Welcome to the SaGa Frontier section! Always more to come! Enjoy!

Asellus>Welcome to the SaGa Frontier Section!
Emelia> The SMALL SaGa frontier section....
Blue> Oh, c'mon! She's working on it! Haven't you heard the other sections? They are ALL complaining! She only has two hands!
Red> Well, can't she work just a LITTLE faster?!
Mesarthim> *is OUT of the water, not a good thing* need....wat..er.... gurlk..
Princess Rei>*picks Mesarthim, creates a lake, and throws her in* Better?
Mesarthim> *splashes around* Yes, thank you. *smiles*
Princess Rei>*smiles back* No problem.
Asellus>See? Isn't it nice when we all get along?
Lute> *speaks for everyone* Sure it is!
Blue> Ahhhhhh.... It's so peaceful now...
Rouge> *appears*
Emelia> KILL KILL KILL! *blows up Rouge with a bazooka*
Rouge> *dies*
Asellus>Uhm.... Emelia...? Did you have any coffee lately?
Emelia> Coffee? YEA! Coffee good! Heheheheehe *skips off with a bazooka, on a coffee hyperness*
Princess Rei> *sweatdrops* Oh dear... I think she's going to blow something up..
White Rose> Oh dearie me... She probably will.... How horrid...
Red> *mumbling* I hope she kills Boss X while she's at it...
Blue> What was that, Red?
Red> Nothing.
Mesarthim> *heard Red & wispers* I think your giving too much away...
Red> *also wispering* Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Asellus>Well, it's time to let the nice visitors go.... Bye bye!
White Rose> Have a nice day, and safe travels, guests!
