comments: Why???!! Why did Nelvana have to do such a thing to CCS?!! They changed the name of the show AND the names of the characters, the voices are horrible, they cut out 20, yes people, 20 EPISODES (and that's just the 1st and 2nd series!! Who knows what butchering will happen in the 3rd series!!), there are NO love relationships, Tomoyo has become an extremely minor character, and all the great theme songs and background music was taken away!!! Not to mention, all the character's sweet personality's have been changed to rude, self-centered, snotty children voices!! Why did they make Syaoran sound so inconsiderate!! I'm scared of what's going to happen in the 3rd series!! Petrified I tell you!! LONG LIVE CARD CAPTOR SAKURA!!

Name:Lorin Lee
Web site: (it's still under construction
Country: the good old U S of A, except for anime!
Comments: American cardcaptor plain sucks, compared to the original! CHANGE IT!

Name: Ben Hatch
Web site: none
Comments:I'm annoyed that they change it so much! They should try to get better voices and names.

Name: Samantha Netzley
Country: USA
Comments: Please, put the "Sakura" back in Cardcaptor Sakura! The dub version is alright (compare it to what CWI did to the S and SuperS seasons of Sailor Moon, people--puts it in MUCH better perspective), but I want to see the ORIGINAL, and I want to see it LEGALLY! Is that so much to ask? Oh, and if Nelvana ever reads this--please, PLEASE, Nelvana, leave the names as they were originally. I know your intentions were good (I HOPE), but I'm trying real hard not to use the word "butchered" here.

Name: Jesslyn Cheong
Web site: none
Country: USA
Comments: I love the original!! It's totally awful what Nelvana did to it. The names are all screwed up and even the character's personalities!!! They totally lost the charm of Cardcaptor Sakura!!!! Why did they have to change it? We're just as mature as kids in Japan!!! Oh, please let Sakura and Syaoran be together!!!! I hope that Nelvana will make a much larger effort to keep it as close to the original as possible!!!