the prince of the black moon name : prince dimando
different spelling : demando, dimand, demand
north american name : prince diamond
d.o.b : unknown
age : mid - twenties
hair color : white
eye color : silver-violet
identifying feature : black reversed crecent moon symbol on forehead
most noticable attributes : dedication and unobservant
dislikes : prince endymion and wiseman

the tale

prince dimando is ruler of the black moon family and brother of safiel. he is very dedicated to the black moon family's cause, and as a result neglected his brother, and even the advances of esmeraude. it took the death of his brother to realize how much wiseman had been manipulating him. he also had a strange obsession with neo-queen serenity.

his past

dimando was deeply moved by the story of his exiled ancestors, and vowed to one day take back the earth for his people. his fleets built up, and he did succeed in taking back the earth, until he reached the capital, where the four inner senshi encased their queen in a crystal case, and set up a barrier to deflect the attacks of his fleet.

in the end ...

dimando was beginning to lose his faith in wiseman, but his obession for neo-queen serenity also grew. part way through the series he made the connection between the queen and sailor moon, and later managed to kidnapp her. he told her how he felt about her, and tried to get her to agree to become his queen so they could rule earth together, but she adamantly refused. dimando's clan insignia also acts as a third eye that can be used for hypnosis. he hypnotizes sailor moon and tries to get her to agree to become his queen, but she manages to refuse. he uses his hypnotic powers again, and again she is hynotized. he kisses her (or leans in to), but as he does a single tear runs down her cheek and she whispers the name : endymion. realizing what he is doing, dimando stops and undoes the spell held over her. wiseman appears and orders dimando to kill her and he refuses. wiseman then sends a blast at sailor moon, but dimando takes it for her. wiseman assumes he has killed dimando, and turns his back to him. dimando is, however, still alive, and summons the last of his strength and sends a blask back at him, supposedly killing wiseman. dimando falls to the ground, and tells sailor moon that he does love her, and askes her to promise him to take his people back to earth. he then dies in her arms. as sailor moon cries, the unnoticed soul of wiseman floates away from the crystal ball he once held, and re-manifests himself again somewhere else.

in my humble opinion

i found his obsession with serenity a little ironic because she was the one he had to defeat the take back the earth, and there he is lusting after her ... it made both no sense, and some sense at the same time ... i don't know if that makes any sense ... all and all, i thought dimando was also a really good character. he was powerful, dedicated and a little screwed up. the whole story behind the villians from the second half of sailormoon R is a tragic tale, which is probably the main reason why i like them so much.

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