Taito Links

Ah, Taito links...let me count the ways I love thee....

Kamikaze Wolfden -- Kamikaze Wolf's Page. It has those lovely Taito fanfics on it, plus some original work. Check it out!

The Vision of Resuko -- Resuko's page. Has more of her BRILLIANT Digimon fanart and art from other series.

The Wiccad Sisters: The Passion of Taito -- One of my favorite Taito websites to date! Has everything!

The Lost Temple of Ishida -- For your every Yamato need. My FAVORITE digimon site ever. My god, you will emerge a new person, if you ever emerge at all.

Blue and Green -- It's rather cute. I like it.

Love Blossoms -- I just like how you get in. *clicks Yamato's purdy bum*

Taichi's World Shrine -- ^_^ Just click the link, ne?

Yamato's Insanit Relm -- Yay! Linky Partners!

If you want to link me, please email me to get my banner!

Email: taito4ever@hotmail.com