stratford .. home

just to clarify things ... the trip was to stratford, ontario, not stratford, england. it was an amazing trip, though i wish it hadn't been crammed into just two days. oh ya- there are quite a few pictures of friends and peers here and they don't know i posted them >_< try to keep the stalking to a minimum ... oh ya, the bus we had sucked ASS.

Bus #1 : This is view number one of what i got to look at for 8h straight.
Bus #2 : This is view number 2. as you can see, there is still a seat in my way.
Bus #3 : This is view number three- rebecca across the aisle from me. usually ferra is in the way.
Street : i got a little excited when we arrived in toronto and took a picture of the street corner when the bus got caught in a light.
Chum : This is the back of the Chum building.
Peopled Frame : Ferra and viola framing the picture.
Waiting : As my class waits to go on our tour of city TV and much music.
Group shot : That's my teacher, second from the left ^.^
[Still] Waiting : We're still waiting ...
Ferra and i : That's my friend ferra and myself. i'm whoever you think is better looking ^.-
Joel being joel : Joel doing what he does best.
Blond : The back of someone's head as we wait indoors now.
George : My friend viola and her obsession of the month, george stromboloplous ... or however it's spelt ...
Car : This is outside on the wall of the Chum building.
Bravo to CN : This is the closest i ever got to the CN tower ... they say it controls minds ^.-
Hotel : This is the backyard view of hotel. the front is nothing to look at ... trust me.
Stage : This is a really bad shot of the stratford stage before 'Inherit the wind'.
Ferra and viola : A good shot of ferra, a bad one of viola.
more to come soon ...

ottawa .. home

this is parts of ottawa, in all it's boring glory as seen from major hill's park [well, minus the cloud pictures ... those were taken near my house.] that park is the best though. you can see everything there- water, landmarks and clear into quebec. the tulip festival is also held there ^.^ if you ever go to ottawa, go there. it's behind the monolith of an american embassy, and near the maket and rideau center ^.^ all these were taken on september 14 ... shortly after the trade center fell- hence the flags at half mast.

Hill : This is one of the many views from major hill's park.
major hill : Major hill, i presume.
Park : Some benches and trees.
Gallery : This is the national capital art gallery. purdy, ain't it?
chateau laurier #1 : This is one shot of chateau laurier ... well, i think it's that place at least ^.^;;
chateau laurier #2 : Another shot of the mystery building.
American Embassy #1 : This is the american embassy at half mast. it's a georgeous building, believe me ^.^
American Embassy #2 : Another shot of the embassy. go USA!
Parliament #1 : A decent shot of parliament hill from major hill's park.
Parliament #2 : A great shot of the peace tower at half mast.
Parliament #3 : And more towers ...
Jean, the Gull : I like to call this a comparative piece ... the canadian gov't vs. a seagull. they're quite similar when you think about it O.o
Clouds #1 : I like to take pictures of clouds ...
Clouds #2 : A lot.
Clouds #3 : Probably more than most sane people ^.^
Streaming Light : Ahhh! the light at the end of the tunnel!
The Burning Sky : Sunset's kick ass where i live.