Jackie-chan's Poems...

Hello all, this is my site that is on poems that I've wrote, or someone has helped me a little, or I wrote and she talked so one and so one... If you would like one of yours put up, then e-mail me. The image above was given to me by my sister, who site you can go to by clicking that picture below...

A little news, I will be updating later next month, maybe sometime this month, but I'm way to tired.

Alright, now I have one thing to ask, would people like a art gallery? Of anime, manga, and fanart? Or... Something else? e-mail me with your answer

Some news three new poems added!

More to come later....

Through My Eyes | Masks| Midnight Love| Something Familar| Cinderella Aftermath| Love..| Fire Fairy| Living Sorrows| Minako's Poem| Oh My Love| Three Sailors..| Violent Tendanices| See Through You| (By:Alicia) | A Miracle Romance| Die Witch Die| What is a Heart?

Have a nice day... Go home!