********* Naru, My Friend Part 2 By: Usa and Emiri Disclaimers in Part 1 ********* Usagi sat on a bench in the park, staring out into space. She didn't think her relationship with Naru would ever be the same again. When they were younger, Usagi, for some reason, told Naru that she would protect all the days of her life. Little did she realize that it would be a true statement. Usagi felt horrible that Naru had gone through so much pain and had no idea how to help her friend through it. "Naru-chan... gomen ne..." "Usagi-baka, what are you doing here?" Rei yelled to her from across the park. "You forgot our meeting again, didn't you!" Usagi sighed. Not only was she in a depressing mood, but she had to deal with Rei... She really didn't need this right now. When Rei came up to the bench, with Makoto and Ami, Usagi looked up. She wondered what her friends would think of her appearance. "Gomen... but I didn't forget, something important came up." "Usagi-chan, what's wrong?" Ami asked. Rei started to say something, but Ami elbowed her to be quiet. "Daijobu?" Makoto said, sitting next to her friend. "I-I got a phone call from Naru-chan." Everyone's eyes widened. "How is she, Usagi?" Ami asked. Usagi shook her head. "Not good... She..." Usagi cleared her throat. "She knows I'm Sailor Moon." "Nani yo?" Makoto nearly yelled. "How does she know?" "I-I didn't tell her. Nephrite did. He found out somehow. Naru-chan hates me..." "Why, Usagi?" Rei spoke in a gentler tone than before, knowing her friend was upset. "She thinks I should have protected him... saved him somehow. But what was I supposed to do? If I do my job as a Senshi then I'd hurt my friend but if I didn't, Nephrite could have hurt the whole world. I-I..." Usagi couldn't take anymore and began crying uncontrollably. Makoto wrapped her arms around her. "Usagi-chan..." She didn't know what to say. "He was the enemy, Usagi-chan. There was nothing we could do about that." Ami spoke rationally. "What did she say when she called you?" "Not... much..." "Well, at least she's alive," Rei said. Usagi pulled away from Makoto and glared at Rei. Standing up, she walked over to the miko. "Why did you say that like it was no big deal? Do you know how much it scares me that Naru-chan might be thinking about joining Nephrite! She's like a sister to me! Don't take her situation lightly just because it's not you or someone you're close to!" Before anyone could say a word, Usagi was gone. ******** Naru looked down at her wrist. The cut was pretty deep, but she wasn't going to die from it. She tried to slash more at it, but the skin was too tender. Her eyes were already blurry from tears, but they welled up with more. She gave up and wiped the blood off the scissors, and snuck into the bathroom to bandage her wrists. She'd be wearing long sleeves tomorrow. She could just say that she was cold. She went back to her room, and dug out her pearl earrings, the ones Usagi had always liked. She decided to give them to her tomorrow at school. Naru looked around her room. So much useles crap. None of it could bring Nephrite back. She threw her stuffed animals off her bed, and viciously slammed down pictures of her and her friends. She savagely tore down her posters of various boy idols....none of them were real. None of them loved her. She saw her favourite dress hanging in the closet. Secretly, it was the one she had hoped to wear when she got married. Tearing it off the hangar, she hacked it into bits with her scissors. Glancing up, she saw her reflection in the mirror. She was ugly, especially with a tearstained face. Her reflection seemed to jest at her. 'Maybe if you'd been stronger, you could've saved Nephrite yourself. Or you wouldn'tve got kidnapped. And if you'd been smarter, you would've figured out long ago that Usagi was Sailor Moon...' "ENOUGH!" Naru screamed, slamming her fist through the mirror. It shattered, and cut her hand in several spots. ******** Naru woke up to the sun on her face. Her mother had left her alone for the past week, and probably thought that she was going to spend today in bed as well. Naru slipped into her school uniform, choosing the long sleeve shirt even though it would be warm. She put cover-up on the scratches on her hand from the mirror, and they barely showed unless you looked hard. She went downstairs. "Ohayou." "Naru?" Her mother was shocked. "Are you feeling well enough to go to school?" Naru nodded. "Hai. I'm feeling much better today." She smiled for emphasis. "I"ll see you tonight." "Alright," her mother agreed. "Actually, I'm going to do groceries after I close the store tonight...so I'll not be home until around 9." "That's fine," Naru chirped. She kissed her mother on the cheek. "Bye, mama." Naru slipped on her shoes and headed out the door. She would have to run if she were to be on time. ************* Usagi didn't even realize she had been on time. She wouldn't have either, if Ami hadn't pointed it out. She felt like she was on autopilot since she had talked to Naru the night before. With a sigh, Usagi looked up, as if willing Naru to walk through the classroom door. Amazingly enough, she did... "Naru-chan," Usagi whispered. "Ami-chan, look who came to school today," Makoto whispered nudging the girl who was studying. Ami looked up. "Naru-san." Naru took her seat next to Usagi. "Gomen about yesterday, Usagi-chan," she said brightly. "Ohayou, minna." Haruna-sensei was surprised to see Naru back. "Welcome back, Naru-san." Ami noticed Naru's long sleeves. Most everyone was wearing short sleeves. She didn't say anything, though, for fear of upsetting Naru in some way. She knew there was something not right, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Usagi was confused. What in the world was going on? Naru was the complete opposite of the night before. In her head, Naru was processing what her mother had said. She wouldn't be home til late. That gave her plenty of time... "Ohayou, Naru-chan!" Usagi replied, finally breaking out of her thoughts. She attempted to smile, but being so confused, it failed. "Aren't you happy to see me, Usagi-chan?" Naru asked. "Of... of course I'm happy to see you, Naru-chan," Usagi said. "I-I'm just..." "Surprised to see me?" Naru nodded and smiled. "I suppose I would be too..." Ami nudged Makoto while they were talking and whispered "Don't you think it weird that she is wearing long sleeves at this time of year?" Makoto looked back at Naru. "Now that you mention it... yeah. What's going on?" "I'm not sure...but something isn't right..." Before Makoto could reply, Ms. Haruna announced the start of class. ***************** Usagi was changing her shoes when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. "Usagi-chan?" "Naru-chan?" Usagi said, turning around. "What's up?" "I have something for you..." Naru held out a box. Usagi's eyes widened. "Naru-chan." She was still confused. Why was Naru being so nice to her after last night? "Take it, Usagi-chan. I want you to have it" Usagi opened the box and gasped. "But why Naru-chan? These are your favorite pearl earrings." "I want you to have them, Usagi-chan. I know you've always liked them...I'm sorry about last night. I just...really miss Nephrite." Naru's eyes started to tear up a bit. "If it means that much to you then I'll accept them." Usagi reached over to give Naru a hug. "I'll always be there for you." Naru hugged her back. "Arigatou, Usagi-chan." "Think of me when you wear them," she said. Usagi nodded, a bit confused as to why Naru had said that. Naru looked at the clock. "I gotta go now. Bai, Usagi-chan." "Bai, Naru-chan!"