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HTML Coding for your website

Note: Sometimes Angelfire (this webhost) acts up .... if an image doesn't appear, reload the page and you should be able to see it.

This is the coding you will need to paste onto your website. Wherever you see


place your id number there.

For example, if you id was 12, you would end up with


The same goes for YOUR-NAME-HERE, and YOUR-EMAIL-HERE

(I don't think I need to insult anyone's intelligence by explaining this one ^.^*)

<center> <a href="">
<IMG SRC=""> </a> <br> This <a href=""> The Stoic Soldier</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR-EMAIL-HERE"> YOUR-NAME-HERE</a> . <br>
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] </center> <p> What it looks like:

This The Stoic Soldier site owned by YOUR-NAME-HERE.
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Use this image

Use this image map:

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This The Stoic Soldier site owned by YOUR-NAME-HERE.
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The code is:

<p> <center> <IMG SRC="" USEMAP="#Heeroyuy" BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Heeroyuy"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="280,16,327,112" HREF=";id=YOUR-ID-HERE;next" ALT="Next"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="19,21,66,112" HREF=";id=YOUR-ID-HERE;prev" ALT="Previous"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="117,148,210,181" HREF=";addform" ALT="Join"> <br> <a href=""> </a> This <a href=""> The Stoic Soldier </a> site owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR-EMAIL-HERE"> YOUR-NAME-HERE</a> . <br> [<a href=";id=YOUR-ID-HERE;next5"> Next 5 Sites</a> | <a href=";random"> Random Site</a> | <a href=";list"> List Sites</a> ]</center> <br> <!-- End of Map Definition -- > </MAP>

**NOTE**, please don't link directy to my images...Click the right mouse button, the click the Save Picture As... option and save it to your hard drive. Simply change the IMG SRC to your own image source after you've uploaded it to your website:

For example, if you were using the first picture you would change

<IMG SRC="">



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