***************** The Way We Weren't Part 5 Author: Usa Disclaimers in Part 1 ****************** "Mari-chan, I have to talk to you about something?" "What is it, Mamoru?" she asked. She could sense that something was troubling him. "Is there a problem?" Mamoru took a deep breath. It was now or never. He began to explain to her about Usagi. At first, Mari seemed very understanding. That is, until Mamoru mentioned that Usagi was in town. "Nani? Does that mean... Kami-sama, you want to leave me, don't you?" "Iie!" Mamoru exclaimed, taking her hands in his. "Mari, I did love her once, but I thought she was dead. Besides, she doesn't even remember who I am. I'm in love with you now." Mari's eyes sparkled with tears. "I love you too, Mamoru," she said. She believed and trusted in him, it was this 'Usagi' she didn't trust. There had to be a way to get rid of this girl. ************** Usagi and her parents had just finished their walk when a young woman with shoulder length brown hair came up to her. "Sweetheart, dinner will be ready in an hour," Ikuko replied, noticing that the woman wanted to speak with Usagi. "I'll be in to help in a few minutes," she said. "Could you make sure Iku is ready? I have a feeling Shingo took her to the park and she's a mess." Ikuko nodded and went inside. "You're Tsukino Usagi, ne?" the woman asked. "Hai, and you?" "Tomiko Mari. I'm engaged to the man you were dating before you lost your memories." Usagi nodded slowly. "Mamoru." Mari glared at Usagi. "If you're not gone from Tokyo by tomorrow morning, you little Iku might be dead." "N-Nani?" "You heard me! Leave Tokyo and don't bother with Mamoru or I will kill Iku." "But, I-I..." Mari advanced on Usagi. "Sakura, daijobou?" Usagi looked behind the woman to see Yuuta rushing over. Mari just turned and stalked off. "What was that all about?" "Just a misunderstanding," she told him. "Your convention is over, ne? Are you ready to go back Osaka?" Yuuta just stared at her. She seemed to be keeping something from him. "Sakura?" "Nani? Are you going to answer my question?" she asked with a laugh. Yuuta could tell it was fake. "Hai, it's over. Are you sure you're ready to go back? I thought you wanted to spend time with your family, try to get your memories back." Usagi shrugged. "It's all right. I have a feeling my memories will come back on their own. Lets go home." Yuuta nodded, and watched his wife go into the house. Something was wrong, and he intended to find out what it was.