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Torment Your Favorite Character


This page is for you to ask the various characters questions. You can ask anyone anything. We're sure they will get back to you soon. YOU JUST HAVE TO COME BACK TO SEE WHAT THEY REPLIED! Here are some comments from the various characters:
Dilandau: hey, girls, why do you keep calling me Dilly? MY NAME IS DILANDAU!! oh, by the way, hi all reading this site.
Webmasters:WE created this site, so WE can call you what we want.
Dilandau: *eye twitches* GRRRR....PLEASE WRITE TO US! OR I'LL TORCH YA!
Van: Um, hi guys...hi Dilly
Dilandau: STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! *chases Van around with his flamethrower*
Webmasters: *sweat drop* The interrogation link is below!

TORMENT HEREget this gear!

11/23/01 Van says (not the real Van for those slow ones out there that follow Allen): Hi! I'm back! Dilly! YOu leave Van alone! Just cause your to scared to come find me! fight! fight! Fight! ^-^ Heh. Anyway Emily says hi Merle! She wants to know where you want to drop the nuke. Allen, i've been locked in the basement again! so i hope your happy! and Van, I finally got an internet name! or two names, can't decide which I like more, dark draconian, or winged warrior. ^-^ sorry if I got anyone hurt from my last time of writing, i was up to late, and I deny once again all I said Van!!! Anywho, Hi Hitomi! keep Dilly away from Van, cause I want Dilly to be alive for out pyro fight!!! :P from, not 100% sure on internet name yet, or girl who calls herself Van,(actuallly me friends call me that, but thats not the point!!!) Bye! (for now!! Dun! DUn! DUN!!!) ^-^

Dilandau: I'll never stop chasing Van...NEVER!!!! HE CUT MY FACE THE BASTARD!!!

11/20/01 Officially dubbed smokegirl (sorry we couldn't resist giving you a name) says: Hello me good smiling (in some cases, psychotically) friends! The purpose of today's visit is to poke fun at Dilandau's love life: Sssssooooooo, have you gotten over your crush on Hitomi yet? Don't start arguing! I saw your face when Allen kissed her! It's part of the reason you've been trying to kill Van so much, isn't it? ISN'T IT!!! So, if you HAVE gotten over your crush yet, then here's some other girls you might like: Sailor Mars (the way you both like fire is astounding) Rei Ayanami (A fellow albino, her calm emotionless facade is the perfect counter-balance to your own raving personality) Meilin Rei (she likes fighting almost as much as you do.) Bye for now! *disappears in cloud of smoke*

Jade: YES! I vote for Rei!
Dilandau: umm...i never had a crush on Hitomi...I only felt bad for her because she's kissing...ALLEN...UGH!!!
Cat: actually...Nova would be good for him too...she's another nutcase pyro...and I still think you had a thing for Hitomi when you first saw her...
Dilandau: I...I....I DON'T HAVE A SEX!!!
Demon: that sounded really bad...
Dilandau: I..I....I DIDNT MEAN THAT!!! OH SHUTUP..
Demon: *winks at him*
Dilandau: *chases Demon*
Hitomi: i have a say in this?
All: NO!?!