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Denny's Homepage

Welcome to Denny's site.

Denny is a RNZFB (Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind) Guide Dog Puppy in Training. He is currently in the first stage of training or Puppy walking. Therefore, he is currently part of our family. My name is Belinda Bray and I am Denny's "official" puppy walker, meaning I have my name on all his important documents. Denny is also cared for by my 3 other flatmates Sam, Tom and Ang. Between the 4 of us Denny is never alone. Our flat also houses one other dog, an energetic doberman, Zara, who is Denny's friend/playmate/other dog to blame things on. Between them they manage to tear the house apart, create havoc and generally have a wonderful time. However, as Denny is a guide dog puppy he is allowed to come to work/university with us. Most of the time he is curled up in the office of Sam or I and has been since he was 7 weeks old. At just over a year old now Denny is not far away from having to go to what we are referring to as "Boot Camp" or the full training required to become a real Guide Dog. It will definitely be a sad day in our household when he goes. For training he is moved to the training facility in Auckland (approx. 1000 kms away).

Denny Update 10/11/00

Denny has now left us. He moved to Auckland on the 4th of November to begin the next stage of his training at the large training facitlity there. He is now under the guidance of Denise who will be assessing his potential and then training him to be a fully qualified guide dog. The first stage is a "20 walk assessment" where he is taken out and about and the trainer gets a feel for what sort of dog he's going to be. This stage will take three weeks. After that the training proper can begin. So we all have our fingers crossed that Denny will be successful. In the meantime we are getting a new puppy, Fonz. Check out what's happening with him at the website below.

Denny Update 5/5/01

Well Denny has graduated! He is now a fully qualified guide dog and is about to start his working life. Guide dogs are matched with the most suitable client possible and it turns out that Denny is best suited to a blind person in Canada. He'll be taking off and starting duties any day now. So best of luck to him and we all hope that he's a wonderful pet and worker for his new owner.

Denny Update 10/10/01

Congratulations to Denny and his new owner. The latest news is that Denny has been assigned to his blind owner and they have been training together for the past few months. Following a recent assessment by the trainer they have passed with flying colours and are now a fully operational team. So congratulations to both Denny and his owner. This is where we finally say goodbye, fortuneatly there is a new puppy in the offering.