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Alec Lookalikes

I'm a huge otaku when it comes to anime, manga, and RPGs, so of course I've come across characters who look quite similar to the blond genius. Alec is one of a whole bunch of anime guys with long blond hair, and I know I've seen those glasses on others, as well. Wondering where you can find some of Alec's "twins"? Well, wonder no more! That's what this page is for. ^^

Note: These are just my opinions. If you don't think a certain guy looks/acts like Alec, that's cool. Oh, and if you have any comments, suggestions, or additions for this section, please
e-mail me and let me know! I'd love to hear from you! ^_^

And now, on to the lookalikes!

Contestant number one -

Hotsuma from Tenchi in Tokyo (or Shin Tenchi Muyo, or "that Tenchi series that really sucked", whatever you wanna call it)

Look at the guy! Sure, his hair is up in a ponytail, but that really doesn't matter. :P The glasses are bigger than Alec's cute little ones, as well. I think they look an awful lot alike, tho'. When I first saw him, I was like, "Oh my God, it's Alec! WAI!" He doesn't act like my Alec, however. He's all evil and stuff. I really liked him at first, when he was being all nice to Ryoko. I was happy - they seemed like such a wonderful couple! And who could blame her for going for such a beautiful guy? He's so much better looking than Tenchi... but then again, most guys are, so... *snickers* Then he had to go and be all evil.. damn him. >.< *sigh*

More pics for your enjoyment! ^_^ (VERY special thanks goes out to my dear Vinnie-kun, who found these pictures for me. Love ya, hun! ^_^<3)

Contestant number two -

Samon from Appare Jinpangu

How can you look at this guy and not see Alec? Not only does he have light hair (I think it's light brown... not sure... -_-;;), but he also has the glasses, and - Gasp! - he was created by the Goddess, Yuu Watase, as was Alec! After reading the first volume of Appare Jinpangu (thanks to Caitlin! ^^), I've grown very fond of him. He's a real sweetie, and has an almost innocent air about him - just like Alec! He's such a cutie! ^^ He's terribly near-sighted, and he's awful shy. Gotta love him, eh? *grins*

More pics for your enjoyment! ^_^

Contestant number three - <br>

Citan Uzuki from Xenogears

When I first saw Alec, I said, "Oh my God! It's Citan!" Yep yep. ^^ Cait was a bit peeved, because she said that Alec wasn't as... well... evil as the good doctor, which spawned an arguement in which I defended the good doctor to the end, but that's another story... Not only do they look alike, they also act alike. Both of them are incredibly intellignt, and both are sweet, caring people. Citan is a doctor, and Alec is a scientist - not the same thing, but close. :P They both have the cute lil' glasses. ^^ True, Citan can be sneaky. He was downright evil at times, too. I never stopped loving him, tho'. He meant well the entire time. ^^;; I knew as soon as I saw him that he would be my favorite Xenogears character. *grin* I love him, I really do. *hugs Citan* Too bad he's married, eh girls? *wink* He's a wonderful guy, and still one of my all-time favorite characters.

More pics for your enjoyment! ^_^

Contestant number four -

Watari Yutaka from Yami no Matsuei

Wow! I think it's Alec in a past life! Watari not only has the long (occasionally braided) blonde hair and glasses, but he's also a scientist! His personality is very similar to Alec, as well - he's a total goofball. ^^ (That's a very good thing, by the way. *grin*) Very special thanks goes out to Sesshomaru FluFfY for telling be about Watari! ^_^ Arigatou!

More pics for your enjoyment! ^_^

Contestant number five -

Another fan submission, Sakata Ri Houjun (love the name ^_^) brought sweet Issa here to my attention. He has the braid, although he isn't blond, and he's a total sweetheart. It seems he was involved in a plot to trick the main character, but when he was found out, was very sorry and upset. Awww, how cute! ^_^<3 He also has the adorable little glasses that Alec does. He's so cute! *bounces* Again, thank you, Sakata Ri Houjun! Check out her site! She has wonderful taste, and beautiful fanart!

More pics for your enjoyment! ^_^

Contestant number five -

Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi

Okay, so maybe they don't really look alike, but they do have similar personalities. And they're my two favorite bishounen. ^_^<3 And this is my shrine, so you're going to have to deal with it. :-P Chichiri acts very cheerful and goofy, but unlike Alec, he's only doing it to hide a deep pain. He's very caring and kind like Alec, though. Plus, they're both voiced by the amazingly talented Seki Tomokazu! WAI~! ^_^<3 *happy sigh* Also, as you all (should) know, they're both created by the Goddess, Yuu Watase. All hail the maker of perfect bishounen!

More pics for your enjoyment! ^_^ (Isn't he BEAUTIFUL?! *dreamy sigh*)

Contestant number six -

Sereus Lagunahaan from Planet Ladder

Another fan submission. Seras is very bouncy and happy like Alec, and he sure looks like him, eh? Sadly, pictures of him are very hard to find right now... *sigh* Jec, who told me about Seras, scanned this for me... and it's the only picture I can find right now. -_- At any rate, he's another one that looks like the beautiful otaku genius. ^_^

Here's the full version of the pic above... that's all I have for now!

A while ago, someone sent me an e-mail with another lookalike, but I've since lost her e-mail and the site she sent me. He was a member of the Japanese band LAREINE, and I'm having trouble finding pictures of him. If you're reading this, please, e-mail me again! I'd love to put that lovely real-life bishounen here on my page. Thank you! ^_^<3

If you have any suggestions, please
tell me about them! I'm desperate for other characters to put here.. -_-;; Thanks!