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I'm a little irratated when i came up with the name zelvious i did years and years ago. I even tried to find the name on the internet before i used it. No one was, I was 10 or 11 when i firsted started useing it i'm now 21, and it's everywhere. I'm going to have to change my online name, it's irratating. When i play online games it was my tag, in eq, swg, ff online, in wwc my friend is using it cause a gave him my swg account and he started useing my zelvious chachter there and liked the name, now i have to make a new name. I'm not saying i made the name or didn't, i can't remember ever seeing it before i started useing it. I've used it forever. Maybe people will read this and stop useing it cause it isn't theirs, so i'll try to keep it as long as possible.

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