Title: Remember Me Author: Usa (Usako0@aol.com) Rating: PG Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all related characters are property of Takecuchi Naoko, TOEI Animations, and Bandai Entertainment Notes: Thanks for choosing to read my fic! I'm going to type up a chapter every day (I'm not sure how many chapters there are going to be yet...) Well, the fic is actually finished, I just wrote it out so as long as I get some reviews here and there I'll post something each day. ^_^ ENJOY! ~Usa ******************* "Tuxdo Kamen-sama!" Sailor Moon cried out in fear. She was too far to get to him in time, and the youma was too fast. She watched in horror as her prince was blind-sided by the creature and fall ten feet to the ground. "IIIEEE!!!" Her moon sigil appeared as she screamed in anguish. In flash of light, the youma was dusted. Usagi rushed over to his side where Ami was tending to him. "He's alive," she told everyone. "However, he probably has a concussion." Usagi looked at Mamoru's face. He had a gash above his eye. "Mamo-chan..." she whispered. The other Senshi stood quietly behind waiting to be support for their Princess. Mamoru groaned. Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful girl with the most amazing blue eyes. However, he had no clue who she was. He turned to his left. "Mercury," he said, "what happened?" "A youma, Mamo-chan," Usagi replied, wondering why he wasn't looking at her. However, she pushed it out of her mind. "I'm so glad you're all right!" she exclaimed, hugging him. He gently pushed her away. Usagi was confused. "Mamo-chan?" "Sumimasen, but I don't know you. Don't address me so informally." Usagi felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach. She barely felt Minako's hand on her shoulder. Before she could say anything, he turned to Ami again. His hand reached over to caress her face. Ami blushed furiously, but she didn't move for fear she'd frighten him. *Mamoru-san must have selective amnesia.* She thought grimly. "Ami-chan..." Usagi's voice broke through her thoughts. Ami saw the pain and sadness in her friend's eyes. She nodded. "Mamoru-san, I am not your girlfriend," she explained. Ami pointed to Usagi. "Usagi-chan is. She's your Princess." He looked back at the pig-tailed blonde. "That can't be right, I don't remember ever seeing her before." Usagi slowly stood up, eyeing Mamoru in disbelief. "Demo..." Tears streamed down her face. She smiled sadly. "I'll leave you alone for now. We'll help you to remember." "Matte, Usagi-chan!" Minako exclaimed. "Iie," Makoto said. "Give her some time alone." Ami eyed the masked man sitting next to her. "Who is that?" he asked confused. He only remember four Senshi. The girl didn't look remotely familiar. "Why does she look so sad?"