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Everyone needs to get their artistic inspiration somewhere. Of course Disney was the pioneer in animation. Even though Sea Prince and the Fire Child was a very original movie and had beautiful art, there are many cases of seeing the large Disney Influence in the film. Of course, people can't say that they were ripping Disney off (which they weren't); I seriously think the newest Disney animated films are doing the same thing to Japanese animations. Disney's not ripping them off, but an anime influence is now in the Disney films. So, what comes around goes around!

The three films of Disney that seemed to inspired this movie were Peter Pan, Pinnochio, and Fantasia.

It is pretty apparent how much influence came from Peter Pan in this film. The structure of the faces, espcecially between that of Syrius and Peter Pan can be seen easily, from the head shapes, to even a little of the noses, and the eyes. Further more, Syrius' swimming (and occasionally flying) is very much like Peter Pan's and their personalities of happy-go-lucky are similar. The both carry yellow knives/daggers also. Their hair style and hair colors are also similar.
Malta and Wendy don't look all that similar, but they both have the same kind of bangs, which are both curled in locks and parted down the middle. Both seem to have similar serious trying-to-be-grown up personalities also.
This early concept art of Malta's Queen form show her not much different from her usual looks; the only differences in this version of her queen form from her regular form is that her bangs are rolled, she wears a headband, bigger wings and three antennae instead of one. Strangly enough, I think this concept, especially when she is all blue at this picture at right, make her look too much like the Blue Fairy in Pinnochio. Not really, but close enough. Of course all the fire children look like the fairies of Fantasia, everything from being multicolored to being creatures who control natural elements, to flying in the same manner.