Aya> It's so lonely here... And, I should be out fighting crime! And Eve! Arg, what Am I still doing here?!
Daniel> Your doing community service. It's part of your training as a cop.
Eve> llllaaaaaaaalllllaaaaaallllaaaa *sings, and stuff catches on fire*
Meada> uhm...er...guys... erm... Eve is blowing stuff up again... urm...ah..someone might want to stop her...before..ah...er....the Princess finds out....
Aya> *has another freakout* ahhhhh what's happening to my body..?!! I'm getting hot! arrrggggg!!! i'm gonna explode!!
Eve> Mwaaaaahahahahaha
Meada> O.O
Daniel> WHAT IN THE--
Aya> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH----Oh wait... False alarm!
Daniel> *glare*
Eve> *to Aya* Oddball...
Meada> -_-; Erm.....
Aya> I'm not an oddball! My body was hot for a second!
Eve> *points to the heater Aya is standing next to, and was formally sitting on* Duh.
Aya> *looks* Oh yeah.... *laughs nervously* Heheheh...
Daniel> *under his breath* I've got lots of work to do with that girl...
Meada> Uhm....erm.....ah....arg...urk...uh...why do I....uh....erm...talk...ah...like...er....this?
Eve> No reason. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAA *blows Medea up with flames* Mwahahahahahahaha!
Daniel> *looks tword the visitors* Move along, please, citizens!
