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Mara's Celestial Orb of Galactic Cabbits

Hey there, peoples! So, you're interested in learning more 'bout lill' ol' me? Well... it all started when my mommy met my daddy...

Mara! They don't need to hear that! Just give'em the easy stuff.

'Kay, fine. *murmurs* Damn party pooper. Here... this better be easy enough gor you. *murmurs something incoherent about Tundra*

TitleQueen of the-place-you- should-not-ever-hear-of!
HairLong and Purple
WeightI have PMS and own a dagger... What did you want to know again?
WeaponsDagger *Duh* Oh, and we can't forget Heero Yuy's gun!
Power/ElementEarth. "Flower Dagger Strike!" (My dagger is surrounded by a bunch of purple flowers and it strikes any villain I want... Oh Relena!) I can also call the power of any earthly things, such as plants and animals...
InfoI was born in "The place of which you'll never hear the name of", I was found and adopted by the royal family of Elves. Now don't start thinking that i'm some sort of strange alien, it's kinda like Aiaka and the others on Tenchi, I look human but i'm not. I have two lil' sisters, Mya and Mira. They have powers too, but you can read more about them on their pages. I also have two friends that due too some strange circumstances, live with us. They're Zephy and Trevor. Ok so back to me, I was married at 14, (I was betrothed ok?) to a very good-looking guy named Talon. He was taken from me 5 years later due to those strange circumstances. Also living with me is my one and only pride and joy, Athea, my 5 year old daughter. She's the most adorable thing in the world. She has purple hair like me and her father's blue eyes and you will never see her without her little teddybear. Well that's about all I'm at liberty to say, if you wanna her about those "strange circomstances", I'm working on the book, it's called "The Five Stones".
Quote"I won't bite... unless you want me to!"

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