My Opinions on Various Digi-Pairings

I decided to let all you faithful visitors to my site (I love you guys) see just how I feel about the multiple pairing possiblities of Digimon. These are all human/human pairings, my friend. No matter how fruity and pervy I may get, I just can't see a Digimon and a Human gettin' it on. I mean, what is there to get it on with? Although, Ken and Wormon is a little to funny to pass up...

Anyway, here we go!

Two-Person Pairings

Taichi and Yamato: *grin* Ah, bliss.

Taichi and Sora: Ewwwww.....

Yamato and Mimi: I think they should at least learn each other exist before they become romantically involved...

Koushiro and Taichi: Well, maybe. Kou-chan seems to be more attracted to his computer than to Tai, and Tai would be happier with someone he could romp and play with, but I suppose anything's possible.

Koushiro and Yamato: I can actually see this! ^_^ My two fave guys together. They're both so insecure and unsure of who they are. Of course, the existance of Taichi does make it rather unlikely.

Koushiro and Mimi: ^_^ Cute!! Me likey!

Koushiro and Sora: could happen, but it's not gonna.

Jyou and Taichi: Um...well...I guess...maybe...if Yamato, Koushiro, Sora, Mimi, Takeru, Miyako, Iori, Daisuke, ken and basically all other things f*ckable on the planet (not to mention everything else) did not exist.

Jyou and Yamato: Well, I saw a little friction in "Weregarurumon's Diner" but I don't really think there is much possiblity here.

Jyou and Koushiro: Heh, this is definately a possiblity.

Jyou and Sora: Maybe. It's possible, but not likey.

Jyou and Mimi: Reasonably possible. I saw some sparks.

Takeru and Taichi: I think TK really thinks more of Taichi as a older brother. If Tai is attracted to Takeru at all, it's probably because the li'l bugger looks so much like Yamato. DAMN THE ISHIDA BLOODLINE AND IT'S SEXINESS!!

Takeru and Mimi: Er...I don't think so.

Takeru and Sora: Excuse me while I hide under a rock and sob hysterically.

Takeru and Jyou: Nah...ain't gonna happen.

Takeru and Koushiro: They don't talk enough to become more than friends.

Takeru and Yamato: Jeez, dude, they're brothers!! Great fanfic material, though.

Daisuke and Taichi: RAPE!! And Daisuke wouldn't be the one gettin' raped here, either!

Daisuke and Yamato: me....

Daisuke and Sora: Hey, it's the two people of Digimon that I dislike the most! Go for it!

Daisuke and Mimi: Absolutely not possible. I mean, they might make a good couple, but Daisuke's met Mimi, like what, three times?

Daisuke and Jyou: Um, no.

Daisuke and Koushiro: No way.

Daisuke and Takeru: Seems to be rather popular. Not one of my favorite pairings, but a possiblity.

Daisuke and Hikari: Here's that rape thing again.

Daisuke and Iori: And again.

Daisuke and Miyako: Yet again.

Daisuke and Ken: And yet again. But Daisuke is the one gettin' raped here. (I really think this is very interesting. Almost got the Treize/Wufei thing goin' on.)

Hikari and Taichi: I don't even wanna think about it.

Hikari and Yamato: Maybe, if Takeru and Taichi didn't exist.

Hikari and Sora: No friggin' way.

Hikari and Mimi: Probably not.

Hikari and Koushiro: Well...maybe, but probably a no.

Hikari and Jyou: Not very likely.

Hikari and Takeru: WAI! VERY CUTE!!

Hikari and Miyako: I actually like this one, but not as much as Takari.

Hikari and Iori: I may have to get back to you on this one...

Hikari and Ken: I don't think so.

Miyako and Taichi: nope.

Miyako and Yamato: naw.

Miyako and Sora: *turns green*


Miyako and Koushiro: Another definate possibility. Computer geeks travel in pairs. ^_^

Miyako and Jyou: Erm...maybe they could clean each other's glasses...?

Miyako and Takeru: Hee hee...I don't know whether to be amused or appalled.

Miyako and Iori: oooookay....

Miyako and Ken: *pounds head on table*

Iori and Taichi: Dude, the kid is like 6 years younger than him. I don't think so.

Iori and Yamato: Not really a possibility.

Iori and Sora: WAAAHHHH!!! GOD SAVE ME!!!

Iori and Mimi: Same thing for him as for Daisuke.

Iori and Koushiro: New developments in this area caused me to look twice here.

Iori and Jyou: The age my friend, the age!! It's like a eight year difference! But if that isn't an issue with you, then sure.

Iori and Takeru: Nah. Well....nah.

Iori and Ken: I'm frightened.

Ken and Taichi: Not cool, dude, not cool.

Ken and Yamato: Now I'm really scared.

Ken and Sora: RAPE!!! And now I'm not even sure who IS on top!

Ken and Mimi: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Ken and Koushiro: I'll save you, Kou-chan!

Ken and Jyou: I...*snort* I think...*snrk* I... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Ken and Takeru: Oh sweet Jesus, have pity on my soul.

Ken and Wormon: TOUCH THE WORMON!!!!

Threesomes ^_~ -- Just a few; not every possibility (or impossibility).

Taichi and Yamato and Sora: Oh. My. God. Kill me now.

Taichi and Yamato and Koushiro: Let me join in! LET ME JOIN IN!!!

Taichi and Yamato and Daisuke: How Daisuke expects to rape them both is beyond me.

Sora and Mimi and Miyako: DAMN STRAIGHT!! (or lesbian...whatever)

Takeru and Hikari and Daisuke: Heh heh, I can see it! It's scary and funny and sweet at the same time!

Koushiro and Mimi and Jyou: Heh. Hah hah. HAH! AHA! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!

Koushiro and Jyou and Miyako: Wai!

Takeru and Daisuke and Koushiro: *Falls off chair* oooooooooooooooo......

Daisuke and Hikari and Miyako: How depressing....

Takeru and Taichi and Yamato: Twisted, evil, but incredibly alluring.

Daisuke and Ken and Takeru: O_O

(Insert number here) somes ^_~

Yamato and Taichi and Koushiro and Jyou: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!! MRAAOOOWWWRRR!

Daisuke and Takeru and Koushiro and Hikari: *drool* Do you SEE what this stupid page has done to me?!?!

Expect more soon! Also, if there is a particular pairing you want my opinion on that isn't here, email it to me and I'll post what I think!
