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Star Blazer's Palace

Welcome. You've stumbled into the wacked-out world of a emotionally disturbed Sith-wannabe who's got a deadly...PENCIL!!! Anyway, this site mainly has to do with all the crap that I like. Mostly Anime (as in 95%), but you'll soon be finding a ton of Star Wars stuff here as well...someday. >_< (I've got a anime Star Wars comic strip in my artwork section, just to let you know.)

Anyway, browse around and drop me a line if you like. >^_^<

THIS PAGE IS BEST VIEWED WITH INTERNET EXPLORER (because of the pop-ups on the images; that is how I give credit to people who let me use their pics, and also how I explain a picture)

Purrs, Blaze

Sign my dreambook at the bottom of the page. I would like to hear from anyone who stops by! Thanks! =^_^=

This page is updated frequently and without warning.


E-mail me

Grima Wormtongue Piter de Vries (run by me) The Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Fanlisting The hawt Jayne Cobb from Firefly The Awesome ANBU Squad The amazing Hitake Kakashi The deliciously evil Orochimaru The deadly Gaara

Anime Web Turnpike!  Everything you need!

Gaia Online anime roleplaying community



All movies and characters mentioned on this page are property of their respective owners. This page is not for profit, but for entertaiment purposes only.