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Nutbunny Fanfic Theatre 3000: Episode 7

Author’s Notes: Same as last time. Same MSTers, same story, new chapter. Everything belongs to creator/copyright holder. Review, or I’ll start feeling unloved and whine a lot.

In the not too distant pa-ast,

About a week (or three)

There was a fanfic writer

(Who happened to be me!)

And this writer had the awkward luck

Of having characters who ran amok,

So to get some peace around the place

She put them in ship, and she launched them into space. (AV: Pleeaaase, guys!)

“I’ll send them cheesy fanfics,

And other stuff I find,

And they can sit and watch them,

And it’ll keep them occupied.

Keep in mind only I control

Where the fics begin and end

As I protect my precious sanity

From my interfering friends


Nutbunny: Hoo-ah!

Astrea: I’m so twinkly *^_^*

Jake: So I’m a grammar geek…

Twinkia: I’ll bring snacks.

Foooord: Can I get a drink please?

If “Where’s the ‘bots and Mike (or Joel)?”

Is the question that you ask,

Just keep in mind who’s the writer here

And then get off my back

For Nutbunny Fanfic Theatre 3000 ( kazoo/harmonica/ukulele/lute TWANG)

(Scene opens in the Rec Room. Jake, Twinkia, Astrea, Nutbunny, Soniq, Ryevna, and BoB are watching Star Wars: A New Hope)

Nutbunny: Hey, Ry, aren’t you going to set off all kinds of temporal paradoxes and Fourth Wall Breaches by watching this?

Ryevna: Nah.

Nutbunny: Kay.

Jake: Hey, Han just said “I have a bad feeling about this.” Everybody take a drink.

AV: Um, what are you guys drinking?

Jake: Tequila.

Astrea: Cherry-coke.

Nutbunny: Ditto.

Soniq: Beer.

Twinkia: Blue Kool-aid.

Ryevna: I’m not playing.

AV: I guess it’s ok then. No underage drinking. Anyway, I have the next chapter of “The Claiming of Venus” ready for MSTing, so stop the movie and let’s go.



Door 1: The dry erase board. Nutbunny writes “Where’d you get the coconuts?” and it rises.

Door 2: The Bennet’s apartment. Everyone pauses. After a moment, Ryevna takes out her lightsaber and slices the door apart.

Door 3: The darkened windows. Again, everyone stops. Soniq places her hand on the glass. It starts to ring, then shatters. Everyone climbs carefully through

Door 4: The giant plushie pile. Nutbunny dives and knocks them down.

Door 5: Colin the dog. Jake yells at him and he sits.

Door 6: The deserted concession stand. Twinkia’s presence brings it back to life and everyone gets snacks and beverages.

Door 7: Basic theatre door. Everyone walks right through, and sits down.

(Seating order: Twinkia, Ryevna, Nutbunny, Soniq, Jake)

Konnichi wa.

>All: Hi.

I just finished this and I thought I
would send this out before I forget. ^^;; I hope
you have enjoyed the story so far.

Authors Notes: Again this story is dedicated
to my friends who continue to inspire me.

>Jake: Thank you for not listing them.

love you guys so very much. You don't
know how much you all have meant to me.
And to Keith, I hope you are doing well. I
miss you.

Disclaimer: Insert your own here.

>Jake: Strong language and adult situations.

>Nutbunny: Severe lemonage ahead.

>Soniq: Do not iron clothes on the body.

>Twinkia: (singing) Under the sea, under the sea…
The Claiming of Venus
by Utena-chan

>Jake: And again, we have vast white spaces before the fic.

Chapter Two

>(all fall asleep)

>AV: HEY! Wake up, it’s starting.
The Vast Deserts of Arabia

>Nutbunny: So that’s where we were.
The Lair of the Falcon
>Ryevna: The Millenium Falcon?

He watched her, noticing the same change in her that he had
noted when they were still on the moon. It wasn't so much of
a change as a subtle shift.

>Jake: Which is still a change. Just a subtle one.

Seeing in a better light, he knew that
despite the fact she had shared the beds of many of a lover,

>Soniq: I still don’t know how he thinks he knows that.

was no harlot. Iie, her skin was too fine and too delicate even
for her being a sailor senshi.

>Twinkia: What does being a Sailor Senshi have to do with skin condition?

>Nutbunny: I don’t know. Maybe we should ask Astrea.

Her skin was tanned as if she spent
her day in the sun and her hands were soft. Possibly kept that
way by the arm-length gloves she wore.

>Nutbunny: Elbow length. Arm-length gloves would either reach to her arms, which means they would stop at the wrist, or cover her entire arm.

>Soniq: Elbow-length gloves when cause some really weird tan lines.

Her face was heart-
shaped and lush and delicate that he was sure that this girl
was Aphrodite herself.

>Twinkia: I know Aphrodite, and she is no Aphrodite.

Her clothes were not of a Princess of
Venus but a soldier,

>Ryevna: Which she is, so I don’t know why she’s being so passive.

though the uniform was severly ripped
making it virtually impossible for him to have any notion as
to what it had looked it.

>Nutbunny: He’s never seen a Sailor Senshi before?

Yet he would never know since the
flashing collar on her neck made her abilities next to nothing.

>Ryevna: So take the collar off.

>Nutbunny: But then she’d toast him.

>Ryevna: Precisely.
She was no harlot, he was sure of it. But it was more of the
intelligence that sparkled behind the sheen of her eyes that
drew his attention.

>Jake: Yeah, he’s attracted by her intelligence, so he treats her like an object.

>Nutbunny: Maybe he’s attracted by her “talents.”

Before him, her arms crossed in imitation
of his earlier gesture, stood a woman who could think, perhaps
more than she could feel, for the spark of desire was fading
from her even as he continued his watch of her.

He studied her further, more intently this time. The lightning of
the lamps upon the moon had misled him. She did not seem
the siren

>Soniq: You know, “Siren” was almost my code name.

now; she seemed more nervous now.

"I assured my youmas that I was content with my portion.
Are you not content with yours?"

>Twinkia: Oh, no, I’m sure she’s thrilled to be your little sex toy. What more could any women ask for? (all throw popcorn at screen)

She jumped slightly at his words and drew her breath sharply.
She had once more dropped her guard after lecturing herself
not to. She had been drawn into that feeling of safety that was
surely false. There was no safety with this man, there was only

>Nutbunny: (singing) I’m a survivor, I’m gonna make it…

and survival beckoned her sweetly with its siren's
song. She was sure he had seen that fear and that was not
suppose to happen. He thought her only content with him,

>Jake: Because he was a self-centred male PIG! (all throw popcorn at screen)

wanted him to think her much more pleased. She had to see to
it that he was pleased or he would toss her to the sharks that
surely waited for her still upon the moon.

>Twinkia: But there’s no water on the moon. Are they…land sharks?

>AV: (singing) Fins to the left, fins to the right…

Again she inwardly repeated the words that had been so
familiar to her. I want you. Want me. I want you.

>Soniq: (singing) I want you to want me, I need you to need me…

>Jake: Out of us all, you’re the only one who sings well. We hate you.

Had she
lived before saying those words, those single declarative

>Twinkia: Well actually, “Want me.” is an imperative.

She couldn't remember such a thing. Her
survival depended on him believing the lie those silent
words sent him, and told herself, I want you. Want me.

Kunzite watched her eyes soften with desire, saw the
lethargy creep into her bones, saw the pulse quicken
beneath the collar.

>Soniq: How do you see a pulse?

>Nutbunny: Maybe she has really thin skin.

Iie, she was no harlot, perhaps a

>Jake: Same thing, just more expensive.

>Ryevna: And when would she find time to do this when she’s one of the four most important fighters on the planet?

A woman of high quality who gave a man
pleasure for a handsome sum? Hai, it seemed much
more believeable. She knew exactly what she was

>Twinkia: Which reminds me, where Ford?

and knew how to market it. He could see she
was a very successful one at that.

>Soniq: What, was she carrying receipts or something?

Controlling his throbbing

>Nutbunny: I don’t like that word.

>Twinkia: And here’s the lemon.


>Twinkia: Wow. Not what I expected.

Kunzite approached her
slowly. She was not coarse in her manner, for which
he was thankful. He would match her in that. He was
not going to let a well-paid whore outdo him in etiquette.

"Have I taken you away from your companion?"

>Soniq: Huh?

questioned politely. When she gave him a blank look,

>Jake: As did the MSTers…
he asked, "Did you fear I would doubt your worth and
give you to my men?"

Hope swelled and soared within her soul. Perhaps
there were Generals in the Golden army who still held
onto those remaining threads of humanity and one of them
stood before her.

>Twinkia: Right…

He had saved her from his men
despite their clear displeasure and murderous intent
of her.

>Soniq: Yeah, and his intentions where completely honourable.

She had not been decieving herself in what
she had seen in his eyes. He had not abandoned all
principle, all civility, all mercy even though he had
succumbed to the lures of war. He was strong, and that
strength would be turned to her protection.

>Nutbunny: From everyone but him.

He would hide
here in his home...

>Twinkia: why is he hiding.

>Nutbunny: Whoa. Maybe he is a nice guy and just wants to play hide and seek with her.

in his kingdom until he summoned
forth by the Prince.

>Jake: And the grammar was doing so well…

Then, and only then would she
consider a plan of escape from him.

>Ryevna: Wha…bu…at least think about how you’re going to escape!

"Hai," she murmured, allowing her arms to fall at her
side. But before she could add more, he cut her off,

"I am not such an ill-mannered beast that I would fail
in recognizing a practiced woman in the arts of
pleasuring a lover when I am so fortunate to find one
before me."

>(all throw popcorn)

His fell upon the fullness of her breasts.

>Nutbunny: His what?

>Twinkia: I hope just his eyes.

>Jake: Hey, talk to the face not the chest, jerk!
"You are clearly on top of your Venusian heritage.

>Soniq: She’s been studying her family tree.
You can't be worried over a lack of a gentlemen,

>Ryevna: No, she’s not bothered at all to not have a “gentleman” because she has her own life.

How about this: when I have consumed my fill
of my portion, I will let you go."

>(all throw popcorn, Soniq throws an empty beer can)

Venus' stormy blue eyes narrowed slightly. How
dare he think her a piece of property in which he
could use and then quickly discard carelessly to

>Twinkia: Hey, at least she mad about it.

If only she had this collar off, she would
show him exactly why she was the Leader of
the Senshi.

>Ryevna: Damn straight!

She would use the Love Me Chain
to tie him up and dangle him outside the window
til he begged her for mercy.

>Nutbunny: And then blow up his head with a Crescent Beam.

Yet the desire to be
free consumed her mind and soul that it reasoned
with her anger and won.

>Ryevna: Rats.

She was his and then she
would be free. The taste of freedom so near to her
and she couldn', would not spoil this chance
she had. Let him think her a Venusian whore. If
that is what bought her freedom, so be it.

She managed a small smile in return. A smile
so cool that it barely registered upon the corner
of her lips. "Resonable enough," she said with
all the civilty she could muster in her words

>Jake: Which wasn’t much.
despite the anger that still threatened to rise.

He had the gall to bow deeply in her direction
as if he were some gentleman prince paying
court to a high princess of the land. How well
he played the role.

Kunzite held his lust on a tight leash.

>Nutbunny: Sit up! Roll over! Play dead! Good lust.

He would
let her play a flirtatous princess in a court, he
would have her soon enough. He knew it and
she knew it as well. He could a few more minutes

>Jake: Could we get a verb, here?
to allow her to play her game before he possessed
her as if she had never been possessed before.

>Soniq: Which she hasn’t.

all said and done, he would make sure that no other
man would ever be able to lay claim to her as he
had. She was his, body and soul.

>Twinkia: No, scuzzpot, just body.

He walked to the table near the window and poured
himself a drink. "May offer you a glass of brandy?
Wine? Water, perhaps?"

She had never touched any of the strong stuff in
her life.

>Twinkia: Well, yeah, isn’t she a teenager?

>AV: I’m not sure hold old they were supposed to be at the end of the Silver Millenium, and the Moon Kingdom probably had different customs.

Not even at royal functions, always prefering
non-alcoholic Venusian daquiris. Here, she knew she
needed it to calm her nervous.

>Jake: And I need it to deal with the grammar.

>AV: No you don’t.

>Jake: Fine.

"Brandy, please," she answered.

Nodding, he poured her a glass of brandy. The room
may lack in the finest decor but his glassware was

>Twinkia: Yes, tell of the wondrous GLASSWARE!

Taking the glass from his outstretched hand,
Venus waited for him to take the first drink, never
forgetting to want him, not forgetting to continue her
silent sendings.

>Soniq: So it’s sort of a glamour she’s casting.

Strange, how his eyes reminded her
of the gray clouds she had seen swirling upon the
earth's surface. Smokey gray, like an approaching
storm on the horizon, cold and fierce just as the storms
that raged upon Jupiter.

I want you, she thought. It was not such an unfamiliar
thought; no, it came easily and readily enough. He
was not hard to look upon.

>Nutbunny: But his personality sucked.

No, he was just a step
away from being God-like with his shoulder-length
silver blond hair and silver-grey eyes.

>Twinkia: Um, not all gods are good-looking.

Standing this close to her now, he saw that her eyes
were not a sky blue, but a shade lighter than the deep
sapphire. They were the color of his beloved Earth as
it looked suspended against the backdrop of a black
velvet and diamond-filled sky. Strange, how her eyes
reminded him of the crystal blue he had seen from the

>Soniq: Didn’t we have this paragraph last chapter?

She did not take a sip of the drink, instead downing it
in one gulp.

>Nutbunny: GYAH! If she never had any alcohol before, that would hurt like hell.

The glass dangled uselessly in her hand as
she held it up and she only prayed that the effects of the
brandy would begin before he took her.

>Jake: (as Venus) Please let me die of cirrhosis before he has a chance to rape me.

>Ryevna: A bit dark, aren’t you.

>Jake: Oh, yeah.

"You have an unusual way of drinking,"

>Soniq: Through her fingers!

>Nutbunny: Like Mork!

he said with a
soft smile. "You have a particular fondness for the drink?"

"Hai," she lied, hoping he would buy it and leave it at

>Nutbunny: But her grimace gave it all away.

She had a facade he had built for her and she had
no choice but to be what he thought her to be. She held
up her glass waiting for him to fill it again.

Still smiling, feeling her smothered tension, he obliged her
with another full glass. He took a full swallow of the dark
liquid, watching her as she tipped her glass back until it
was empty once more. He could sense her need of it.

>Twinkia: (as Kunzite) I think she’s an alcoholic.

was indeed no whore but a courtesan. He clients were
probably screened in some way and then she would
establish some rapport with them before allowing them to
have their way with her.

>Soniq: What does that have to do with her drinking?

Yet, he felt her ill at ease with him
and he smiled at that. He would have it no other way than

Terror and resolve were both so great that the brandy had
been unable to affect either of them.

>Nutbunny: Two glasses of brandy in about two minutes, she’s never had alcohol before, and it has no effect?

She had really no idea
exactly what he wanted from her

>Jake: Sex.

or what he wanted her to

>Ryevna: Have sex with him.

Submission was the only card worthy of playing and she
had no choice but to wait for his orders.

He could see the fear upon her face, taste the nervousness

>Jake: I think that should be “radiating.”

from her that he scrowled inwardly.

>Nutbunny: That sounds painful.

What did she
expect that he would attack her?

>Ryevna: Um, yeah?

Did she think her claim upon
the bloodline of Aphrodite so great that it would send his blood
to boil in yearning for her?

>Soniq: Isn’t that what she’s here for?

He expected this from her, especially
when Venusian passions were legendary throughout the Galaxias.

>Nutbunny: Sailor Galaxia’s been cloned!

The storms of passion coursed through him that it surprised even
him. He had never expected a woman, a Venusian for that matter,

>Nutbunny: Whoa! She’s an alien!

>Jake: So.

>Nutbunny: (shrugs)
set his blood afire

>Ryevna: I’m burning! Nooo!

with the passion and need he craved now. She
had stirred something within the depths of his soul no other woman
had ever been able to do. It was as if her own soul touched his and
he could nothing but surrender to her. Was this the power the Venusian's
held? But it couldn't be. The collar upon her neck made her powers
nearly impossible to be used in any way.

>Twinkia: That’s just her Senshi powers.

He wanted her. He had
to have. It was passion, he called it.

>Jake: How clever of him to figure that out.

Consuming, knawing, burning
passion that held him in its talons. But he would never let her know
it or even see it.

The power of his lust for her battered her like some unseen

>Nutbunny: An invisible squeak-mallet!

She would never believe such a thing possible but she had
felt it. The collar simply made her senshi powers useless but it did
not stop her Venusian blood from sensing the lust nor the passion
he held back.

>Twinkia: HA! Told you.

If she closed her eyes, she knew she would be able
to reach out and touch it as if were some sort of clay she could

>Nutbunny: Into one beautiful tapestry.

>Soniq: So his passion is a clay tapestry?

She had never felt such a strong emotion before in her life
and knew nothing about the rituals of mating.

>Nutbunny: Of all the ways to put that, that’s got to be the worst.

>Jake: Didn’t she take Health in Junior High?

In all her life after
recieving her training as a Sailor Senshi had she dreamed of
experiencing this one emotion but here it was being given to
her almost on a silver platter.

>Ryevna: Only, in her dreams, it was based on mutual attraction and not, you know, spoils of war.

She could not understand
why he simply stood there and did not act upon this tide of emotion.
Was this somehow normal? Or did he simply wait for her to make
the first move in this game of seduction?

>Soniq: Hey, don’t ask us.

He had saved her and
brought her here to this place with only one thing in his mind. She
could not delude herself again into believing that this General was
different than any others that served under his prince's command.

>Nutbunny: But I thought she did, a couple pages ago.
He would show her no mercy as he had done her friends.

>Ryevna: He showed mercy to her friends? When?

He had
only lust, a lust that beat her senses like a hammer.

>Nutbunny: Squeak-mallet.

She could not
push him away or else he would toss her back on the moon and leave
her to die by the hands of his youma. Zeus and the Gods of Olympus,
forgive her but she had no desire to die.

>Twinkia: I told you, there fine with this kind of thing.

The General, now studying her
with a smoldering gaze and a relaxed stance that suggested a more
contained tension, was the answer against death.

>Ryevna: Unless he decides to kill her.

So she told herself,
and every word of it was true, but the fire of his desire, so apparent
in his stormy grey eyes, was causing an answering of kindling
within her. It waas his desire he gave her, or so she insisted, not
mercy, not strength, not honor nor compassion, not anything from him.

>Jake: She finally realized that?!
And he wanted her. But how much did he want her?

Her eyes searched his and she increased the fevor of her silent

I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you......

Kunzite groaned softly, nearly throwing himself onto the bed. He would
not touch her, he didn't dare to for fear of ravishing her til the early morning
rays peeked in through the meeting point of the heavy velvet curtains.

>Soniq: Um, if he’s in a lemon, and she’s been essentially offering herself to him, why would he be concerned about that?

>Nutbunny: He has to be a moderately decent person.

had taken all his willpower this evening from keeping him doing such an
action but it was time, past time, for her to keep the promise of her eyes.

"Undress me, girl, that we may begin," he commanded quietly,"while I
bind my wound with a sash.

>Twinkia: How’s he going to bandage his leg while she’s taking his clothes off?

I will not have the scent of blood ruining our

His words inspired her, though she kept up the mask of submission.
His blood would serve to hide her own; she would not betray her
virginity to him, not when he desired a practiced whore in his bed.

He had been waiting for her to begin it and she cursed herself silently
for not undressing upon entering the room in the first place. She could
only pray he wasn't angry with her for the delay. She had never
undressed before a man, not even her own father had seen her nude.

>Nutbunny: Which is, of course, fairly normal…
It was becoming more embarrassing than she realized. The worse
would soon come, Zeus help her. She closed her eyes, blocking out
the sight of him as she reached up, tearing away the fabric from her
body that the pieces fell around her.

He watched her hands reach up tearing away the shiny material
of her sailor senshi uniform. Her eyes were closed and her head
rolled back. She was a skilled temptress, his little vixen. This was
how she would look at the moment of her pleasure; she was giving
giving him an advanced peek. Damn her straight into hell.

>Soniq: It is interesting the way the perspective changes show the conflicting interpretations of the situation.

"Open your eyes and look at me," he commanded once more. His
voice harsh, not like it had been early.

>Jake: We need a verb, and that should be “earlier.”

She obeyed him. To do otherwise was signing her own death
warrant. How could she do this? He was devouring her with his
eyes. There was a tick pulsing irregularly near his mouth.

>Nutbunny: He’s having a stroke!


He was furious with her.

She stared him, her face a mask of careful control. It was not
done awkwardly, not by any means at all, but she had ripped the
material slowly, teasingly. This was worse with her eyes closed.
Shining eyes of jeweled aquamarine

>Ryevna: She’s got jewels in her eyes?

>Soniq: And her eyes aren’t aquamarine. Aquamarine is a greener shade.

were leveled at him, taunting
him with her self-control while his was nearly gone.

"Do you enjoy teasing the storm's fury, girl?"

>Twinkia: Ha ha, you stupid storm.

he whispered, urging
her to finish what she had set out to do. "We shall ride the crest of
the passion's storm together, precious one, and when we are both
foaming white, we will the next storm of passion lifts us up. Again
and again, we shall ride it together," he promised.

>Soniq: (bored) How very impressive.

It was a promise she understood so very well despite her lack
of knowledge of this act. His words stirred the raging fires within
her body, fanning even more flames she had thought possible.

>Nutbunny: Somebody get the fire extinguishers!

>Ryevna: There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion in this fic.

man had ever been able to waken such feelings in her before and
those who had tried simply labeled her "The Ice Princess".

>Twinkia: I would think that would be Mercury.

But here,
a Terran, had. She didn't understand it at all. Her fate couldn't lay
here with him? Terrans were forbidden. So why did she feel so
drawn to him like a moth to a flame?

>Jake: Because the clichés say so.

"Beautiful...perfect," he whispered pleased. "Indeed, you are
worth the portion I lost."

Hai, that was all she was to him and it made her even more
miserable. Captive, portion, whore; that was exactly how he
saw her. Dearest Zeus, that was not how she wanted to be

>All: YEAH!

She had to survive this!

She had been thankful that he had not set himself upon her
like some starving animal. There was still some dignity left
to her as he allowed to finish removing the last pieces of
her already torn uniform before he would defile her.

>Ryevna: Not much.

If only
what she knew now, she would change it all from this
morning. She and the others....

She would not torture herself anymore with images of
her lost friends and princess. She continued undressing,
removing the Love Me Chain from around her waist that
it made a loud clatter upon hitting floor.

>Twinkia: Isn’t it just a bunch of glowing hearts?

>AV: In the manga, there is an actual chain she wears.

She could not
use it without her senshi powers.

>Ryevna: She could strangle him with it when he sleeps!

Long, slender digits
slipped beneath the thin fabric of the collar and pushed
down her shoulder where it fell to her elbow and then
finally down the rest of her arm before it fell to the

Kunzite did not see this as a virgin's hesitant in
undressing but rather she was provoking him with
her harlot's tricks,

>Soniq: Because he was stupid male PIG! (throws an empty beer can)

deliberately fanning the already
scorching fire with her languid movements and inch
by inch he was catching glimpses of the beautiful
body she had kept hidden beneath the senshi form.
Oh, what fire burned and bolied within him. He had
never experienced such a fierce emotion as he had
with her. But he would never show her how much she
affected him, not when her eyes said, "Want me,"
while her face said, "Go rot in hell."

>Twinkia: Wow, that takes show practice.

And, as he had at every other moment in his life when
faced with higher stakes and an empty hand, he bluffed.

Never taking his eyes from her, he smiled lazily and
invited, "You did that so very well. Would you mind
doing me of the same service?"

>Jake: Wait a second! I thought he told her to undress him. (all look back a ways)

>Nutbunny: You’re right. So what was that whole last part?

>Ryevna: They both completely forgot what he said?

She had heard the invitation in his words

>Soniq: But decline, saying she had to wash her hair.

>Nutbunny: Do girls actually do that?

and she
panicked. He could not expect this from her. By Zeus'
thunderbolts, he must think her an idiot of sorts. Surely
this was the way of the bedroom, she reasoned with
herself, the way between a man and a woman. Of
course, she had not known this at all, but she knew
he did. Hai, it made perfect sense, she reasoned,
panic still building at the thought of touching him
intimately. A wife preparing herself for her husband
and then having to do the same for him as well. She
could see the logic in this as well as the seductiveness
to it. Intimacy and trust would be part of the moment,
the tender disrobing of a loved one in preparation for
what would be ahead. But she was no wife and he
was not her husband. They would not simply lay
in each other's arms when this was finished. For
a brief flash, she had an image of her mother
performing the same fashion as she for her
father. Venus pushed the image away.

>Nutbunny: (as Venus) Ew ew ew!

>Jake: Nobody wants to think about their parents having sex.

She could
not think of them. It would only make matters for
her worse and it could even spell her doom. She
must not think of anyone, but this silver-haired
man. This man, his pleasure, was her key to
survival and ultimately to her own freedom.

Venus moved to him on shakey legs. His eyes
capturing hers,

>Soniq: His eyes chased hers for ours with butterfly nets.

compelling her to look at him. Eyes
that held her capture in their silver depths, and she
could feel the heat rise again, sending a throbbing
pulse to beat at the tips of her breasts and at the
juncture between her thighs. It was disconcerting
and distracting and oddly compelling. She knelt
before him like one of his faithful pets he kept in
the harem only some yards away from this room.

>Twinkia: (blinks) He has a harem? (all throw popcorn at screen)
Fingers reaching out to unlace the boots as she
often did the other girls after a long wary day of
senshi training. Again, she banished those images
from her mind.

>Nutbunny: Brings to mind many OTHER lemons.

Kunzite was nothing like her friends.

>Ryevna: Because he was male, and evil.

>Jake: Not that the two are related.

He coiled with

>Soniq: Springs.
energy so strong that she knew it would rival her
own and a pulsing strength that surged from him
like lightning from the sky. He was leashed with
passion that would rival any earthian storm and
sexuality that sang through his body like a siren's
call. But unlike any storm preparing to unleash its
fury upon the land, he held back, allowing her to
continue her services to him. He did not demand
anything of her. He gave her time. He was a well-
known General renowned for his ruthless streak and
he did not owe her any compassion or mercy.

The Darkest of all Generals.

>Nutbunny: But also the blondest.

They called him Hades,
Prince of the Underworld.

>Soniq: Um, they did?

Venus remembered the stories she had heard about
Kunzite, recalled how he had earned his title and the
fear as well as respect from even his own Prince.

>AV: Except that when he first became a general he was good and he didn’t turn evil until Beryl released Metallia!

had never thought that she would ever find herself face
to face or even his prisoner. It seemed more like a
nightmare than anything and she had only hoped she
would wake up soon from it. But she knew that was
never going to happen and she simply must go on.

She removed his black boots and then his socks;
she would save his pants last.

>Twinkia: Which makes more sense than taking off his pants over his boots.

She watched as Kunzite
leaned forward so she could unclasp the cape from its
place upon his shoulders and tossed it onto a nearby
chair. Venus let her eyes roam down the front of his
uniform noting the bronze chest

>Jake: It must be weird to have a chest made out of metal.

that peeked from the
open collar sending her to snake her tongue over her
dry lips. She fumbled with the gold buttons and when
she finally reached the last one she could not help but
stare at the bronze chest.

>Nutbunny: Shiinnyy.

>Soniq: I can see my face.

Her hands moved underneath
the scratchy material, spreading it across his shoulders
and down his arms.

If only he was replusive....

>Ryevna: Because it would be easier to have sex with a really, really gross guy.

He should of been, in her opinion. The bastard commanded
armies one could only dream of and had the respect of
million of others who longed to be like him.

>Soniq: Damn him for rank and respect!

He also had his
hand in murdering her loved ones and this she would never
forgive him for.

>Soniq: Okay, that’s a good reason to hate him.

Yet there was something from within him
that called out to her...his soul?

He watched desire flame softly in her cool eyes as she
touched him, brushing her fingers over chest as she pushed
the jacket off of him. It was almost like a caress. She was
good, damn good, at her game, fanning his passion as she
kept hers cool. It was a contest between them to see which
one would break first. It was a contest Kunzite knew he was

>Jake: So Kunzite, unable to face the possibility of losing, killed himself. Venus escaped, the end.

He understood that as he read the careful distance in
her eyes even if wasn't apparent in her touch. She was a
cool one, stroking that fire to a blaze and not even being
burned in the process. And he was ablaze with passion;
he had never burned so hot or so much and certainly not
for so long as he did now. She was a siren, a naked
and submissive temptress, her head bent to her task,
baring his skin bit by tantalizing bit as her ripe breasts
brushed along his thigh....

>Soniq: And we fall into a paperback romance novel.

She did not hesitate as she reached for the buttons of
his pants, his last remaining article of clothing.

Kunzite cursed and grabbed her by the arms, hauling
her up the length of his chest until she lay sprawled
across him.

"Damn you," he choked with a laugh, "you have

She was stunned by his curse and too numb to act
by his actions. She had not understood his words at
all. Exactly what did she win?, she wondered.

>Nutbunny: A BRAND NEW CAR!

The numbness did not last. His mouth invaded hers,

>Soniq: I claim this mouth in the name of Canada!
anticipating a reponse that she felt compelled to give.
He tutored her without even knowing it. She mimicked
his every move, his every groan, hoping beyond hope
of pleasing him.

>Ryevna: Copycat!

She had to please him or die. His tongue

>Nutbunny: (makes plunger noises)

into her mouth and she responded back. His
hands swept over her skin as hers did over his, feeling
the thick muscles of his arms as he felt the silky contours
of her buttocks and waist. Lifting her up, he fastened his
mouth to one of her breasts, suckling like a newborn
babe. She was both fastened

>Jake: Huh?

and horrified at this act. Lifting
her higher, he tossed her onto her back, positioning his knees
between her legs. Copying him, she lifted her head to lick
the flat nipple, urging the tiny bud into erection. The space
between her legs widened with the gentle pressure of his.
Groaning, hell atop of her.

>Twinkia: Hell was on top of her?

She was surprised that his weight
did crush her,

>Ryevna: He crushed her? I guess its over then.

only that it sent her further into the comfort of
the soft bed.

>Ryevna: (mutters angrily)

Hos mouth, his teeth, in full display. slid from
her mouth to her throat to her shoulders and her breasts
before returning to her mouth. And the space between her
legs grew even wider still.

>Jake: That paragraph just went up in flames.

Kunzite, his mouth still on hers, touched the juncture
between her thighs with the tips of his fingers.

>Soniq: Does this bug you? Does this bug you?

She was
wet from her passion.

"You are ready for me," he whispered huskily against
her skin, shifting so that his mouth brushed along her ear.

"Hai," she answered in complete ignorance as to what
he meant, "I am ready." She knew what was to come,
understood the concept of coupling,

>Nutbunny: That might be worse than “rituals of mating.”

having been taught at
an early age by her mother, the Queen.

>Twinkia: I thought she didn’t know anything about it?

>Nutbunny: There’s a lot of contradictions in this fic.

He would tear

>Jake: Limb from limb…

and she would bleed

>Jake: And the fic would end.

but he had to believe that the
blood was from the wounds he had recieved. Yet she
knew nothing of the passion that was driving both of them
to the brink of exquisite madness.

He hardly heard her. Plunging in to the hilt, unable to
wait any longer to have his claim upon her, and Kunzite
shouted his satisfaction. He had completely drowned out
her own cries of pain as he entered her. She was completely
tight and he did not understand this. The only explanation
he could come up with was that her lovers were possibly
older senile men


to leave her as tight as she was. It didn't
matter. Two, three, four, and it was over. She was truly
a delectable portion and far worthy of losing his General's
portion for.

>Nutbunny: How many times does this fic need to say “portion”?

"Hai," he whispered against her throat. His voice wary
and yet there was still passion burning in his words, "you
have won."

Venus turned her head so that he would not see the tears
that fell down her face. If she won, why did she feel like she
had gambled it all and lost?

The pain of what she had just done tore at her heart. Her
innocence shattered and she would never be able retrieve
it. The man who had taken all that laid beside her, his arm
around her waist.

>Ryevna: Pick up your chain thing and strangle him, then escape.

She moved her leg, dislodging the sash,

>Soniq: So it stayed on through all that, but falls off when she moves her leg?
and she was rewarded with the slick feel of his blood
rushing down her leg. His blood would mingle with hers
upon the sheets, masking the proof of what would been
her virginity.

She was one no longer.

She was alive.

>Jake: That’s kind of a non sequitor.

>(A tall blonde in a hot pink sailor fuku pokes her head around the door):What?

>Nutbunny: Not you, sorry.

>Sailor Nonsequitor: Oh, okay.

>Soniq: All Neptune’s great oceans will not wash away the pain of this fic.
Coming soon:
Chapter Three


Astrea: Hey, how was it?

Nutbunny: Tried too hard to be poetic.

Jake: Grammar fell apart about half-way through.

Ryevna: I guess we might as well stick around, since we’ll probably have to MST the next chapter.

Soniq: Okay. Start the movie again.