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The Great Big Spiffy List 'o MSTs

Above, a spinning caffeine molecule, a substance responsible, a least in part, for most MSTs

Here I collect the addresses of as many MSTing sites as I can find, and offer them to you, the reader, as a gift.

The brave, the noble, the displaced FF.Net MSTies

CryingChild's MST Page
MSTs by the talented and proliferous Mblow0t5, which is now spelled right (sorry ^_^')
Evil Doctor Mushroom, who hadn't actually posted on ff.n but planned to, and who has one of the strangest pennames so far.
Jasper's MSTs
Internet Science Theatre
Blablover5's page
Insanity Anime Theatre
Marvin's MSTs
S3, the demon godling. (Finally got the link up!)

MST Archive pages

Website Number 9
Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTing (why do so many MSTies seem to be anime fans, too?)

Someplace like home...

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