************ Title: The Way We Weren't Part 11 Author: Usa Disclaimers in Part 1 ************ Mari smiled at herself in the mirror. It was the final fitting for her wedding dress and it looked stunning on her. She glanced over at her mother. "What do you think?" "It's beautiful, Mari! The A-line is perfect and I love the gold circles that go across your chest. It's a dress fit for a princess, and that's what you are," she replied, hugging her daughter. "Arigatou, Mama!" The store clerk watched them from behind the curtain. *Who dare give Mari that dress! It's just like Usagi's from the Silver Millennium!* "Emi-chan," Makoto whispered, pulling her friend aside. Emi had to catch her balance. "Kuso, Makoto-chan! What's the matter with you?" "Gomen, but who showed Mari that dress?" "I believe it was Ikira-san. Why?" Makoto sighed. If Usagi ever found out, she would be devastated. Her friend wouldn't show it, but she had been depressed since Yuuta died and she learned who she was. Maybe it would have been better if Usagi never remembered. ********** Mamoru sat down at the counter in Crowne's. When Motoki saw him, he headed over. "You look beat, what's wrong?" "Mari is going overboard on the wedding. It's driving me insane, but she's so happy, I don't want to upset her." "And...?" Mamoru looked up at his friend. "And, what?" Motoki set a cup of coffee in front of him and sighed. "You've been thinking about Usa-chan again, haven't you?" "How can I not, Motoki?" he asked. "I've missed her so much. I still love her. But now that Mari's in the picture, I don't know what to do." "Well, you can't keep stringing her along." Mamoru shook his head. "Which one?" "Both. You need to talk to Usa without Mari knowing where you'll be. If she finds out she'll freak." "You're right. Where do you think I should meet up with her?" Mamoru asked. Motoki thought for a few minutes before handing Mamoru a key. "My house. I'll call her and have her meet me there at 7, but you'll be there instead." Mamoru reluctantly took the key. He had no idea what he was going to say to Usagi. *********** "Mama, can I come to Toki's house?" Usagi smiled, picking up Iku. "We have some important things to talk about, honey. Besides, if we're going to the zoo tomorrow, you'll need to get to bed early." Iku nodded vigorously. "I maked Toki a picture! It on the table," she explained squirming in her mother's arms. "All right," Usagi said with a laugh, setting her down. She watched Iku toddled into the living room and was immediately overcome with grief. Yuuta was missing her life. Would Iku ever know how wonderful her father was? "Usagi," a voice said, shaking her from her thoughts. It was Shingo. "I'm here so you can leave whenever you're ready." Usagi wiped a stray tear away and went to give Iku a kiss. "I'll tell Toki you said ohayo and I'll give him your picture. I'm sure he'll love it!" "Domo, Mama!" she said, hugging Usagi. She looked behind her. "Ingo!!" Usagi laughed. "Behave you two." *********** "Konbonwa, Usagi-chan! Where are you headed?" "Konbonwa, Minako-chan. I'm going to Motoki's house," she replied. "How about you?" Minako smiled. "I'm meeting someone for dinner." "Minako-chan, you're blushing! Is it a boy!" "Haaaii!" Minako said with a giggle. "I've got get going or I'll be late, but I'll call you with the details tomorrow." Usagi nodded. "Oh, actually, I'm taking Iku to the zoo. You're welcome to join us." "Arigatou, I will! Sayonara, Usagi-chan!" "Sayonara." Usagi was still grinning when she arrived at Motoki's house. She didn't see his car anywhere, but he said he'd be there. Usagi knocked on the door and was surprised to see someone else on the other side of it. "Mamo-ru-san," she stammered. He smiled, noting how she tried to cover up 'Mamo-chan'. "Come in, Usagi." She stepped inside and looked around. "Where's Motoki?" she asked. "Gomen, I didn't mean to be rude, but he never said anything about you being here." "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't want to deceive you into seeing me. This is just another one of Motoki's non-brilliant ideas." "Oh," Usagi giggled. "One of those." He led her into the living room. "Have a seat. Would you like something to drink or eat?" "Nothing, arigatou," she replied, sitting down. "What was it you wanted to see me about?" "I wanted to see how you were doing. I know you've been having a rough time with... everything." Usagi nodded. "Not just me. My family, my friends, you. It's hard for everyone involved. I missed two years of my real life because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But, then again, it wasn't wrong. I met Yuuta, who helped me, who loved me, who gave me Iku. I didn't know anyone here so I couldn't miss anyone. She looked down at her hands, folded in her lap. "But when I came back to Tokyo, things started to come back in pieces. Queen Serenity appeared to me in a dream after Yuuta died. She helped me to remember everyone. She helped me to remember you." Mamoru nodded. "And I guess it was a little upsetting to see me with Mari, ne?" "It was at first, but I know you couldn't stop living your life because I wasn't there. Mari is... well, she's..." "It's all right, Usa," Mamoru said with a laugh. "She can be a difficult girl to get to know. I'm not saying you have to be friends with her or anything." "But, you'd still like to be friends with me?" Usagi asked. "Hai." Usagi sighed. "You do know this is going to be difficult. I don't believe Mari likes me very much. If she knew that I was here alone with you, I can only imagine what she'd say." "Well--" Mamoru was interrupted by the front door being banged open. A few minutes later, Mari was in the living, her face red. "Mari!"