As you may have already guessed, this part of my site is devoted to Gundam Wing.
Well, DUH! It's in the title for crying out loud! ~~~~Chaine
SILENCE, NEKO-BOY! (Pokes Chaine with a cattle prod.) As I was saying, this part of the site shall now house all the stuff I do based on GW from now on. Why you may ask, am I doing this? Umm...well, I ran out of room on my orginal page, so I needed more space.
Duo: Translation: "This page is just a storage space, kiddees!"
Dammit, I told you guys to butt out! (Hits Duo and Chaine with the cattle prod.) Eeeerr...well, Duo-chan is partially correct in his assumtion that this will be a storage space. But I assure you that there will also be Gundam stuff up here for you to read, view, or otherwise enjoy!
Disclaimer: This section contains elements of shouen-ai and YOAI material. Some of the stories are intended for mature (read 14 or older) audiences. Vistor discretion is advised.

Take me to the goodies!
No! I do not want to be corrupted!