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Tenchi TV, the second series in the Tenchi Muyo Universe, generally caused an uproar among Tenchi Fans, because the entire story line was basically different. Ryoko, for instance, fell to earth from an space battle with Mihoshi, and they both appeared in the first episode, unlike the OVA, where Ryoko was resurected from a cave, and Mihoshi didn't even appear until the fourth episode.

Even considering the major differences, this series stood on its own with no help, spawning at least one movie, and a sequel series, Shin Tenchi Muyo.

It brought in all of the old characters from the OAV set, save for Tsunami, and even introduced a couple of new ones. Kiyone, for instance, only had a couple of appearances in the OAV series, but in the TV series, she was one of the main characters, entering, to a point, the triangle formed between Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka.