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TRY Image Gallery

WARNING: This gallery will include pictures from every episode! Many spoilers will be included, so if you haven't seen the episode(s) you may want to wait until you have before viewing this page! Don't feel like scrolling down really far? (It's going to be a long list!) Then here's a shortcut: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, CB, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, End.

*I constantly check and recheck my links to make sure they're working properly, however should you find a broken link E-mail me! It makes my job that much easier!*

It's sad that I have to do this, but many people (you know who you are!) have been swiping my scanned pictures for their own sites. Now I don't claim to actually own these images or characters (just the books they came from! ^_-), but it greatly saddens and angers me to find that someone is using them without an inkling of credit to me. I've worked very hard to make pretty images (one of the reasons I put up a site in the first place!) and I don't appreciate it to find that not only have they been taken, but then the site maintainers (again, you know who you are!) have the gall to claim said images as their own,even going so far as to warn against stealing them! I don't want to be mean and nasty about it, but if this continues, I may just take down this site all together! (Something that I most definitely do not want to do!) Either that, or I might have to find ways to mar my pictures to prevent thievery (again, I don't want to do that either!) So be kind people, and at least give credit where credit's due. If not you're going to ruin it for everybody, and you'll incur my wrath... *whips out Hammer of Justice(TM) in preparation*

Episode 1: Majestic? Journey to the New World!

Lina receives a letter from someone named "Filia..."

Amelia performing her royal duty.

A lone man spies on the meeting.

Lina and Gourry admire the ships leaving port.

Lina gives Gourry a small geography lesson.

Lina's a little full of herself!

An old friend enters the scene.

Lina and Gourry greet Zelgadis.

Lina and Zelgadis catch up on days gone by.

Someone startles the trio.

Filia makes an entrance.

Gourry's just a little too curious...

The attacker flees the scene.

Gourry's accused of being a pervert!

Lina sees a familiar person.

Amelia's reaction to hearing what she thought was Lina's voice.

Lina sees nothing different with her new employer.

Filia vanishes much to everyone's shock.

Lina gets right in Amelia's face.

A gold dragon looms over the city.

Gourry doesn't know his own strength!

Amelia and Zelgadis prepare themselves for Lina's Dragon Slave.


Onward to new adventure (and avoid being punished!)

Episode 2: Doubtful? A Letter From Home!

I think they've been on the boat a little too long.

Amelia's not feeling too well.

At last-LAND!

Gravos and his goons rob from a helpless town.

The townsfolk beg the newcomers to help.

Lina's not happy to prolong her meal.

Zelgadis warns Gravos to expect the unexpected.

The gang is in a frenzy!

Starving Slayers does not a pretty picture make!

Gourry looks like a zombie!

Never EVER eat a bomb-no matter how hungry you are!

Lina disarms Jillas' bombs.

Zelgadis uses his head...

ANOTHER Gold Dragon?!?

Wait-this means...

Filia explains things over a cup of tea.

Lina likes being a representative!

A letter from home...

"It says, 'Shut up and do it. From your sister"

Lina is terrified to anger her sister.

Episode 3 : Where's That Arrogant Guy Going?

Filia's upset at the lack of motivation.

Zelgadis has his own plans.

An angel comes down from the heavens and-

-promptly slaps on a healing spell-literally!

Zelgadis! A demon?

How did this happen?

Zelgadis feeling a little sheepish.

Filia let's out her frustrations!

Amelia,watch what you're doing!

Lina feels ultra powerful!

Valgaav's too sure of himself.

And who do we have here?

A powerful, vengeful mazoku-that's who!

Lina questions why an enemy has shown up.

Xellos! Wipe that smile off of your face!

Episode 4: On the Move! He's Out For Revenge?

Smug people really bother me (especially Valgaav!)

Gourry and Valgaav clash.

A double whammy: Amelia and Zelgadis combine their spell!

Oh look, Xellos decided to help after all!

The group watches in awe.

Lookout! Xellos knows karate!

Lina's SO happy to see Xellos.

Amelia's righteous wrath! ^-^

A feud as old as time-and Lina's caught in the middle!

Filia really does NOT want to be in Xellos' presence.

Episode 5: A Wild Rumor? You Can't Have Smoke Without Fire?

Again the gang is at a restaurant.

Lina has no compassion for others when it comes to food.

Xellos, just what is your problem? (And what's with your hair?)

Filia's not happy about being in jail (though she's mostly mad at Xellos at the moment!)

The dreaded dragon test!

Drawing attention to yourself is not always a good thing!

Xellos has gone too far yet again...

Looks like Filia got carried away.

ALWAYS refer to your travelers' guide before trying out the exotic cuisine!

Episode 6: Wandering Around? The Runaway Shrine Takes a Trip!

At last, the Fire Dragon King's shrine!

Zelgadis has a buddy to drink tea with (or whatever it is that he's always drinking!)

Lina has absolutely NO table manners!

That goes for Gourry as well...

Filia does not know how to savor food.

Xellos adds in his two cents.

Welcome back to reality, Filia!

Darn old dragon talisman's acting up again!

Just what is this ancient temple really?

What'd'ya mean this 'train' is out of control?!?

Where could the power source be? (Gourry's actually thinking about it!)

Filia, you have to know where it is!

Hey look, there it is!

Lina plays umpire.

Jillas remembers past torment (this flashes on the screen for a split second!)

All right, we did it!

Lina has to destroy the 'train' to save the Dragon's sanctuary.

Episode 7: A Peace Conference? This is the Dragon Shrine?

The gang checks out the damage done.

Filia is offended by Zelgadis' comments.

Careful Zel, you may find yourself flying again!

Amelia sees something overhead.

Those dragons cause quite an uproar.

The elder gets too close for comfort.

Lina thinks she's on top of things...

Lina and Amelia enjoy lazing around-

Only to be forced to rebuild the sanctuary (if Lina would stop whining, that is!)

Amelia, pay attention to what you're doing!

According to this...

Amelia directs the cumbersome Gold Dragons.

Zelgadis isn't too happy with the whole situation.

Episode 8: Be Careful! The Plan Has Begun!

Wha-we can't move!

Gourry can't even keep his grip on the S.o.L.

Amelia and Zelgadis aren't any better off.

Valgaav hates being overruled.

Lina retrieves the Sword of Light.

Filia's in shock about what Valgaav has said.

Xellos, you have bad timing!

Now is not the time to get buddy-buddy with Filia!

It's Almayce v.s. Gourry!

Filia chants a spell to get the situation under control-

-and Amelia actually recognizes it as white magic long lost to humans!

The attackers have fled the scene...

Episode 9: Continuous Fire! The Wind-Swept Shore of Battle!

Lina and Filia look over a map of the Baritone and Alto islands.

Cannonballs from above?!?

Gourry'd better move!

Lina deflects an incoming cannonball...

...unfortunately it crashes into the castle walls!

Lina and Co. are soon surrounded by guards!

Amelia vents her frustrations about the pointless war.

Hey, Xellos is along for the trip too!

Xellos accidentally draws the locals' attention.

Lina punishes Gourry for being smart at the wrong time.

The king's daughter stays behind...

Amelia accuses the queen. (Pretty brave, isn't she?)

The queen's son stays behind...

Sera is happy that she found thieves to recruit.

Filia shows her love of string games.


Zelgadis reveals another hidden talent.


Lina and Co. head for a small island.

Zelgadis and Co. aren't far behind.

Valgaav isn't going to be a real threat to anyone for awhile...

Gravos and Jillas feel helpless staying so...

Lina isn't too happy having been followed by the warring king and queen!

Episode 10: Ready for Exile! Isn't Two People's Love Eternal?

Sera and Marco try to destroy the madokis - Much to Lina's dismay!!

Jillas tosses a bomb into the works.

Again Xellos adds in his two cents.

Sera and Marco aren't the star-crossed lovers they appeared to be!

Jillas whips out his secret weapon.

Amelia's been hit!

It's Zelgadis' time to shine!

Jillas meets Filia's mace head on-

-Shortly followed by Amelia's fist!

Lina and Gourry can't do much to Gravos.

Gravos' weapon goes out of control!

Gourry prepares himself for Lina's Dragon Slave.

Using the power of love (according to Amelia) Zelgadis and Amelia combine the madokis' power.

Lina is obviously dumbfounded by the results.

Something rises from the ocean floor...

The true reason for the war? A silly childhood fight!

A vengeful fox vows revenge.

Episode 11: The Hurdle's Cleared? Jillas' Hidden Power!

The gang encounters a mountain that looks like-

"Amelia, a princess shouldn't say such things!"

The tour guide looks sort of familiar...

The gang must split into "couples".

Quite an interesting arrangement!

Amelia is paired up with Gourry,

Zelgadis with Lina,

and Xellos with Filia?!?

"You must walk arm in arm..."

Amelia doesn't feel so good about the whole thing.

Then they have to walk through a dark passageway.

Gourry finds himself separated from the group ("They must've gotten lost!")

Lina accuses Amelia of "losing Gourry".

Lina's getting pretty worked up over someone she doesn't "care for".

Poor Zelgadis can't do anything about it.

Filia is left outside to feel sorry for herself.

"What the heck is that thing?"

The guide is none other than - Jillas (surprise!)

Jillas was pretty smart to get them cornered...

Meanwhile Gourry's fighting to keep his sword.

This time Jillas has a more powerful gun!

Yikes! The ground is booby-trapped!

Gourry makes a triumphant return.

"No! Stop! Go back!"

Jillas finds the S.o.L. right in front of his nose.

Yep, it IS the S.o.L!

Lina and the gang give chase to reclaim the swiped sword!

Episode 12: Selfless and Senseless! Pursuit through the Labyrinth!

Jillas has the Olympic torch?!? Actually it's the stolen S.o.L!!

Lina and the gang are following Jillas no matter what the terrain!

"Do you hear a waterfall?"

Looks like everyone survived intact.

Filia regains herself after going crazy...(oops!)

Poor Gourry was awfully attached to that sword...

As was Lina...

Zelgadis looks down on the sorry scene.

At last they find Jillas' escape route!

"Ow! Not in the eyes!"

Xellos decides to join in the chase.

"So what's the plan?"

Three pathways and six people equals splitting up!

Don't bother a concentrating shrine maiden!

Filia has interesting methods for figuring out directions...

"That way!"

Gourry finally comes to his senses.

An unexpected meeting!

"What's that?"

Lina and Gourry come face-to-face with the enemy???

Episode 13: An Explosive Situation! The One Who Holds The Key!

At last Xellos finds Valgaav.

Valgaav doesn't appreciate the company.

Xellos' proposition: "Join us (mazoku) or die!"

Meanwhile, Almayce wakes up.

Lina and Gourry get filled in on what is going on.

Back at Valgaav's, Filia is horrified when Xellos blurts out the Genocide of the Ancient Dragons.

Valgaav attacks Xellos (can you blame him?)

Xellos gets too close for comfort!

Valgaav retaliates!

Lina, Gourry, and Almayce enter.

Filia tells Lina about Xellos' true intentions (as if Lina didn't know...)

Lina smacks Xellos anyway.

At last Amelia, Zelgadis, and a bound Jillas arrive.

Filia helps Xellos get away from the battle (which was conveniently cut out due to way too much clean up of scanned images on my part!)

Lina is ready to back them up if needed.

Valgaav isn't about to let Xellos (and anybody else for that matter) get away!

Gourry, quick! Save Lina from Valgaav!!

Lina is too surprised to escape from Valgaav!

Gourry to the rescue!

Uh oh! Valgaav got the Sword of Light!!

*Commercial Break* (at least the eye catcher part for now!)

It's Lina!

Lina again...

It's chibi (or super deformed) Lina!

It's Gourry!

Gourry yet again...

Aww...SD Gourry is cute!

It's Amelia!

Again, it's Amelia...

Forever a hero of justice-no matter what size!

Zel looks less than pleased...

Who turned on the wind?!?

Wake up, you sleepy head!


There's that darn wind again!

It's mini-Trickster Priest!

It's Filia!

Another shot of Filia!

And last but not least: SD Filia!!

Episode 14: Striding And Swaggering! Lamentation Without End!

Valgaav floats high above the pillar.

Lina and Co. aren't too happy the way things are going.

Valgaav must be mighty pleased with himself.

The pillar is actually where Ceiphied and Shabranigdo battled long ago.

Let the battle begin!

Amelia takes a moment to talk to Lina.

Filia is having major problems with everything.

Valgaav stands under the gate.

Xellos is still pretty beaten up.

Zelgadis and Amelia prepare to attack Valgaav.

The situation is growing ever worse!

Valgaav manages to summon Darkstar.

Gourry and Zelgadis can only stand by.

Lina begins to cast the Giga Slave to keep Darkstar at bay.

At the last moment two figures enter the scene!

What happened?!? Lina is adrift in the sea...

*WARNING! All reality in the Slayers world stops beyond this point!*

Episode 15: Disaster And Danger? This Place Is a Wonder Island!

Lina wakes up in an alien place (and what's with her clothes?)

Lina encounters a few of the locals...

...who aren't happy to see her!

The "master" of this strange realm reveals himself!

Finally, something familiar.

Food doesn't normally do that, does it?

Lina gets caught up in the moment.

Lina is overjoyed when she 'thinks' she sees Gourry in the crowd!

At last, Lina finds the true master of this crazy place.

Wait a minute...What are YOU doing here?!?

Lina finally takes matters into her own hands (she's also chanting in Japanese because I thought the pic looked cooler that way! ^_^)

Hey, "Pig" wasn't really a pig at all!

And lowe and behold, Lina and Zelgadis were in the real world after all!

And what's Filia's excuse for being at the amusement park? Relieving stress apparently...

Episode 16: Pandemonium! Terror of The Cursed Jar!

Lina finds out too late that she stole a boat full of holes. (Serves her right!)

Something looms out of the darkness.

A ghost ship?

The 'captain' of the ship is -a POT?!?

Lina doesn't feel like ridding the ship of it's ghost problem.

Lina and Filia run from said ghost.

Zelgadis, not wanting anything to do with the others, finds a guitar.

The ghost attacks using the captain's prized pots to protect itself.

Filia, and avid vase/pot/whatever collector, sees a rare find!


Later, Filia finds the captain's log and reads that the crew was killed because of the captain's lack of caring for his crew. (The ghost is one of the dead crew!)

Back with Lina, she goes a little crazy and starts shooting Elemekia Lances everywhere.

Filia returns with some vases she found.

The ghost strikes again!

Filia strikes at it with her mace, but misses and punches a hole in the ship instead!

Lina finally gets a clear shot at the ghost.

After talking it out, the two ghosts (the captain was also dead - imagine that!) can finally pass on, with Filia's help of course!

Free at last!

After that whole incident, Lina, Filia, and Zelgadis (he didn't go down with the ship!) are afloat at sea.

Episode 17: Immediate Results? Love Is In The Tiny Differences!

Amelia finally regains conscience.

-Only to come face-to-face with a fish girl! *Note to the uninformed: Amelia really hates fish!*

After resolving her issues, Amelia sneaks out after Lyla (the fish girl.)

Lyla had snuck out to be with her true love, a human named Kereru, but is caught by her father!

Amelia makes herself known!

Amelia debates with Lyla's father about his lack of understanding for the two lovers. (o_O)

She is momentarily stumped...

Later they find out that Lyla can become human (with the jewel from a sea serpent's head!)

Amelia and Lyla have inner turmoil over who will be the "sacrifice" to lure the serpent.

Luckily, a starved Gourry is carried in!

Gourry is so hungry, he doesn't care that he's eating seaweed...(Blech!)

Gourry finds himself (yet again) dolled up as the sacrifice.

The others hide nearby, waiting...

Gourry must be a cowboy!

Amelia jumps into action!

"Victory!" The jewel is obtained.

Lyla and Kereru dash off-

-Leaving Gourry and Amelia to deal with a perturbed sea serpent!

Things take an interesting turn...

Isn't true love wonderful? (Gourry isn't so sure.)

Episode 18: The Right Person In The Right Place! Amelia In The Village of Justice!

Gourry practices his justice speech.

Amelia doesn't think he's doing a good job...

...and shows him how it's done!

Could it be?!?

These old people are defenders of justice?!

Welcome to the Village of Justice!

Amelia feels awkward (and Gourry's confused.)

Gourry receives a new sword.

And Amelia gets...a mace? (Ugly if you ask me!)

Gourry and Amelia will fight in the place of two fallen comrades.

Amelia's ready for action!

Gourry's not quite in sync with the others...

Along the way monsters attack!

Ken and Reika are terrified!

These are the monsters?!?

The leader attempts to hold them off to allow Ame- err... May and Leo to move on to conquer the evil.

This " terrible dragon" is too cute to be a threat...

The others don't think so!

Hey, the dragon is actually a village pet! (What's going on here anyway?!?)

The leader is still convinced that evil lurks because he can hear it.

It's coming from over there...

.....THEY are the evil monsters?!?

Yay, everyone's back together again! (And thus ends the craziness we've been subject to.)

Episode 19: Three People, Three Ways! Where the Light Leads!

Back at the gateway, Elrogos plots on finding the last Darkstar weapon.

He plans on using his servants (which look like big bugs!) to locate it.

Meanwhile, Lina & Co. gaze at the pillar of light, contemplating on how to get there.

Their thoughts are cut short by the captain!

Yikes! They have to do physical labor just to afford passage on the ship! (Lina's none too happy about it, either...)

Again we jump to Jillas, the lone survivor (as far as he knows...)

Back with Lina & Co., they find Valgaav and Almayce's hideout, which is the quickest way back to the pillar of light.

Let's start looking for a way back!

They know where the transporter is, but as for the controls...

The search continues (Gourry, not so close!)

Amelia looks while Lina lazes nearby on a throne.

Whoa! Where'd that come from?

The searchers are invaded by oversized insects!

Jillas and Palu, the little beastboy (???) who rescued him, see a swarm approaching.

"What is that?"

A few of the 'bugs' terrorize Palu's home.

Jillas, fearing for the child, takes matters into his own hands (er...paws or whatever!)

Something else gets Jillas' attention: "LINA INVERSE?!?"

Lina's not to great at sarcasm.

In the nearby town, the 'bugs' tear apart everything in their search.

Hey you two! Stop talking and do something!

Lina burns...

Amelia freezes...

And Filia finishes the job!

All the commotion alerts Elrogos to the scene.

A few miles away, Jillas works on avenging Valgaav and Gravos.

It's Zelgadis and Gourry v.s. Elrogos!

Amelia should teach a self-defense class...

Filia attempts to attack Elrogos as well.

Despite all their efforts, Elrogos still gains the upper hand. (This can't be good!)

While that's going on, Jillas prepares to launch his rocket.

We have liftoff!

After the explosion (which destroyed the town but didn't even singe Lina & Co.) Jillas bids farewell to Palu.

Palu is heartbroken to see his "Uncle" go. (Break out the tissues!)

Jillas sets out determined to find a way to get rid of Lina and finally avenge his friends.

Lina decides to let Jillas go for now...

Episode 20: A Hero's Advent? For Whom Does the Young Girl Pray?

The search for more crests leads the gang to this ghost town...

Filia points out the direction of the last weapon.

The gang meets up with a young girl...

...who tells them of the city's plight (No gold + no water = no people!)

Everyone listens patiently.

-Until an unwanted intruder interrupts!

Lina recognizes the cloaked figure as one of Almayce's people. (A chase ensues...)

Somehow Anna (the girl) finds him first. She believes him to be the hero of legend come to save her city.

When Lina & Co. find them, Anna defends "the hero."

Lina and Gourry can't believe that Sirius is a hero since his goal is to destroy their world.

Suddenly, Zelgadis and Amelia look up to see-

Elrogos, when are you going to learn not to blow everything up?!?

Lina unleashes her "Gourry Bomb!"

Elrogos fights back!

Thank goodness for defense barriers!

While the battle continues, Sirius makes his move.

Uh oh, he's charging up for something BIG!

Lina & Co. are too late to stop him!

Wha..? What's he doing?!?

Having found what they were looking for, the two Outworlders leave.

Anna's happy that "the hero" has restored water to the parched land (and her special flowers.)

Amelia speaks of the land flourishing and becoming rich again, but due to Agriculture, not a gold mine.

Filia finds the uncovered crest...

...and freaks out when she realizes what it is! (Too bad she doesn't enlighten the rest of us...)

Episode 21: Savage and Unexplained! History Sealed Away!

At last our adventurers get to where they want. Too bad Lina doesn't fare so well in the cold!

They turn their attention to what they came for-

-An ancient Dragon temple.

Yep, it also has a seal. There must be something good inside...

Lina's ready to get out of the cold.

Too bad a barrier prevents her from doing so!

Lina's a bit stupefied...

Filia tries to break the seal. It is a Dragon seal, after all!

And it works! (Reminds me of the demolition of the Seattle Kingdom...)

What's this? Xellos and the overworlders are following!

At last Lina & Co. gain entry.

Something upsets Filia! Just what kind of temple is this?

Oh my...

They come across another barrier, containing a blue orb.

As they approach, the restless souls of the Ancient Dragons demand an answer from Filia.

As Filia is unsure of what they want, the Ancient Dragons reveal their tragic past to Filia and the others.

What's this? A young Val seems to be the only survivor.

Lina and Gourry are awed by what they see.

Filia, now with a new understanding of the past, takes the orb and continues on.

Gourry's got a question: "Just who are the bad guys here?" And for once, Lina doesn't have an answer.

Filia continues to dispel the barriers keeping them away from the center of the temple.

But what's this? The gang hears a sudden commotion outside!

Gold Dragons? And they look ready to attack! Just what is going on here?!


Episode 22: Eternal Death, Final Farewells! A Cry to the Fallen!

Everyone watches the incoming Gold Dragons. (Exciting, isn't it?)

Back inside the temple, the Chief Elder is back to protect the last weapon.

Xellos and Almayce aren't going to take "No" for an answer!

Back outside, the Dragons draw closer... (I'll bet you're on the edge of your seat!)

Ack! The Dragons attack!

Elrogos and Sirius aren't happy about that and attack back.

Needless to say, the Gold Dragons don't stand a chance!

All that Lina & Co. can do is talk about the pointlessness of it all.

Back inside, Xellos threatens to kill Filia if the Elder won't break the last seal.

Since the last seal was put there by Ancient Dragons, the Elder CAN'T break it. Xellos changes tactics-

And goes after the Chief Elder!

Filia tries to defend the Elder.

Unfortunately, that's just what Xellos wanted! He fuses Filia's spell to his own and shoots it at the seal.

Xellos moves in to claim his prize.

Lina to the rescue! (A.K.A. she finally does something in this episode!)

Aww, Xellos' moment of pure evilness has been shattered.

Lina's feeling pretty good...

Don't forget about Almayce!

Lina dispatches Amelia, Gourry, and Zelgadis to detain Xellos.

Ooh! Pep talks! Just the thing to deter Xellos.

And Xellos is unable to fight back!

Meanwhile, Lina tackles the seal with the Ragna Blade.

And it works! Lina now has the last weapon...

...and she knows how to use it!

But what's this? Suddenly, Elrogos stabs Almayce in the back!

These two are not to be underestimated!

Ack! Xellos is on the move!

Xellos! How could you?!

Lina's okay, just a bit dazed. But what is Xellos up to?

Episode 23: No Time for Arguing! Head for the Showdown!

Amelia prepares a spell to bury all the Gold Dragon carcasses. (There were no survivors.)

Filia has a lot to sort out...

And starts by giving up her role as a shrine maiden.

Lina & Co. are very supportive of her decision.

Back at the pillar of light, Xellos continues to carry out his mission.

Much to the confusion of Elrogos and Sirius. "Why would a monster help save the world?"

Xellos has no secret this time! He plans on saving the world from Darkstar so that he and the rest of his race can destroy it themselves.

Meanwhile, at Valgaav's lair...

Jillas has something up his sleeve.

Lina & Co. are back as well!

But whatever element of surprise they may have had is gone now!

Jillas attacks!

Lina prepares to get rid of the pest with a Fireball.

GASP! It doesn't work!?

Gourry and Zelgadis decide to try their swords.

Again they meet with failure.

Jillas brings out the big bomb to kill them all! (He takes vengeance a little too far...)

Filia is sick of everyone wanting to kill each other!

She tells Jillas to take out his hatred on her and let the others go.

Jillas doesn't want to do that, but he accidentally pushes "The Button"!

Filia prepares to be blown to bits!

Umm...that was unexpected.

Looks like Jillas didn't have any gunpowder...

The crisis over, Jillas decides to help!

Finally, they are on their way back to the pillar.

-Or not. Looks like they'll have to fly the rest of the way...

Episode 24: No Way to Guess! The Forbidden Gateway is Opened!

Uh oh! Back at the pillar, the gate is opening... (That's not a good thing, people!)

Sirius gets ready to fight off Darkstar. (What a guy...)

Xellos! Just what are you thinking about?

Back with Lina & Co., they continue their flight to the pillar.

At last! They made it!

Lina & Co. bring a new meaning to 'dropping in.'

Lina finds Xellos, and she's NOT happy to see him!

Sirius explains what's going on (Darkstar is trying to break through the gate.)

Elrogos still is undecided on helping the others keep Darkstar from escaping his world.

Yike! They'd better hurry! Darkstar really wants out!

Zelgadis grabs a weapon in preparation,

Gourry grabs his Sword of Light,

And Xellos takes the newest addition in preparation to fight Darkstar.

Elrogos decides that they might have a chance to succeed. (Hurray!)

Half of Darkstar manages to get through. (They planned it that way, so don't freak yet! ^_-)

Everyone launches an attack on Darkstar 1/2!

What's this? In the midst of battle, the Ancient Dragon orb begins to glow. Could it be...?

Darkstar 1/2 doesn't appreciate it's welcome and flees!

Just Darkstar 1/2's movement is enough to nearly crush Lina & Co.

Quick! After it!

So that's where Darkstar 1/2 is headed...

What's this?! Valgaav is still alive?!?

Things just keep getting worse and worse for Filia...

Episode 25: He Who Emerges From Darkstar!

Hey look! It IS Valgaav!

Valgaav glares down from his rock...

Elrogos and Sirius aren't happy to see Darkstar/Valgaav and decide to do something about it!

Everyone watches... (They can't do much else at this point.)

The Elder hears noise outside the shrine-

-and goes to investigate!

Valgaav isn't happy to see him.

Ouch! That's got to hurt!

As if that weren't bad enough, the Elder keeps talking, which angers Valgaav.

Enough that Valgaav utterly destroys him!

Valgaav takes a moment to sit back and scare everybody...

Lina preps everyone for another attack!

Too bad she's not very confident in herself...

Good thing Gourry's there to help her out of her slump!

Meanwhile Amelia pops the 'question' on Zelgadis. (Perhaps her way of staying positive in a crisis?)

Ack! All the mushy stuff is cut short by Darkstar leaving! (Not again!)

Xellos gives Lina a clear shot at Darkstar.

The overworlders even summon an ark! (?!?)

Beautiful explosions follow....

Nope! Didn't work!

And what's worse, Valgaav drags everyone to the Astral Plane to wear them down. (No more speeches, PLEASE!)

Just what will we do?

Episode 26: Try Again! When All Returns to White!

Well that was easy. Darkstar/Valgaav leaves our bewildered adventurers behind!

Just where to go now?

Everyone takes a moment to stand and ponder the situation.

Oh wait! Filia knows where to go!

Back at the Ancient Temple...

Everyone gives Valgaav a 'warm' greeting.

Valgaav returns the favor!

And then Elrogos goes and gets himself killed!

This leaves only Amelia to wield a light weapon, and she's not too thrilled! (Read her bio to find out why!)

It's time to carry out the prophesy!

Everyone gets ready for one last try.

Except Filia's having doubts. Lina yells at her to get her attention.

...and then continues to give Filia a speech about why she needs to kill Valgaav.

At last Filia joins the battle!

Here goes!

And it works! But not even Lina believes that it's all over.

Hey! You're all supposed to be happy!

But what's this? Something gets Filia's attention.

Yay! It's a happy ending after all!

Filia makes a promise to the unborn Val.

Sirius is finally able to leave with ALL of the light weapons.

Gourry's even giving up the Sword of Light! (What a guy!)

And finally, everyone bids Filia, and the outer world, goodbye!


Filia's ending:

Jillas and Gravos (nope, he didn't die!) are now working for Filia.

Filia finally has her own specialty shop: Maces and Vases! (Totally Filia...)

They have a long wait for little Val to hatch.

Amelia's ending:

Back in Seyruun, Amelia's again doing royal stuff. (She's going to get wrist cramps!)

Amelia takes a moment to reflect...

Zelgadis' ending:

Again, Zelgadis is traveling alone.

Or is he? What's that on your canteen?

A promise to be kept...

Xellos' ending:

Xellos finally reports back to Zelas!

He may be there for a while...

Lina and Gourry's (hint-hint) ending:

Lina has what she loves most!

As does Gourry.

And off they go into forever, together... (Did you think I was referring to the food?)

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