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Welcome to Spleen and Amino Acid's Anime Page

Welcome to Spleen and Amino Acid's Anime Page.

(We kid you not. Spleen and Amino Acid are actually derived from our actual names.)

If you are researching on amino acids and the spleen, we have some real information for you:
  • Spleen: an organ that destroys worn-out red blood cells.
  • Amino Acid: the basic building block of life.
For more info, please click here. Purely scientific.

If you are an anime lover, do scroll down. Please wait while we bring out the champagne to welcome you.
Organs (features)
Rejuvenation (updates)

  • Observations on the Sister Complex
    --A look at a very common feature found in anime and manga.

  • The date is 17-11-2000.
    We have uploaded the site for the first time, just to see how it looks.
    Our first feature is to the left.
Cerebrum (about us)
Synapse (links)

A little bit about us and our ravings.

Please click here to see our little collection of links.
Any comments? Email Spleen.

If you're the 390th, 427th or 2476th visitor, please tell us and we'll do something to you.

Spleen and Amino Acid's Anime Page copyright Spleen and Amino Acid 2000.