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Special Thanks!

Well, being the decent, hard-working citizens that we aren't, we've "borrowed" all our spiffy info and pics from several different websites. We would like to honor them now, and encourage you to visit each one. Trust me- you won't be disappointed!

Brock-O-Rama : For All Your Brock Needs!
Brock-O-Rama is very well-made with tons of information, pictures, and more. There's even an "Ask Brock" column!

Rocket Asylum : the Team Rocket Institution!
The TR information station, complete with quotes, rockethshipping fun, and more fanfics then you can shake a stick at!

Pokémon Picture Archive : the Place for Pics!
Grr... the link's down now, but we'll thank 'em anyway! ^_^;;

Sailor Comet's Pokémon Picture Vault: More Photo Fun!
>.< This 'un's gone too. So sowwy.

Shywolf's Team Rocket Pictures: Yet More Photos...
Aaaaah! This site kicked ketsu, but alas, tis no more...

The Kenji Shrine:A Tracey Shrine, duh!
It's dead at the moment, but who knows? It could start working again...

Onix Rocks!: Great Pun ^_^;
An Onix Shrine w/ some pics and other info.

The DEFINITIVE James: Greatest James Site on the Net!
Yaa, and one of the only ones that updates frequently! The whole thing's one giant James picture site. *Drools* Mmm... Kojiro-sama...

Team Rocket's Pokémon Shrine:Yummy Spoilers!
The format ain't eye-boggling, but good Lord, the information sure is! This is, like, the ONLY spoiler site I could find that updates lots (except for my own, of course)! And best of all, she indulges all my spoiler needs and doesn't get annoyed! Takes a special person, I tell ya...

We Are... Team Rocket: Nifty Site, lotsa piccies!
Erg... I'll be honest the format kinda sucks, but she has honey bunches of pictures! ^_^

Pokémopolis: And Remember, it ain't dirty, it's dodgy ~_~
Though we don't agree with EVERYTHING they say, we do have to give some thanks 'cause we stole some piccies, and the same IS pretty funny... as long as you can ignore the whole "James is yaoi" thing. *Dee begins growling*

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