Dedication: This story is dedicated to all the fathers out there, especially mine! ^_^ ************** Usagi drew her knees up to her chest, leaning against a cherry blossom tree. The early morning sun shined brightly on her. "Luna, will you tell me more about my father? Happy stories maybe. All I keep seeing in my dreams is the day he died." Luna nodded. "Of course, Usagi-chan," she replied. "Seiji-sama loved you very much. From the day you took your first step until the day he died, he was always thinking of you. I remember a day you went missing. You were about 10 years old at the time." Luna laughed at the memory. "He had every Senshi looking for you! When he did finally find you, you were sound asleep in the gardens. He was filled with relief. He tried to yell at you, but he couldn't." Usagi closed her eyes, trying to remember it. She could see her parents frantically searching for her. "Serenity, here she is!" Seiji exclaimed. He knelt next to his little girl. She was sleeping so peacefully, her gold hair surrounding her like a halo. The Princess woke up and smiled at him. "Ohayou, Papa," she said. "I had a good dream..." Usagi was awakened by her communicator. "Hai?" "Usagi, where are you?" Rei exclaimed. She glanced at Luna. Did they have a Senshi meeting? "I am-- was just talking with Luna." "You promised you would help me at the Shrine to get ready for the Cherry Blossom Festival!" "Ah! Gomen ne, Rei-chan! I'll be right there!" "Forget it, Usagi. We're already finished." "Matte," she cried, but Rei had already disconnected. "Kuso! Now Rei-chan's made at me." "Don't worry so much about it, Usagi-chan. She cool off in a few hours." "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Usagi and Luna looked up to see a youma attacking people and gathering energy. "Luna, call everyone, I'll hold it off!" Luna nodded. "Be careful, Usagi-chan." "Moon Crystal Power... Make Up!" Usagi felt the Ginzuishou's power fill her as she transformed into Sailor Moon. She immediately rushed after the youma. The youma swerved all through the park, knocking over innocent bystanders. Usagi had a enough of this and rushed the youma before it had a chance to react. She decided forgoing her speech would give an element of surprise. Not only to the youma, but her as well. Pain was emminating from her left shoulder. *Baka yo!* she thought to herself. Sailor Moon was about to call for the Moon Stick when she felt someone grab her by the neck from behind. She was confused because the youma was still standing in front of her. Whoever (or whatever) was behind her was too strong for her as she attempted to struggle out of his grasp. He squeezed her neck tightly and her vision started to grey. "Let go of her!" someone exclaimed. He loosened his grip on her. "If you come any closer," the man said, "I will snap her little neck." Sailor Moon recognized the voice immediately. It was Mamoru! Before she knew it, though, she was on the ground. "Usagi-chan, daijobu?" Venus asked, helping her up. "Hai," she replied horsely. She looked around. "Where's Mamoru-san?" "He's gone. However, the youma still needs to be taken care of." She helped Sailor Moon up. "Do you think you can handle it?" The Senshi nodded, the Moon Stick in her hands. "Moon Healing, Escalation!" She sighed in relief as the youma turned back into a human. "Daijobou?" Jupiter asked in concern. "I'm fine. Just a little tired." "That's to be expected," Mercury said. "Let's get you home so you can rest." "I can't rest! Papa is taking me to the amusement park tonight. It's going to be just me and him. I can't cancel on him." Mars smiled and put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "It'll be all right, Usagi. Take a short nap and I'm sure you'll be ready for some fun!" Rei had decided that she should respect the fact that Usagi was the Princess, and as much as it hurt, Mamoru was the Prince. She was going to help her friend save him. Usagi was always there for Rei and she would be there for Usagi. "Un! I can't wait!" ************ "Usagi, are you ready to go!" "Haaaaiii!" Usagi called, rushing down the stairs. Shingo pouted and crossed his arms. "Why can't I go, Papa?" he asked. "Because," Usagi replied. "We're going to have some father/daughter time. Come on, Papa!" Kenji laughed as Usagi pulled him toward the door. "Have fun," Ikuko said with a wave. "Mama!" "Shingo, please. Those two haven't gone anywhere together in a few years," she explained. "Besides, I'm going shopping and I could use some company." Shingo glared at his mother. "Um, that's okay, I'll just finish up my homework," he said, running upstairs. Meanwhile, Usagi and Kenji were on their way to the amusement park. He noticed that she had become exceedingly quiet. "Usagi, is something wrong?" Usagi was lost in thought so she didn't hear Kenji saying anything. For some reason she felt like she was betraying her father from the Moon Kingdom. But why did she feel this way? *Iie, he wouldn't think I was betraying him. He would tell me that he loves me no matter what!* She felt someone shaking her shoulder, her sore one at that. "Itai!" "Usagi, what happened?" Kenji asked, concern in his eyes. Usagi noticed that the car was pulled onto the side of the rode. "I-I fell, that's all. You know how clumsy I am." "That's not what I was asking about, Tenshi. You spaced out for a good five minutes. I got worried." "I'm all right, Papa!" she said with a smile. He placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'm glad. Now, how about we get that shoulder looked over by a doctor and then head over tot he park?" Usagi poofed her cheeks. She hated doctors, but her Papa was right. "Then what are we waiting for! The sooner we get to the doctor, the sooner we can have some fun." Kenji nodded and started the car back up. He glanced over at Usagi again, who was still looking at him. "Do I have something on my face?" he asked. She shook her head. "I love you, Papa." "I love you too, Tenshi." Usagi sat back in her seat smiling. *I love you too, Seiji-sama... otou-sama.*