Disclaimers: Same as part one.

Warning: I just know there's gonna be hidden typos and grammar mistakes somewhere...

Oh yeah, and cover the eyes of the innocent, since there will be dirty language spoken here ^^;;

The first thing that woke Mitsui up was the sunlight filtering through the glass window, hitting him on the face. That itself was odd, because every night he would pull the curtains closed before he went to sleep. The second thing that made him sit up in surprise was the smell of cooked potato and spices. Mitsui climbed out of bed and slowly made his way towards the source of the delicious aroma.

When he reached the kitchen he could only gape in astonishment. There standing behind the counter was boy as old as he, awkwardly but carefully shaping potato balls mixed with chopped-up coriander leaves and minced meat. And this boy was naked.

Mitsui was still gaping, trying to find words to come out of his mouth when the boy looked up and saw Mitsui standing there staring at him. The stranger gave a gasp, his face beaming in pleasure before stepping out behind the counter to walk up to Mitsui.

Mitsui's eyes popped out of his sockets. Oh My God! He's naked ALL over! Mitsui's mind panicked.

"What're you doing here, you asshole??!" demanded Mitsui, stepping back, also getting ready to fight lest this naked stranger attack him. The boy looked at him, stratled, and tried to take another step forward.

"Don't come near me, you pervert!" cried Mitsui, taking another step back.

Then the boy's puzzled expression turned sad, and instantly Mitsui felt guilty for yelling at him as those golden-brown eyes looked at him in sorrow and confusion.

What the fuck...? growled Mitsui inwardly, He broke into my house, and I feel guilty for yelling at him?!

"Look, just get out of here and I won't tell the cops, as long as you don't come back here again," said Mitsui, pointing towards the door, calming himself down but still with a hint of anger in his voice.

The boy just stared at Mitsui's finger, which was pointing towards the door, but instead of doing what Mitsui ordered he suddenly ran towards Mitsui, before the Shohoku player could do anything else. The boy was fast, that Mitsui had to admit, and the scarred-face boy eeped in surprise when the boy stood in front of him and bent his head a bit so that his soft dark hair was brushing against Mitsui's outstretched hand.

Mitsui was trying to calm his heart as the stranger began butting his head against Mitsui's hand and purred.


That was when he saw the black collar with Nobu's name on it and his mind and body began working again.

"What did you do with my cat, you sicko?!" demanded Mitsui, grabbing the boy's arm with a fierce grip.

The boy winced, but Mitsui only gripped him harder. "Where's Nobu?!"

Then the stranger opened his eyes wide and smiled, a whinning sound coming forth from between his pink lips.

"What? What?" said Mitsui, looking at the boy in surprise, who was bouncing up and down, making more whinning noises as he looked at Mitsui with wide, soft golden-brown eyes. They immedietly reminded Mitsui of Nobu's eyes.


The stranger's smile grew wider and the whines became excited squeals as he moved closer to press his body against Mitsui's. Mitsui quickly stepped back.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Mitsui slowly took a bite from the potato balls Nobu has made this morning together with the pot of coffee that Mitsui thought tasted too sweet. The Shohoku player was surprised the man-turned cat could even hold a spoon much less cook but Nobu had always been a quick learner. Yes, Nobu was now human and Mitsui managed to dress Nobu up in his clothes until he could buy Nobu his own. At first Mitsui thought that his friends at school were playing a trick on him, wondering which sick mind thought that he would get off with a naked boy in his kitchen. It was those eyes that made him believe that the strange boy is indeed his cat. That and a few tests concerning Nobu's favorite food, Nobu's favorite game and Nobu's fear of Mitsui's toy control car.

Mitsui's pet, minus the collar, was now sitting in front of Mitsui, hunching down to lap at his milk while also glancing happily towards his master. Mitsui sighed, This will not do.

Standing up he took a glass and transferred the milk from the bowl into it before putting the glass in front of Nobu. Nobu looked at Mitsui quizically. Mitsui sighed again and took Nobu's surprisingly soft fingers and forced it to wrap around the glass. Then he went to sit back in his seat and showed the boy how to drink. At first Nobu nearly choked but on the second try he managed to drink without spilling again. Nobu made a sound of surprise and pleasure as he gulped the second draft of milk down.

"Ok," said Mitsui, "Now you know how to drink from a glass. Now I'm going to teach you some other things."

Nobu finished the glass of milk and started cleaning his face with licks on the back of his hand.

"Hey, Nobu," called Mitsui.

Nobu instantly looked up. Mitsui dangled a napkin in the air and said, "Use this," and proceeded to demonstrate to Nobu how to wipe himself after a meal.

Nobu followed with the napkin in front of him and that was when Mitsui realized that Nobu was watching his every move with squinting eyes. It's as if he's short sighted or something. Mitsui snorted. Cats can't be short-sighted.... can they? Only one way to find out, thought Mitsui, "C'mon Nobu. I'm going to take you to an optrician."


Hanamichi woke up to the timer from his internal clock. He opened his eyes a bit before shutting them back again and made to stretch his limbs, when he realized that he couldn't move his left arm. It was blocked by something heavy. And soft. And warm. And breathing. He slowly turned around and was face to face with a sleeping raven-haired boy. His face was pale and handsome and thick, long lashes framed his closed eyelids, making a sharp contrast with his alabaster skin. Shaking himself from the first stages of shock he started on the second stage. He started screaming.

Hanamichi was about to punch and kick the boy who was beside him to a bloody pulp, but it was him who received a sharp blow to his face. He fell, sprawled on the floor in a tangle of sheets. Jumping up, he saw the dark-haired boy waking up in a drowsy manner.

"W-Who are you! And what are you doing in my bed...?" Hanamichi's voice trailed off when he saw that the stranger was entirely without clothing - not accounting for that accessory around his neck.

"Hentai! Get offa my bed!" yelled Hanamichi, stomping his foot threatingly.

The boy merely blinked and yawned. Then he began scratching the area under the band which Hanamichi saw was a strip of ribbon, making the small bell on the hand-made collar tinkle a familiar sound.

"I said get outta here or I'm gonna kill you!" yelled Hanamichi.

The stranger stared at him in a bored manner and the redhead stared back in anger. Brown eyes met with blue. And what a deep blue color it was. Hanamichi shook himself again for the second time that day, startled as to why he was staring at the stranger's eyes longer than he should. People say that he is naive and stupid at times but after he made himself look back into the boy's eyes, he knew.

"No fucking way..."


It seems as if Mitsui and Hanamichi were not the only ones waking up to this amazing situation. A Ryonan student by the name of Sendoh Akira woke up to the sound of drawers being open roughly, and he ignored it at first but when he heard a sound of an irritated grunt, Sendoh instantly sat up. Scanning the room his eyes lay upon a half naked boy sitting beside his open closet, his clothes strewn on the floor around the small body. The boy was in the midst of tugging at a collar around his neck with one hand as the other hand held onto a blue t-shirt of Sendoh's.

Sendoh quietly slipped out of bed, but the stranger noticed him anyway and looked up at Sendoh suspiciously, as if it was Sendoh who was the bad guy there.

Sendoh brought his hands up and asked calmly, "What do you want?"

The dark-haired boy didn't answer but continued to tug at the band around his neck with pitiful whines. Sendoh then realised that the person was in pain, and moved carefully towards him to help him with the collar. To his surprise, the boy sat quietly while the spiky-haired boy helped him out of the collar.

No wonder, thought Sendoh, as he unfastened the buckle of the soft but strong strip, It's so tight. I wonder who did this to him?

"There," said Sendoh, taking the collar off.

Instead of thanking the Ryonan player for his aid, the boy began to put on the shirt he had in his hand. Well, tried to, anyway. He only managed to slip his right arm through the collar of the shirt and was now struggling to fit his head through the hole of the left sleeve.

Sendoh chuckled and pulled the shirt off and dressed the boy properly, as Sendoh has often dressed his nephews and nieces before in their most difficult behavior.

Now that the boy was all dressed he just looked at Sendoh in silence.

"So," said Sendoh, "are you going to tell me who you are, or do I have to force it out of you?"

The boy just tilted his head in curiousity and stayed quiet, but there was a hint of displeasure on the boy's cute face.

Sendoh was surprised at himself. Since when did he term a boy cute?

This one he did and he felt an overwhelming urge to grab the boy and enfold him in his arms.

"What's your name?" asked Sendoh.

The boy stayed silent.

"You ran away from home?"


"Aren't you going to say anything?"

More silence.

Sendoh sighed. /This is going to be a looooong day./
