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****Suzume's Lair**** (Home of the better smiley) ¤^_^¤ (I know, I know, I'm crazy...) ¬_¬

HELLO! ¤^_^¤

(Isn't it just kawaii?)

Phwee??? -Sakura

Um, okay... I'm completely revamping this site. I know, I've said that before, but this time I'm REALLY GOING TO DO IT!!! ::coughcoughIthink:: however, it'll be sort of slow.... basically, what's happening is I'm rebuilding it, THEN deleting this site. Because I luv my guestbook and want to preserve it always *clutches guestbook*.... it takes so long to get one!!!! 0_o So, if you want to see how my NEW site is coming along, go to:

Alrighty, just so the general population knows, this site has changed a bit. Not a LOT, but a bit...*Ahem*

This is Suzume. Calling all Anime fans. I love to draw... the picture above was drawn by me, (I know, the hands didn't come out how I wanted them to at ALL...) I'm waiting for some anime fans to give me stuff to work with - what they want me to draw, fan art, fan fics (which I have some of my own, as well)...

If this site gets enough people, we can brainstorm and create our own Japanese Anime style Manga, which is one of my biggest dreams. Each person can ask to do a certain part, and be tested - for example if someone wants to draw the Manga, we'll have them email me pictures to post, and people can vote on the best ones (best artists). Just so u know, this will be all my site and won't get anywhere unless I get help...



If you are, by some amazing, crazy chance, interested in one of my pictures, just don't claim u did it and you can put it on your own site. If you're feeling really nice, you can even put my page down in the links. But u don't have to.


Who, out of curi, wrote (sample) 'these days you don't just need sunglasses to be cool,tho' you need them,along with a black cnvetable, a girlfriend with black,'... Could u put something in feedback or commentz??? It was very nice of u 2 add 2 my site! ¤^_^¤ Special thankz also goes 2: Celeste, who put almost as many quotes as I did....

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My art!!!!!
More of MY ART!!!!
MORE OF MY PICS!!!!!!! From here, just follow the (yellow?) link road if you want to see more...
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